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Does The Consumer Act 2015 Cover This Issue?

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Recently I brought an item from an shop that now has developed faults that could possibly be design flaws. 


When I brought the item I did a part exchange which was valued at thirty pounds then the rest of the purchase was paid in cash. When I took the item back they claim I  was not entitled to a cash refund because of the part exchange only  allowed either a replacement item or other items that had the same value . I can understand the part exchange  bit, but surely the cash part should be refunded ? I have looked at various consumer websites but I am struggling to find anything relating to part exchanges and were one stands with refunds. Only thing I have found is you have 30 days to return an item for a refund has anyone had this problem and if so how did you resolve it? 

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Now the taxpayer is supposed to resolve an unsatifactory retail purchase. There's a deparment of bureacrats for that.


A simple sign. "All Sales Final" can't pretect a vendor anymore.


Neither can the age old advice, Buyer beware.


Most vendors, will try to resolve an issue with an unsatisfied customer, if he wants them coming back to his shop.


Maybe that's your problem?


Let the Government sort it out for you, they have lot sof timeand money to spend on these things. :)


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21 hours ago, *Wallace* said:

Was this shop a cash converters or something ?

No a normal retail business. 

21 hours ago, sheffbag said:

would be better to name the shop so can check the T&C's of purchase there.

At present best for me not to name .

14 hours ago, cgksheff said:

Consumer Rights allows for refund of part-exchanges.

You cannot be "contracted out" of your Consumer Rights.


10 hours ago, trastrick said:

Now the taxpayer is supposed to resolve an unsatifactory retail purchase. There's a deparment of bureacrats for that.


A simple sign. "All Sales Final" can't pretect a vendor anymore.


Neither can the age old advice, Buyer beware.


Most vendors, will try to resolve an issue with an unsatisfied customer, if he wants them coming back to his shop.


Maybe that's your problem?


Let the Government sort it out for you, they have lot sof timeand money to spend on these things. :)


No government department as been asked to intervene . The law is their to protect you and the vendor.

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Just now, GabrielC said:

No a normal retail business. 

At present best for me not to name .


No government department as been asked to intervene . The law is their to protect you and the vendor.

If the Consumers Protection law is alleged to be violated, who then does the "protecting"?

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10 hours ago, trastrick said:

Now the taxpayer is supposed to resolve an unsatifactory retail purchase. There's a deparment of bureacrats for that.



Sure... why have a simple, universally recognised, easy to understand system where everyone involved knows their rights and responsibilities...


...when you can have a hodge potch of misunderstanding, and legal avenues to resolve that cost orders of magnitude more, for everyone concerned! :thumbsup:


10 hours ago, trastrick said:

A simple sign. "All Sales Final" can't pretect a vendor anymore.


Neither can the age old advice, Buyer beware.

How can a buyer "beware" when they're buying something unseen via mail order or the internet?


10 hours ago, trastrick said:

Most vendors, will try to resolve an issue with an unsatisfied customer, if he wants them coming back to his shop.

"Most" does not include all. Some purchases are one offs.


10 hours ago, trastrick said:

Maybe that's your problem?


Let the Government sort it out for you, they have lot sof timeand money to spend on these things. :)

You know there's a reason why consumer rights exist... right?


I mean... really this is nothing more than an incomprehensible rant, devoid of any logical thought! :loopy:

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Just now, Magilla said:



Sure... why have a simple, universally recognised, easy to understand system where everyone involved knows their rights and responsibilities...


...when you can have a hodge potch of misunderstanding, and legal avenues to resolve that cost orders of magnitude more, for everyone concerned! :thumbsup:


How can a buyer "beware" when they're buying something unseen via mail order or the internet?


"Most" does not include all. Some purchases are one offs.


You know there's a reason why consumer rights exist... right?


I mean... really this is nothing more than an incomprehensible rant, devoid of any logical thought! :loopy:

I just wish they had a Consumers Protection Ministry back in the day.


The old comics had a mail order section.


They advertised aquarium shrimp, with big eyes, smiles, laughing and frolicking in a glass bowl.   You could give them names and they'd do tricks.


All you got was a packet of dried algae.


And don't get me started on Charles Atlas. If you sent away for his secret "dynamic tension" lessons, he gauranteed the beach bully at Mablethorpe wouln't kick sand in you face, and Peggy would swoon and call you "My hero!:


Who needs common sense when you have the government to run your life?


(Maybe that's why it's no longer taught in schools!)



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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

I just wish they had a Consumers Protection Ministry back in the day.


The old comics had a mail order section.


They advertised aquarium shrimp, with big eyes, smiles, laughing and frolicking in a glass bowl.   You could give them names and they'd do tricks.


All you got was a packet of dried algae.


And don't get me started on Charles Atlas. If you sent away for his secret "dynamic tension" lessons, he gauranteed the beach bully at Mablethorpe wouln't kick sand in you face, and Peggy would swoon and call you "My hero!:


Who needs common sense when you have the government to run your life?

Cool story bro... :roll:


...but this seems to be more a case of your failure to understand the add in the first place... context is everything!


Tell me, you don't really believe a spray of Lynx deodorant will make women immediately run in your direction... right? :hihi:


1 hour ago, trastrick said:

(Maybe that's why it's no longer taught in schools!)

Was it ever?


I mean, given your posts, you must be well into or beyond your 70's... and you don't seem to have much either... this post being a prime example!

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