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Shipping Containers Coming To Fargate

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8 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

"Vista" 🤣 you make it sound like its some historic site that people travel from thousands of miles to see, its a bloody street in a nondescript city centre ffs.

Hmmm... :huh:

I'm not sure that's exactly how SCC would like their best efforts to be described as, Mr Risen! :roll:


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On 04/11/2022 at 19:03, cuttsie said:

Shipping containers in the most prestigious position in Sheffield is a bloody disgrace , It is a scheme dreamed up by the luvvies down Kelham  and then taken up by so called Town Planners at the Town hall .

The  Square  or  High Street vista  that they stand on has been  ruined , It is a area where  Street activity has taken place at various times through out the years , The Continental  Markets , The big wheel and so on 

How any can actually believe that putting tin sheds on that spot is some how a good idea is beyond belief .

I don't think it is a good location to have put them, but again; you're mixing up criticising everything that's happened up to now with making the most of where we are.


I completely understand it's the thinnest of silver linings - this will go down as a terrible bit of PR and display of organisation from the council.

On 04/11/2022 at 19:43, HeHasRisen said:

"Vista" 🤣 you make it sound like its some historic site that people travel from thousands of miles to see, its a bloody street in a nondescript city centre ffs.

It's probably the most attractive spot in the city centre,and  the town hall and several other grand old buildings in light stone - not the place to have put beaten-up, jet-black metal containers...

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4 hours ago, AndrewC said:

It's probably the most attractive spot in the city centre,and  the town hall and several other grand old buildings in light stone - not the place to have put beaten-up, jet-black metal containers...

Nobody seemed to be doing all this bitching when a fake alpine shack got placed there several years in a row or the times when there was a huge metal and neon lit ferris wheel in its place or even back in the day when for decades the long-standing feature was an ugly litter filled concrete and metal fountain with some stinky pond around it.


I'm sure it's arguable that none of those were in keeping with the the traditional buildings of the area but so what?  That's what the majority of cities are like. They are constantly evolving. Constantly jumbling old and new side-by-side.  As others have said, the area is not some absolute historic national importance location. 


I'm sure there's lots of other things that the rose-tinted mob keep going gooey eyed for, which were not necessarily in keeping with the traditional area but they still got built.   The hole in the road certainly was far from in keeping but  there's plenty harping on about its its glory days.  Exactly the same with the monstrosity that was castle market and sheaf markets.  The old peace gardens filled with decaying plants and dodgy characters hang around the monstrosity that was the egg box building.  The traditionalists wailed about the changes back then just as much - but thank god the developers got their way and we can all agree we now have much nicer and modern looking area which has obviously attracted many businesses to locate themselves there.


The same change is happening right now as we see empty ex retail buildings finally being slowly converted into alternative uses. Is all bringing new life and more importantly new blood to an area.  Perhaps some people just need to realise that not everything that gets built is going to be for them.  I think we all know there are far too many locals who don't like change.

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1 minute ago, ECCOnoob said:

Nobody seemed to be doing all this bitching when a fake alpine shack got placed there several years in a row or the times when there was a huge metal and neon lit ferris wheel in its place or even back in the day when for decades the long-standing feature was an ugly litter filled concrete and metal fountain with some stinky pond around it.


I'm sure it's arguable that none of those were in keeping with the the traditional buildings of the area but so what?  That's what the majority of cities are like. They are constantly evolving. Constantly jumbling old and new side-by-side.  As others have said, the area is not some absolute historic national importance location. 


I'm sure there's lots of other things that the rose-tinted mob keep going gooey eyed for, which were not necessarily in keeping with the traditional area but they still got built.   The hole in the road certainly was far from in keeping but  there's plenty harping on about its its glory days.  Exactly the same with the monstrosity that was castle market and sheaf markets.  The old peace gardens filled with decaying plants and dodgy characters hang around the monstrosity that was the egg box building.  The traditionalists wailed about the changes back then just as much - but thank god the developers got their way and we can all agree we now have much nicer and modern looking area which has obviously attracted many businesses to locate themselves there.


The same change is happening right now as we see empty ex retail buildings finally being slowly converted into alternative uses. Is all bringing new life and more importantly new blood to an area.  Perhaps some people just need to realise that not everything that gets built is going to be for them.  I think we all know there are far too many locals who don't like change.

" slowly"  😀

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24 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

" slowly"  😀

Yes, slowly. I'm not oblivious to the fact that we have progression which is slower compared to some other cities.


However,I would strongly argue that a contributor to such sluggish progress is us having a large number of the population who embrace doing nothing more than harping on about the past, criticising, objecting and delaying anything that gets proposed.  You only have to look at some of the whiny pathetic comments all over the SCC planning portal or the local rags or this very forum to see it in action.


There is also a frequent stance taken by far too many people to be willing  every single project, development or business to fail before it even gets a chance to get off the ground, just because they have chosen to take a dislike to it.


Don't know about you, but I would consider that to be slightly off-putting to those developments and businesses who might want to invest here. 


Waaaa Waaaa why do we never get any nice shops. Why are we lumbered with all the cheap and stores and charity shops.........   ... Whose gonna shop in Flannels, have you seen their ridiculous prices, they're just a poser shops filled with ten bob millionaires.


Waaaa Waaaa why do we never get any nice bars and restaurants. It's not fair Leeds and Manchester get everything before us..... ...I don't like silly pretentious food, don't they realise there is a recession on, nobody pays that for meat and gravy.  I could cook it cheaper at home.


Waaaa Waaaa why is there never any development in our city. What are our incompetent council doing. Why does everything take so long to build. Why are we always still behind..........    ... Who wants to live there? Why is everything being turned into flats? Why can't they leave things as it was was. I don't like that new building it's ugly. 


The way some people carry on we're lucky to get anything.

12 minutes ago, fools said:

You are defending shipping containers... not well known for their aesthetics.

You are missing the point.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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8 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Yes, slowly. I'm not oblivious to the fact that we have progression which is slower compared to some other cities.


However,I would strongly argue that a contributor to such sluggish progress is us having a large number of the population who embrace doing nothing more than harping on about the past, criticising, objecting and delaying anything that gets proposed.  You only have to look at some of the whiny pathetic comments all over the SCC planning portal or the local rags or this very forum to see it in action.


There is also a frequent stance taken by far too many people to be willing  every single project, development or business to fail before it even gets a chance to get off the ground, just because they have chosen to take a dislike to it.


Don't know about you, but I would consider that to be slightly off-putting to those developments and businesses who might want to invest here. 


Waaaa Waaaa why do we never get any nice shops. Why are we lumbered with all the cheap and stores and charity shops.........   ... Whose gonna shop in Flannels, have you seen their ridiculous prices, they're just a poser shops filled with ten bob millionaires.


Waaaa Waaaa why do we never get any nice bars and restaurants. It's not fair Leeds and Manchester get everything before us..... ...I don't like silly pretentious food, don't they realise there is a recession on, nobody pays that for meat and gravy.  I could cook it cheaper at home.


Waaaa Waaaa why is there never any development in our city. What are our incompetent council doing. Why does everything take so long to build. Why are we always still behind..........    ... Who wants to live there? Why is everything being turned into flats? Why can't they leave things as it was was. I don't like that new building it's ugly. 


The way some people carry on we're lucky to get anything.

You are missing the point.

Soz , councillor 

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9 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Yes, slowly. I'm not oblivious to the fact that we have progression which is slower compared to some other cities.


However,I would strongly argue that a contributor to such sluggish progress is us having a large number of the population who embrace doing nothing more than harping on about the past, criticising, objecting and delaying anything that gets proposed.  You only have to look at some of the whiny pathetic comments all over the SCC planning portal or the local rags or this very forum to see it in action.


There is also a frequent stance taken by far too many people to be willing  every single project, development or business to fail before it even gets a chance to get off the ground, just because they have chosen to take a dislike to it.


Don't know about you, but I would consider that to be slightly off-putting to those developments and businesses who might want to invest here. 


Waaaa Waaaa why do we never get any nice shops. Why are we lumbered with all the cheap and stores and charity shops.........   ... Whose gonna shop in Flannels, have you seen their ridiculous prices, they're just a poser shops filled with ten bob millionaires.


Waaaa Waaaa why do we never get any nice bars and restaurants. It's not fair Leeds and Manchester get everything before us..... ...I don't like silly pretentious food, don't they realise there is a recession on, nobody pays that for meat and gravy.  I could cook it cheaper at home.


Waaaa Waaaa why is there never any development in our city. What are our incompetent council doing. Why does everything take so long to build. Why are we always still behind..........    ... Who wants to live there? Why is everything being turned into flats? Why can't they leave things as it was was. I don't like that new building it's ugly. 


The way some people carry on we're lucky to get anything.

You are missing the point.

Hmmm... :huh:

I wonder if anyone has thought that if there's SO many people complaining...

... then maybe they might just have a point? :roll:

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