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9 hours ago, Delayed said:

I know you think you are being clever but I am highlighting that no one on this forum is agreeing with him. So it's an observation.


Swing and a miss

1 - You are wrong anyway.


but, more importantly, far more importantly, 


2 - How many on here have kids who are competitive swimmers ?


Because, TBH, those who haven't got a child who is a competitive swimmer are  in no position to tell those who have how to live their lives.

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5 hours ago, Chekhov said:

1 - You are wrong anyway.


but, more importantly, far more importantly, 


2 - How many on here have kids who are competitive swimmers ?


Because, TBH, those who haven't got a child who is a competitive swimmer are  in no position to tell those who have how to live their lives.

Have you ever run a public swimming venue?  Have you had to organise a sports event involving vulnerable minors?  Have you been trained in the legalities and responsibilities involved in Safeguarding?




Well then you are in no position to be telling those who have, how they run their venues, what rules they can set and enforce.


Now if you want to continue in your weird obsession about the right to be photographing and filming other people's children in their swimwear without consent - that's your business.   But you are not doing it there, nor you will find many other venues. Get over it. 

Edited by ECCOnoob
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12 hours ago, nikki-red said:

HHR simply asked for a link, and I provided one.

Please don’t flatter yourself thinking that I’m remotely bothered about ‘having a go at you’.

You and your views couldn’t be less significant to me.

what do you think of these terms ? :


middle aged heffers

middle aged strumpets



Well, I appear to be guilty of stereotyping, I admit it.
I thought "Ms Nikki Red" was a probably a left of centre, feminist type who thought being "kind and caring" was really important.
However, her deafening silence on the above question (and the fact she gave this post* an up vote) shows how it is a bad idea to stereotype anyone. 
Which, ironically, is really quite refreshing.


* "I hope you get covid"

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4 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

what do you think of these terms ? :


middle aged heffers

middle aged strumpets



Well, I appear to be guilty of stereotyping, I admit it.
I thought "Ms Nikki Red" was a probably a left of centre, feminist type who thought being "kind and caring" was really important.
However, her deafening silence on the above question (and the fact she gave this post* an up vote) shows how it is a bad idea to stereotype anyone. 
Which, ironically, is really quite refreshing.


* "I hope you get covid"

I see that you are back to telling people what you think they think.


It is rude. It is a bad habit. And it is intellectually shallow.

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1 hour ago, ECCOnoob said:

Have you ever run a public swimming venue?  Have you had to organise a sports event involving vulnerable minors?  Have you been trained in the legalities and responsibilities involved in Safeguarding?


Well then you are in your position to be telling those who have, how they run their venues, what rules they can set and enforce.

Now if you want to continue in your weird obsession about the right to be photographing and filming other people's children in their swimwear without consent - that's your business.   But you are not doing it there, nor you will find many other venues. Get over it. 

You (and those up voting your post) are showing your ignorance there.

If the pool hall is hired it is effectively a private event and therefore the venues rules about photography (or anything else in a public session) do not apply.

As an example, when we have had pool parties at SIV venues, those bastions of bureaucracy, there was no attempt to stop us taking pics. Nor, incidentally, was there when we videoed our our lad winning the Water babies cup at galas at Ponds Forge in 2016 and 2017, some of our most treasured videos actually. You imply you'd have been happier if we didn't have them, so thanks for that.


>>to be telling those<<


You are being disingenuous here as I am not telling anyone to do anything, quite the reverse


>> the right to be photographing and filming other people's children in their swimwear without consent<<

I don't think you have actually read this thread have you ?

At the moment this is about swimming galas.


>>weird obsession<<


What is really worrying for me is that so many people these days just accept these rules, which did not even exist a relatively short time ago, and, in fact, think people who disagree with this irrational paranoia, are the weird ones. I dread to think what this world will be like in say 50 years time (e.g. anyone swimming at a public pool must have a CRB check ? ), fortunately I'll be dead by then.

Edited by Chekhov
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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

If the pool hall is hired it is effectively a private event and therefore the venues rules about photography (or anything else in a public session) do not apply.

If that's true, and all the others in your club agree with you about filming as you say, then where's the problem? 

Edited by Tyke02
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