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Modern Life Is Rubbish

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Guest sibon
2 hours ago, Chekhov said:

Sheeple is an excellent term to describe more and more people who don't think for themselves.

"If we are told we need to do xxxxx 'to keep us safe' it must be necessary, so let's just do it"

If I was thinking for myself, I’d be thinking of a better word than “sheeple”.  Maybe a word that hadn’t become desperately overused by people with no imagination.

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2 hours ago, Chekhov said:

Sheeple is an excellent term to describe more and more people who don't think for themselves.

"If we are told we need to do xxxxx 'to keep us safe' it must be necessary, so let's just do it"

Your problem is that you fail to think sufficiently to recognise the need for rules ,laws and guidance in society.

This is frequently to favour the more vulnerable due to age or intelligence etc.and consequently may apply to a minority.

The so called sheeple(which is a hackneyed phrase) are those who understand the necessity of certain inconveniences for the good of others and not to take everything as an attack on your freedoms.

It provides a source of amusement on a forum but if that is how you carry on in person my sympathy is with those who must inevitably come into contact with you like teachers,swimming pool attendants or anyone doing the job required of them.

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On the subject of banning  opening windows on trains this post on a different forum sheds light on it, and it's even worse than I thought it was :


In case we have forgotten, the two prominent passenger fatalities at windows of recent years (Streatham and Bath) were BOTH caused by Network Rail's inability to maintain the proper structure gauge defined for trains, long term at both locations, which allowed structures to encroach on the long-agreed clearance. I suppose it was to avoid the embarrassment of this coming out that there was a great diversionary tactic to try and stick this on the passenger/TOC [Train Operating Companies]. To allow trees to grow so close to the loading gauge (at Bath) that carriages were constantly scraped by them is just incompetent. So was the reballasting (at Streatham) which changed the alignment and put the signal bracket foul of the loading gauge, which nobody noticed either at the time or subsequently. The much vaunted and significantly expensive Network Measurement Train is apparently quite incapable of measuring whether anything is impinging on the structure gauge.


On the roads about 20,000 people will have died so two deaths in 10 years odd ? It's a massive over reaction and total and absolute BS.

Yes, modern life really is rubbish :



Edited by Chekhov
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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

On the subject of banning  opening windows on trains this post on a different forum sheds light on it, and it's even worse than I thought it was :


In case we have forgotten, the two prominent passenger fatalities at windows of recent years (Streatham and Bath) were BOTH caused by Network Rail's inability to maintain the proper structure gauge defined for trains, long term at both locations, which allowed structures to encroach on the long-agreed clearance. I suppose it was to avoid the embarrassment of this coming out that there was a great diversionary tactic to try and stick this on the passenger/TOC [Train Operating Companies]. To allow trees to grow so close to the loading gauge (at Bath) that carriages were constantly scraped by them is just incompetent. So was the reballasting (at Streatham) which changed the alignment and put the signal bracket foul of the loading gauge, which nobody noticed either at the time or subsequently. The much vaunted and significantly expensive Network Measurement Train is apparently quite incapable of measuring whether anything is impinging on the structure gauge.


On the roads about 20,000 people will have died so two deaths in 10 years odd ? It's a massive over reaction and total and absolute BS.

Yes, modern life really is rubbish :



Honestly, your life must be great where all you have to worry about is bloody train windows 

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13 hours ago, Delayed said:

Honestly, your life must be great where all you have to worry about is bloody train windows 

He doesn't need to.


There's a whole army of bureacrats in a government ministry, that does that for him. All good law abiding citizens obey the rules and regulation.


Now if they put all that power to use in penalising scofflaws and criminals and keeping them off the streets?


Just imagine!  :)


Much easier to  regulate the correct use of paper bags, (and train windows)


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Guest sibon

I think they should put holes in the bottom of the train carriages. Then I could stick my feet out whenever I wanted to.


I object strongly to the nanny state preventing me from airing my feet.

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6 hours ago, trastrick said:

He doesn't need to.


There's a whole army of bureacrats in a government ministry, that does that for him. All good law abiding citizens obey the rules and regulation.


Now if they put all that power to use in penalising scofflaws and criminals and keeping them off the streets?


Just imagine!  :)


Much easier to  regulate the correct use of paper bags, (and train windows)


There may well be "...a a whole army of bureacrats(sic)in a government ministry..." in your country but in this country we have qualified, experienced practicing Engineers who decided decades/century ago that having trains with windows which opened far enough to stick your head was a bad idea- for several reasons one of which was safety. As soon as the technology became available they design/engineered out the problem so that there are now none left- all done without a bureaucrat in sight.

Unfortunately your rush to politically support your confederate is wasted as there is no window ban on coaches running on heritage lines, just on heritage coaches running on our125mph mainline railway.

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7 hours ago, sibon said:

I think they should put holes in the bottom of the train carriages. Then I could stick my feet out whenever I wanted to.


I object strongly to the nanny state preventing me from airing my feet.

After reading the first sentence , I was worried where you were going  😁

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14 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

There may well be "...a a whole army of bureacrats(sic)in a government ministry..." in your country but in this country we have qualified, experienced practicing Engineers who decided decades/century ago that having trains with windows which opened far enough to stick your head was a bad idea- for several reasons one of which was safety. As soon as the technology became available they design/engineered out the problem so that there are now none left- all done without a bureaucrat in sight.

Unfortunately your rush to politically support your confederate is wasted as there is no window ban on coaches running on heritage lines, just on heritage coaches running on our125mph mainline railway.

I hope exceptions be made for Engineers and train staff, who may have to pop their head out of the train in an emergency?


Or would you consider that to be just "meaningless" common sense?  :)


Edited by trastrick
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6 minutes ago, trastrick said:

I hope exceptions be made for Engineers and train staff, who may have to pop their head out of the train in an emergency?


Or would you consider that to be just "meaningless" common sense?  :)


What sort of emergency might that be?

I am struggling to come up with a scenario that demands that windows must open whilst a train is in motion.

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