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Shipping Containers Coming To Fargate

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12 hours ago, Mr Bloke said:

... then maybe they might just have a point? :roll:

that's a reasonable starting point.


here's an actual conversation i had on Fargate, a couple of weeks ago:


Her : i don't like all this change, there's too much change, it's not the real Sheffield that i remember.


Me : i'm sorry to hear that. Have you been down to Castlegate? - i think that's the idea they're going for up here.


Her :  oh yes! it's really nice! they should do more like that.


Me : (internal screaming)

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2 hours ago, ads36 said:

that's a reasonable starting point.


here's an actual conversation i had on Fargate, a couple of weeks ago:


Her : i don't like all this change, there's too much change, it's not the real Sheffield that i remember.


Me : i'm sorry to hear that. Have you been down to Castlegate? - i think that's the idea they're going for up here.


Her :  oh yes! it's really nice! they should do more like that.


Me : (internal screaming)

Castlegate was the centre of Sheffield shopping and commerce , It was the original meeting place when the City was formed where the Don   met its tributaries , 

It was a noisy , colourful area full of characters and character , all this has been ruined by some silly sods who call them selves Town Planners ,      The  not so wild flowers look fine but they will never replace what was lost in the rush to destroy Sheffields most important meeting place .

Look at the historic Street names , Exchange Street , Commercial Street and so on what other City would destroy history like that which has been obliterated in what at one time was OUR  most loved area .

1 hour ago, harvey19 said:

It is nothing to do with clinging to the past but simply that they do not fit in and in my opinion look a mess.

Put some tin huts in Sheffields most prestigious position . Daft 

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1 hour ago, HeHasRisen said:

"All Castle Market needs is a lick of paint and some new gents toilets"


Cuttsie, 2013 (I think, may be a year out).

Do you know that the tiling from those toilets ended up in the British Museum  as a example of sixties tiling works .

Get that not our own Museum but one in London . 

Stinks dunt it  or did 

Can you bring me that thread back up by any chance , It was stopped by Agent summat or other , Still these  suedo intellectuals always know best 

Edited by cuttsie
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