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Modern Life Is Rubbish

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8 hours ago, Rockers rule said:

Come on Chekoff.

Modern life is NOT RUBBISH.

It's what you make of it - simple as.

Time to stop beating a dead horse & get back on subject.

(novel idea for SF, but you never know it might catch on :banana:)

(Shouldn't the intricacies of household wiring regulation be in the 'Property' section of this Forum ? ? ? ?)

Get back on subject.

You are implying I am the only one who thinks modern life is rubbish, or even just less good than say the 1980s,

Pretty much everyone I know who lived through the 1980s thinks the 1980s were a better time to live.

Most significantly for Sibon most parents I know, who grew up in the 1980s, all say they'd rather their kids were growing up in that decade, I certainly would.

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Guest makapaka
41 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

You are implying I am the only one who thinks modern life is rubbish, or even just less good than say the 1980s,

Pretty much everyone I know who lived through the 1980s thinks the 1980s were a better time to live.

Most significantly for Sibon most parents I know, who grew up in the 1980s, all say they'd rather their kids were growing up in that decade, I certainly would

I agree with you - modern life is rubbish - and it’s getting worse for a variety of reasons all which are pretty much irreversible.



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Guest sibon
1 hour ago, Chekhov said:



As I have said I think a more plausible question would be ….<blah, blah, repeat, dissemble, blah>

How many?


What is the price of a photo of mini Justin coming third in the egg and spoon?



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Guest sibon
1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

Your original post does not contradict me at all, quite plainly you do NOT think it important parents and grandparents get a chance to photograph their kids at school.

Do you think that you could possibly stop telling me what I think?


Or, at least what you (incorrectly) think I think.


Much appreciated.

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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

You are implying I am the only one who thinks modern life is rubbish, or even just less good than say the 1980s,

Pretty much everyone I know who lived through the 1980s thinks the 1980s were a better time to live.

Most significantly for Sibon most parents I know, who grew up in the 1980s, all say they'd rather their kids were growing up in that decade, I certainly would.

Iv'e implied nothing, but i'm glad I'm not the only one you accuse by implying something they haven't said  (or implied 😏)  

 I believe modern life is what it is & we have to roll with it.

Were the 70's or 80's any better? (power cuts, raise in the price in fuel, Riots etc, etc, etc, etc)

First (and only) mortgage was £40 a month but  the wages per wk were something like £28.

Technology and education kids (grandkids) have never had it so good.  

I can look through Rose coloured specs as good as anyone, 


The problem I have,

the whole thread from post 1 was misleading.

'Modern life is rubbish' sounds as if it should be about how fuel prices, poverty, food prices etc are effecting everybody's day to day existence, you know the things that could relate to 'Modern life being  rubbish'.


Stuff that! that'd be too easy, we'll have rant's on  photo's taken at school and pages about Electrical testing of rented property's.


Have the decency to Keep on subject .


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3 hours ago, Chekhov said:

You are implying I am the only one who thinks modern life is rubbish, or even just less good than say the 1980s,

Pretty much everyone I know who lived through the 1980s thinks the 1980s were a better time to live.

Most significantly for Sibon most parents I know, who grew up in the 1980s, all say they'd rather their kids were growing up in that decade, I certainly would.

Amazing how you can produce acquaintances as required to support your views.

Virtually everyone alive today has grown up in post war Britain.

Most look back to their childhood and teens and twenties as the best times of their lives.Few responsibilities and a world to explore.

We look back fondly and wish the same for our kids.

Meanwhile our kids and grandchildren are enjoying themselves in their own ways but for the same reasons.

The world keeps turning and there has never been a perfect age for everybody.

Its a perpetual illusion.

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13 hours ago, sibon said:

How many?

What is the price of a photo of mini Justin coming third in the egg and spoon?

Do you realise you are being rather unpleasant ? And are you sure you are a teacher ? It's just you do not come across as someone who likes kids (or indeed people). and they do not have egg and spoon races at school anymore. I'd have thought as a teacher you would know that.....


Three points :


1 - Can you give me a plausible scenario where any child would get abused as a result of their photo being on the internet ? I cannot think of any that are within the realms of reason.

If banning millions of parents from taking pictures of their kids at school events achieves anything it may be avoiding a very very small number of estranged partners finding one another, so, more realistically  the question you should be asking me is how many of these couples could we risk finding each other ? But you will not ask that question because you know you wouldn't be pulling at the heart strings in the same way.


2 - Why are you talking like I am the only parent or grandparent who wants to take pics of their kids at school events ?



3 - I have asked you a much simpler question which only requires a simple answer, one or the other, but you still haven't answered :

What is more serious, and deserving of more police time and a more serious punishment, being slapped on the arse, or punched in the face ?

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9 minutes ago, Chekhov said:



1 - Can you give me a plausible scenario where any child would get abused as a result of their photo being on the internet ? I cannot think of any that are within the realms of reason.

You have literally had this explained to you. Numerous times.

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Guest sibon
4 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

You have literally had this explained to you. Numerous times.

I have no other words with which to explain it to him. That’s why I’ve stopped trying.

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1 minute ago, sibon said:

I have no other words with which to explain it to him. That’s why I’ve stopped trying.

If Chekhov was able to think about a world outside of his own immediate concerns perhaps there would be fewer posts and his lot would not seem so rubbish.

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