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Doctors Threatening To Strike

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Doctors have had enough. They're threatening to strike. This is not about money or pay, it's about the system which is falling apart and they are on the sticky end, blamed and abused for not being able to cope with the fallout. 


I think we might all agree that the system isn't working, but are they right to strike? Their intention is to bring the government back to the table.


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10 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I've looked online for information about this, but can't find any information relating to a strike this year. Could you post a link to this please Anna. Thanks in advance.

Jeremy Vine, Channel 5, today, I think they were discussing todays papers. They're often first with the news.

Edited by Anna B
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13 minutes ago, West 77 said:

How will anyone know if GPs  go on strike?

Ho ho, I get your point.

But if you need an appointment /treatment (and we all will at sometime,) you will certainly know about it. 

A seriously flawed system which is already killing people will get even worse. 


IMO running down the NHS is a deliberate ploy of the Tory government to justify privatisation. The NHS is not 'safe in their hands,' it's already largely outsourced and that's where all the money is going - into the pockets of cronies.

Edited by Anna B
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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

IMO running down the NHS is a deliberate ploy of the Tory government to justify privatisation. The NHS is not 'safe in their hands,' it's already largely outsourced and that's where all the money is going - into the pockets of cronies.



This Government do not run the NHS as that is done by individual area trusts that report direct to parliament and not the government. Trusts deal with running it, tendering contracts, supplying equipment and many other day to day thing hospitals rely on. Government control of the NHS was take out of their hand ages ago and all they do now is basically fund it through the taxpayer.

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54 minutes ago, Dromedary said:



This Government do not run the NHS as that is done by individual area trusts that report direct to parliament and not the government. Trusts deal with running it, tendering contracts, supplying equipment and many other day to day thing hospitals rely on. Government control of the NHS was take out of their hand ages ago and all they do now is basically fund it through the taxpayer.

I know that. I have just been enjoying a tusstle with two different Trusts in different parts of the country with regards to a funding issue. I can't give confidential details but it's a nightmare, and really needs to go to a court to adjudcate. But of course the individuals involved cannot afford that, in terms of either money or time. It's a horrible situation and a totally unnecessary complication. 


As for funding by the taxpayer, you are of course correct, so what are we getting for our money?

Boris claims to be putting 'record ammounts' £millions/billions into the NHS, but where is it, especially for the average consumer? I can tell you. Straight into the back pocket's of those who own the outsourced contracts, like Pharmacuetical companies, care homes and 'specialised' facilities, which are nothing of the sort, and do not begin to meet their contractual obligations. ,

Edited by Anna B
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Ive always presumed the name of the game by successive Tory governments was to reduce funding to the NHS (public services) ,  let it struggle on becoming less and less effective whilst  pointing out its failings then claiming its ripe for privatisation thus greasing the palms of rich Tory supporters who’ll step in to rescue the country’s health service.


Arch Tory Brexiteer Daniel Hannan ( remember him ?), was always on’Fox News describing the NHS as a «  communist » institution, but when appearing on Question Time used to adopt a less critical tone . 

Working class people who vote Tory will wake up one day and find everything they hold dear gone and wonder what happened.

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9 minutes ago, Ridgewalk said:

Ive always presumed the name of the game by successive Tory governments was to reduce funding to the NHS (public services) ,  let it struggle on becoming less and less effective whilst  pointing out its failings then claiming its ripe for privatisation thus greasing the palms of rich Tory supporters who’ll step in to rescue the country’s health service.

Try reading this:




And also this:




As its full of actual figures and not presumptions.


9 minutes ago, Ridgewalk said:


Working class people who vote Tory will wake up one day and find everything they hold dear gone and wonder what happened.

Can you now define what you mean as "working class people."

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