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11 hours ago, sibon said:

It never was a breach of the data protection act.

The school still gets to set its own rules though. They will do this for good reason. Only a selfish and shortsighted person would break those rules. They are there to protect kids. Remember, adults are supposed to protect kids. 

I would very much dispute if it's for a good reason, in fact nobody, including yourself, has come up with a good reason yet. You just say "child protection" like that means literally anything is acceptable no matter how disproportionate. It isn't.


This has got nothing to do with reasonable child protection issues. let me quote the Guardian article :


The spread of photo bans is not really a response to child abusers stalking school sports days. Instead, it reflects the contamination of everyday adult-child relations – and the new assumption, as the children's author Philip Pullman put it, that "the default position of one human being to another is predatory rather than kindness". Any adult looking through the viewfinder at a child is viewed as potentially sinister and in need of regulation.





Adults are to protect kids, but that does't mean bringing them up in cotton wool, nor does it mean bringing them up to fear the world. If it were me I'd get rid of those high fences and intercom entry systems round schools, its like more a soddin' prison than a  school and it sends out all the wrong messages to kids. We never had any of that crap when I was at school and no child ever got abducted from my school.

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11 hours ago, RJRB said:

Feel free to clarify.

You referred to “your lads class swimming lesson which I interpreted as a school swimming session.

For this I would not expect any parent involvement.

If it was an out of school hours swimming lessons,as far as I was aware parents can accompany their kids.

In out of school hours swimming lessons parents can only view their kids having a lesson if that's what you mean by "accompany". 

Why is it any different in a school swimming lesson, which, BTW, takes place at the same pool.

No, it's just reactionary over cautious BS, another example of what the Guardian article (quoted above) was referring to.

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17 hours ago, sibon said:

Absolutely so Nikki.

The big risk isn't the photo, or the innocent proud parent, it is others with less pleasant motives. Unfortunately, there are a lot of those sort of people about.

What definition of "a lot" are you using ?

How many are about, and I mean exactly ?

Just like the government did with Covid and are trying to do with Climate change you are exaggerating to stoke unnecessary fear.

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Guest sibon
24 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I would very much dispute if it's for a good reason, in fact nobody, including yourself, has come up with a good reason

There are many good reasons that have been explained to you on this thread. 


You might like to read what other people write, instead of just boring us all with your repetitious prejudices 


And, by the way, child protection is a thing that I know plenty about. I'm taking no lectures from you about it.

1 minute ago, Chekhov said:

What definition of "a lot" are you using ?

How many are about, and I mean exactly ?

Just like the government did with Covid and are trying to do with Climate change you are exaggerating to stoke unnecessary fear.

How many kids are you prepared to endanger in order to be able to take pictures of a school play. Is one acceptable?  Or ten? Or a hundred?


Make no mistake, kids get tracked down and abused via innocent photos on social media. How many are you willing to tolerate to facilitate your "freedom"?

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17 hours ago, sibon said:

The schools should know the kids who need keeping out of photos though. So they could take appropriate pictures and publish them. Then the parents could use those pictures.

Funnily enough some of the other parents came up with this explanation but their answer was those kids could absent themselves from the performance, or wear fancy dress with a mask so are not recognisable, or hang about at the back etc etc.


TBH I think the whole risk  (that a child could be identified by some one looking for the mother etc) is exaggerated anyway, 

I'd be surprised if allowing photos of any school event resulting in anything significant occurring would be 1 in a million :


First there would have to be someone that was so desperate to find someone they trawled through online pictures, I doubt there are many of them around.


Second, if someone was that desperate to find someone I'm pretty sure they'd find them anyway and what we are bothered about here is someone finding a particular child who would not have done so had that photo not been taken.


Third, someone would have to take a close up enough view of that particular child for them to be identifiable.


Fourth, that particular photo would have to be uploaded to the internet.


Fifth, the feared father would have to actually find that photo. People bang on about stuff being on the internet like it'll be found by everyone, I have a website and I know a fair bit about SEO, basically there is so much on the internet that making oneself visible on there isn't actually that easy to do..... Unless he knows that child was at a particular school what is the chances he would find it ? And if he did know the child was at a particular school what is the point of all this anyway ?


Multiply all those up and you soon get to a very big number.



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Guest sibon
6 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Funnily enough some of the other parents came up with this explanation but their answer was those kids could absent themselves from the performance, or wear fancy dress with a mask so are not recognisable, or hang about at the back etc etc.





Great plan. Exclude the vulnerable kids so that you can put mini Justin onto Facebook. Have another read at the bit I've quoted and make a resolution to think before you post again.


The rest of your rant is frankly beneath contempt. 


Did you arrive at an acceptable number of abused kids?

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14 minutes ago, sibon said:

There are many good reasons that have been explained to you on this thread. 

You might like to read what other people write, instead of just boring us all with your repetitious prejudices 

And, by the way, child protection is a thing that I know plenty about. I'm taking no lectures from you about it.

How many kids are you prepared to endanger in order to be able to take pictures of a school play. Is one acceptable?  Or ten? Or a hundred?

Make no mistake, kids get tracked down and abused via innocent photos on social media. How many are you willing to tolerate to facilitate your "freedom"?

Again, you are saying "child protection" means anything is acceptable no matter how small the risk. I say you are being disproportionate.

I have estimated roughly what I think the odds are of anything untoward happening because of photos being taken, but what is your estimate of the odds ? I suspect you will not answer because, just like in the pandemic, odds and figures are nor relevant to you. I have news for you, estimates of risk probability are essential for any decision about anything.

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9 minutes ago, sibon said:

Great plan. Exclude the vulnerable kids so that you can put mini Justin onto Facebook. Have another read at the bit I've quoted and make a resolution to think before you post again.

Stop virtue signalling, just like Mike Buckley (a question you still have not answered) you are trying to emphasise what a saint you are because you will support any edict no matter how disproportionate and draconian if it might save someone's life.

Do you drive ? You shouldn't if you want to help avoid the possibility of a death, particularly a child's death, in fact you should campaign to ban cars,


And I'm not on 'Effin Facebook, do you not actually read these posts ?


9 minutes ago, sibon said:

The rest of your rant is frankly beneath contempt. 

I think your willingness to force draconian disproportionate rules and restrictions upon people, and you have past form on this (see Covid thread), is beneath contempt.

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19 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Funnily enough some of the other parents came up with this explanation but their answer was those kids could absent themselves from the performance, or wear fancy dress with a mask so are not recognisable, or hang about at the back etc etc.


TBH I think the whole risk  (that a child could be identified by some one looking for the mother etc) is exaggerated anyway, 

I'd be surprised if allowing photos of any school event resulting in anything significant occurring would be 1 in a million :


First there would have to be someone that was so desperate to find someone they trawled through online pictures, I doubt there are many of them around.


Second, if someone was that desperate to find someone I'm pretty sure they'd find them anyway and what we are bothered about here is someone finding a particular child who would not have done so had that photo not been taken.


Third, someone would have to take a close up enough view of that particular child for them to be identifiable.


Fourth, that particular photo would have to be uploaded to the internet.


Fifth, the feared father would have to actually find that photo. People bang on about stuff being on the internet like it'll be found by everyone, I have a website and I know a fair bit about SEO, basically there is so much on the internet that making oneself visible on there isn't actually that easy to do..... Unless he knows that child was at a particular school what is the chances he would find it ? And if he did know the child was at a particular school what is the point of all this anyway ?


Multiply all those up and you soon get to a very big number.



They could do all those things you mention in your first paragraph in their own play, but why should they?

Just so you, a nobody can film it.

You really are a selfish, gammony waste of oxygen

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