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Modern Life Is Rubbish

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47 minutes ago, Chekhov said:



I purposely excluded "online" bullying. That is obviously far worse than it was in the 70s and 80s because such a thing did not even exist.

One of the many reasons I wish I was bringing up my child 30 or 40 years ago and not in this mad modern world.

Each generation has its own issues to deal with particularly with regard to their children and parenting.

My teenage years were the 60s.

Great for me,less understood by my parents when I finished up at all night parties.A lot mor innocent in my case than my parents feared.

Every 10 years a new threat becomes an issue.

Drugs,knife crime, single parenting,social platforms,influencers (ha,ha) and various changes to what we considered as norms in our own days

Pandoras Box is always open and caring parents always have a difficult line to tread.

I consider myself blessed with the parents that I had.




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Just got back to Canada from my semi-decadal trip to the old sod, to see my remaining family and friends.


Then soon back home to DR.


Quite enlightening to see the changes to Sheffield.


I can see why some people are complaining about the state of things over there.

Stayed at a totally disfuncional hotel"Mercure" run by a computer somewhere in Europe, and staffed by incompetent recent language challenged immigrants and students, (cheap labour) all basically trying to be helpful, but the system is failing them, so they are constantly apologizing.


No de facto manager on site to explain why the rooms were unheated or half the rooms had no hot water. "We are looking into it!


So don't be spending good money on an airport, I can't imagine it being used except to get away from it all for a couple of weeks. :)


Most depressing was the United game where we lost 8-0 and the police had hundreds of personnel blocking of the 4 main streets in a show of force worthy of any banana republic. This for what used to be a family outing day for sports fans.


Odd that bouncer Jason at the Cricketers was barring ALL Newcastle fans from coming in for a pint before the game.


In a civilized country you can't bar people from a public place for religious or sexual orientation reasons, but your affinity for a particular football team in England, can get you banned with impunity. Animals, or what?


Then the long walk up to London Road (old Locarno area to get a taxi past all those closed, boarded up and vandalised shops, in search of a "black" taxi, which they told us you could hail from the street, or was it the other way around?


Asking friends about this got the same response, "We never go down there, we think Sheffield stops at the bottom of Ecclesall Road. :)


A few pleasant highlights, the real english breakfasts, fish and chips, and a pleasant pint of Stewenses in the Norfolk Arms with Cuttsie, where nothing has changed, even the furniture, in 50 years, thank god!

Edited by trastrick
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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

Latest thing they are lining up to restrict (sorry regulate - sounds better, to authoritarians anyway) :

Coroner calls for tighter regulation on cold water therapy industry


Just getting a cold dip is now too dangerous for our pathetic society.


   The opening post of thread was by you was:

"There is a hell of a lot to whinge about in the modern world, and its getting worse all the time. Latest load of absolute ballcox."

Today's whinge is supplied third hand with added exaggeration.

Who is 'they'?

How many coroners were there?


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4 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

   The opening post of thread was by you was:

"There is a hell of a lot to whinge about in the modern world, and its getting worse all the time. Latest load of absolute ballcox."

Today's whinge is supplied third hand with added exaggeration.

Who is 'they'?

How many coroners were there?

I am genuinely pleased you seem to think this would be a step too far.

I bet @Prettytom would be all for it.


5 hours ago, RJRB said:

But 99.99% of the population let oddments such as these go in one ear and out of the other rather than seeing them as indicative of anything of concern

It's defn of concern RJ because it is indicative of modern society's attitude to risk v personal freedom.

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On 09/01/2023 at 09:54, Chekhov said:

Here's an amusing anecdote for those who think that videoing swim galas puts kids at risk if someone is after them (or the parent).

My lad was in a gala at PF at the w/e. My main interest was obviously in my lad's swimming but after him I was particularly interested in his friend at the club. I like him, he's nice to my lad and any parent likes anyone who is nice to their kid(s), that's how it works....

Anyway, this friend was in one race and I was following him and cheering him on but I didn't think he swam particularly well really. It was only when they finished I realised I had actually been looking at the wrong swimmer !

Such is the difficulty of recognising a child in a swim cap and goggles..... And I was actually there remember, not possibly watching some low res video on the internet !

This is a great anecdote, but also proves banning cameras at swimming events "in case someone recognises the swimmer [and some unspecified benign outcome results]" is utter cobblers.

I was chatting to one of the other parents at my lad's club session tonight and she recounted the time she managed to video one of her daughters swimming a  gala. She got home and proudly set it going only for her daughter to point out she'd videoed the wrong swimmer !

To people who don't know that's actually an easier mistake to make than you might imagine (see my anecdote above......), and she took it in good humour. But, more positively, it proves CONCLUSIVELY that the chances of anyone recognising an unknown swimmer off a video is as close to zero as it's possible to be without being, err, zero.

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