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Modern Life Is Rubbish

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5 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

>>A random local history book is not a risk in comparison to photos on the internet<<


Really ? If you think that it's you who are the idiot.

Have you any idea how few people actually go on most webpages ?

No you haven't have you ?

I'm assuming you can give me figures for the number of people that visit websites in comparison to people that buy a local history book? 

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3 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

>>A random local history book is not a risk in comparison to photos on the internet<<


Really ? If you think that it's you who are the idiot.

Have you any idea how few people actually go on most webpages ?

No you haven't have you ?

And the fact a webpage is available worldwide is, for most purposes irrelevant for two reasons :

1 - A website from abroad, esp in a foreign language, would not usually come up on a  search result, or it would be so far down nobody would ever get that far scrolling down to it.

2 - How many people abroad would be interested in what is happening in Sheffield ?


Basically your attitude to this subject reflects your attitude to Covid and much else : a poor grasp of risk probability and very high risk aversion, in fact it's fear verging on paranoia. Stay behind your Sofa D, it's much safer there (but don't use the stairs because they are, statistically, quite dangerous).

Because it's unnecessary BS and it is negatively affecting me and thousands (millions ? ) of other parents.


>>Nothing has changed.<<


I don't think you understand this my post, this whole thread, and indeed life, if you think that.

I don’t even begin to understand your attitude on a number of issues.

You constantly seek conflict and try to make arguments based on spurious claims.

I suspect that Delayed spends no time cowering in a corner any more than most do.

We just get on with life whilst you spend your days at work and home seeking  something to moan about.


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3 minutes ago, RJRB said:


I suspect that Delayed spends no time cowering in a corner any more than most do.

We just get on with life whilst you spend your days at work and home seeking  something to moan about.


That's the irony. He claims that I'm cowering because I don't agree with his views but my counter arguments are to show that rules are there for a reason.


If he wants to stick his head out of a train window, feel free.


Wants to walk on train tracks...go ahead see what happens


Wants to photograph kids swimming....find a venue that will allow you to. 


Typically moans about these things in the forum but not to the people that could actually make a change.





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38 minutes ago, Delayed said:

That's the irony. He claims that I'm cowering because I don't agree with his views but my counter arguments are to show that rules are there for a reason.


If he wants to stick his head out of a train window, feel free.


Wants to walk on train tracks...go ahead see what happens


Wants to photograph kids swimming....find a venue that will allow you to. 


Typically moans about these things in the forum but not to the people that could actually make a change.





But probably would not make any substantial  changes because they have wider responsibilities than pandering to Angry from Oughtibridge.

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On 23/11/2022 at 07:49, Rockers rule said:

 I kept most of my books / car / motorcycle magazines I bought at an early age. and just kept building on what is quite an eclectic collection.

(Mrs Rocker uses a different word ☹️). 

First book I was ever given (Birthday present) 'Two years before the mast'. still not sure I understand all those nautical terms :huh:.


Swiss Family Robinson film has to be one of the best films ever made.


If him upstairs ever graces us with a sizable win on't lottery I'm havin a Tree house same as in the film, and a be-spoke library on two floors, with curly stairs on both sides and a veranda, in the main house 🧐


That would do :thumbsup:.


Modern life isn't rubbish 8).


Driving in't rain with pillocks with no lights on (usually in black BMW's) in the early morning is.


Keep safe out there 8)


You'd like the Mango Tree. They grow wild here.


Perfect broad sturdy spacious branches for a tree house, and a bonus, more delicious fruit than you could ever eat!


But wheelchair access, like motorcycle helmets, seat belts and ash trays are "optional"  here and stop signs are few, so it's not a place for the timid. and a modicum of familiarity with nature, both natural and human is required. :)


Edited by trastrick
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21 hours ago, Delayed said:

I'm assuming you can give me figures for the number of people that visit websites in comparison to people that buy a local history book? 

I think we can be pretty sure that book has been viewed thousands of times, possibly tens of thousands, particularly as it is in Libraries.

Very few internet pages get tens of thousands of hits, 1% at a guess ? And certainly not any pages with pictures of school events or kids swimming galas.


21 hours ago, RJRB said:

But probably would not make any substantial  changes because they have wider responsibilities than pandering to Angry from Oughtibridge.

What like suppressing our freedoms for no objectively provable reason ?

I think you miss the point anyway, most parents would like to take pics of their kids school performances, and an even higher percentage of parents watching their kids racing in galas. So, your implication that it is just me who is having my freedoms taken from me, and only me who is bothered, is wholly without foundation.

You and Delayed could go and live behind your sofas together, though I assume you'd both be wearing facemasks, just in case ? After all, you can't be too careful can you ? Apparently.

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21 hours ago, RJRB said:

I don’t even begin to understand your attitude on a number of issues.

You constantly seek conflict and try to make arguments based on spurious claims.

I suspect that Delayed spends no time cowering in a corner any more than most do.

We just get on with life whilst you spend your days at work and home seeking  something to moan about.


Me making spurious claims ? That's absolutely hilarious.

If anyone is going to ban people from doing stuff it's up to them to prove objectively that there is a proportionate need for it.

Nobody has done that about any of this.

The best they can come up with (about filming at school events) is putting pictures on the internet could theoretically make it easier for estranged parents to find each other. And arguments in favour of banning parents filming their kids racing in swimming galas are even more theoretical and far fetched (read paranoid). 

Neither come within a million miles of to "prove objectively that there is a proportionate need for it".


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55 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I think we can be pretty sure that book has been viewed thousands of times, possibly tens of thousands, particularly as it is in Libraries.

Very few internet pages get tens of thousands of hits, 1% at a guess ? And certainly not any pages with pictures of school events or kids swimming galas.


Ok you don't know then and just assuming you are right. Got it 👍

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