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3 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Just come back from Madeira, lovely, but I was rather concerned at all the parents taking pictures of their kids on the beaches and hotel pools. After all, it might upset some paranoid loonies and that would never do. Who gives a toss if the parents want pics for their poxy albums, sod them. So how can we stop that flagrant photography ?

We ban cameras from beaches ?
But the serried ranks of Paedos would surely just assemble in the surrounding cliffs with their telephoto lenses, so that's not the answer is it ?
How about we have an exclusion zone, no cameras allowed for one mile around all beaches ?
The problem there is that literally dozens of policemen would be required inland from every beach.
So, how about an outright ban on all cameras, in the "developed" world at any rate ? But that would have to include all smartphones, so maybe a little unrealistic ?
OK, all camera owners must be CRB checked every year ?
Might be a goer ?
But would that catch them all (not sure exactly who them are but you know what I mean) ?
After all, you can't be too careful can you ?

I would like to welcome you back  but            I won't 

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9 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Just come back from Madeira, lovely, but I was rather concerned at all the parents taking pictures of their kids on the beaches and hotel pools. After all, it might upset some paranoid loonies and that would never do. Who gives a toss if the parents want pics for their poxy albums, sod them. So how can we stop that flagrant photography ?

We ban cameras from beaches ?
But the serried ranks of Paedos would surely just assemble in the surrounding cliffs with their telephoto lenses, so that's not the answer is it ?
How about we have an exclusion zone, no cameras allowed for one mile around all beaches ?
The problem there is that literally dozens of policemen would be required inland from every beach.
So, how about an outright ban on all cameras, in the "developed" world at any rate ? But that would have to include all smartphones, so maybe a little unrealistic ?
OK, all camera owners must be CRB checked every year ?
Might be a goer ?
But would that catch them all (not sure exactly who them are but you know what I mean) ?
After all, you can't be too careful can you ?

Bore off you sad man

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On 20/10/2022 at 22:12, nikki-red said:

2 - Please don’t assume who I am and what I think.

Do you actually ever read any of the posts you reply to ? Judging from your answers you do not. Perfect example is that I have already said you are not the person I thought you were because :


You cannot be the leftie feminist I thought you were because you refused to criticise, or even disassociate yourself from, someone calling women :


middle aged heffers

middle aged strumpets



Furthermore you cannot be someone concerned about people being kind and thoughtful of others (or even that bothered about the spread of Covid) because you upvoted a post saying :


"I hope you catch Covid"


Let me remind you, here :

On 20/10/2022 at 09:35, Chekhov said:

what do you think of these terms ? :


middle aged heffers

middle aged strumpets



Well, I appear to be guilty of stereotyping, I admit it.
I thought "Ms Nikki Red" was a probably a left of centre, feminist type who thought being "kind and caring" was really important.
However, her deafening silence on the above question (and the fact she gave this post* an up vote) shows how it is a bad idea to stereotype anyone. 
Which, ironically, is really quite refreshing.


* "I hope you get covid"

PS I really do find it refreshing, I wasn't being satirical.

Edited by Chekhov
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14 minutes ago, Delayed said:

Bore off you sad man

I note you have not answered the biting satire because yo  cannot, so just insults.


Troll finder :
"to antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content"


Antagonistic ?   Yes
Inflammatory ?  Yes
Irrelevant ?  Yes
Offensive ?  Yes
Disruptive ?  Yes


Five out of five, well done.


8 minutes ago, Longcol said:

Did you try sticking your head out of the airplane window?

Not at 35,000ft that would be silly, though the view would be fabulous, for a few seconds at any rate.

Edited by Chekhov
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1 minute ago, Chekhov said:

I note you have not answered the biting satire because yo  cannot, so just insults.


Troll finder :
"to antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content"


Antagonistic ?   Yes
Inflammatory ?  Yes
Irrelevant ?  Yes
Offensive ?  Yes
Disruptive ?  Yes


Five out of five, well done.

Difference between cannot and can't be bothered..


Bore finder :

"to bore (others) online by deliberately posting boring, repetitive, irrelevant or offensive to those with brains comments or other disruptive content"




Boring ?   Yes

Repetitive ?  Yes

Irrelevant ?  Yes

Stupid ?  Yes

Pointless ?  Yes

Unfunny? Yes

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On 21/10/2022 at 12:46, cressida said:
Can parents take photos at sports day?
Firstly, photographs taken for personal use are not covered by data protection legislation – so family shots of children at sports day or in the school play are OK.16 Mar 2020
🤔 If it's ok for sports days why not swimming!

What I find most significant about all this cobblers is that if you asked most parents of competitive swimmers, if they were in favour of a ban on filming at the galas their kids were in, I would be very surprised if more than a tiny minority agreed with it.

But who gives a toss what the parents think ?


7 minutes ago, Delayed said:

Difference between cannot and can't be bothered..


Bore finder :

"to bore (others) online by deliberately posting boring, repetitive, irrelevant or offensive to those with brains comments or other disruptive content"


Boring ?   Yes

Repetitive ?  Yes

Irrelevant ?  Yes

Stupid ?  Yes

Pointless ?  Yes

Unfunny? Yes

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so thanks for your post.


>>Difference between cannot and can't be bothered.<<


And no you cannot, because my satirical post pointed out all sorts of inconsistencies in the present position. It is unanswerable, which is why you chose not to answer it but to troll instead.

Edited by Chekhov
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23 minutes ago, RJRB said:

No, just a shortcut across the runway because you can see a jet coming from miles away.

Actually, Funchal airport, at the time we were there, had a plane taking off or landing about 6 to 8X an hour ? So, bearing in mind one literally can see a plane coming in to land from miles away (they're big things, and pretty noisy, and have very strong lights), how  careless would you have to be to be hit by one ?

Not that I am recommending airports allow passengers to take short cuts across the runway, I am simply pointing out that in a one off example it really would not be that dangerous.

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