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Modern Life Is Rubbish

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2 hours ago, sibon said:

I see that you are back to telling people what you think they think.

It is rude. It is a bad habit. And it is intellectually shallow.

On the contrary, if I was wrong, and "Ms Nikki Red" is not the stereotype left of centre feminist who thinks being kind and thoughtful is the ultimate goal of humanity, I have no problem with that at all.
In fact, as I said, it's quite refreshing.

PS are you actually reading what I am writing (because you do not appear to be with your answers) ?

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1 hour ago, Tyke02 said:

If that's true, and all the others in your club agree with you about filming as you say, then where's the problem? 

I can assure you this is correct, I have not made it up :


As an example, when we have had pool parties at SIV venues, those bastions of bureaucracy, there was no attempt to stop us taking pics. Nor, incidentally, was there when we videoed our our lad winning the Water babies cup at galas at Ponds Forge in 2016 and 2017, some of our most treasured videos actually. You imply you'd have been happier if we didn't have them, so thanks for that.


It is, of course, possible that things might have got worse since then, because, as I keep reminding people, the historical trend is for more regulations and restrictions on our lives "to keep us safe", though, apparently, many on here think I am wrong in my theory.

Sadly, the impression I am getting is there are many on here who would say things might have got betterso the obvious question is how far do these people think the rules should go as regards swimming pools go "to keep us safe". How about CRB checks for all people wanting to swimming pools ? Theoretically that might save someone from something at some time in the future.


As regards the parents challenging the rules, in my experience most people do not want to put their heads above the parapet.



Edited by Chekhov
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Its a fine line between safeguarding children and making it extremely difficult or even suspect for adults to become involved in providing help to kids.

Regrettably some predatory characters are drawn into those areas where they have access and influence.

The danger is that those with a genuine wish to be involved with kids ,whether it be  through education,sports,church ,and other activities have to be constantly on their guard.

I have no doubt that most adults have a genuine concern for the well being of their own and others children.

I don’t know the answer but perhaps the vigilance of others as stated in the report and an appropriate response is the most important single issue.

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7 hours ago, Chekhov said:



What is really worrying for me is that so many people these days just accept these rules, which did not even exist a relatively short time ago, and, in fact, think people who disagree with this irrational paranoia, are the weird ones. I dread to think what this world will be like in say 50 years time (e.g. anyone swimming at a public pool must have a CRB check ? ), fortunately I'll be dead by then.

Yes it really is worrying. People following rules and guidance.


Whatever next.....people following the Rule of Law?

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12 hours ago, Chekhov said:

what do you think of these terms ? :


middle aged heffers

middle aged strumpets



Well, I appear to be guilty of stereotyping, I admit it.
I thought "Ms Nikki Red" was a probably a left of centre, feminist type who thought being "kind and caring" was really important.
However, her deafening silence on the above question (and the fact she gave this post* an up vote) shows how it is a bad idea to stereotype anyone. 
Which, ironically, is really quite refreshing.


* "I hope you get covid"

1 - I’m not called ‘Ms Nikki Red’

2 - Please don’t assume who I am and what I think.

3 - I don’t spend my entire life on the forum

4 - You and your questions are tedious, repetitive  and boring

5 -  There’s absolutely no point saying anything to you because you’re so blinkered and small minded that it doesn’t matter what anyone says.

Edited by nikki-red
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1 minute ago, nikki-red said:

1 - I’m not called ‘Ms Nikki Red’

2 - I don’t spend my entire life on the forum

3 - You and your questions are tedious, repetitive  and boring

4 - There’s absolutely no point saying anything to you because you’re so blinkered and small minded that it doesn’t matter what anyone says.

Boom  :thumbsup:

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Can parents take photos at sports day?
Firstly, photographs taken for personal use are not covered by data protection legislation – so family shots of children at sports day or in the school play are OK.16 Mar 2020
🤔 If it's ok for sports days why not swimming!
Edited by cressida
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18 minutes ago, cressida said:
Can parents take photos at sports day?
Firstly, photographs taken for personal use are not covered by data protection legislation – so family shots of children at sports day or in the school play are OK.16 Mar 2020
🤔 If it's ok for sports days why not swimming!

Do kids normally do sports day in swimming costumes?

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Just come back from Madeira, lovely, but I was rather concerned at all the parents taking pictures of their kids on the beaches and hotel pools. After all, it might upset some paranoid loonies and that would never do. Who gives a toss if the parents want pics for their poxy albums, sod them. So how can we stop that flagrant photography ?

We ban cameras from beaches ?
But the serried ranks of Paedos would surely just assemble in the surrounding cliffs with their telephoto lenses, so that's not the answer is it ?
How about we have an exclusion zone, no cameras allowed for one mile around all beaches ?
The problem there is that literally dozens of policemen would be required inland from every beach.
So, how about an outright ban on all cameras, in the "developed" world at any rate ? But that would have to include all smartphones, so maybe a little unrealistic ?
OK, all camera owners must be CRB checked every year ?
Might be a goer ?
But would that catch them all (not sure exactly who them are but you know what I mean) ?
After all, you can't be too careful can you ?
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