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Doctors Threatening To Strike

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9 hours ago, Anna B said:

Doctors have had enough.


Your comments?

They can leave the profession then.


How many times have you heard the same story.


Why waste your time on this never ending divisive media nonsense. It is not news, it's entertainment.


The time saved could be spent watching educational programmes such as Eat well for less, think of the money you could save when you've learned how to warm up pasta in a pan.

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9 hours ago, West 77 said:

That's good news that you have managed to get two appointments.  I'm hearing people say they still can't get appointments with a GP.  I know a GP surgery where they have put a green tarpaulin up to the locked gates of the surgery car park in order to hide the GP's cars because the receptionist tell patients there are no GP's available.  During the pandemic the NHS and its workers were rightly praised for the hard work they did,  However, the truth is too many GP's and GP surgeries haven't been pulling their weight for years.

A clear warning to youngsters about the dangers of boozing in Wetherspoons on weekday mornings.

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2 hours ago, fools said:

They can leave the profThey need to be listened to.ession then.


How many times have you heard the same story.


Why waste your time on this never ending divisive media nonsense. It is not news, it's entertainment.


The time saved could be spent watching educational programmes such as Eat well for less, think of the money you could save when you've learned how to warm up pasta in a pan.

If all the doctors and nurses who wanted to leave the profession did, there wouldn't be many left. 


They want the profession and the workplace it takes place in to improve at least to the point where it's workable, and doesn't make them so despondent and burnt out that the only option is to leave.


At the moment it's too much like firefighting, with fires breaking out all over the place. 

They need to be listened to. This crisis has been at least 10 years in the making. How do you suggest they get  people to listen?  

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9 minutes ago, Anna B said:

If all the doctors and nurses who wanted to leave the profession did, there wouldn't be many left. 


They want the profession and the workplace it takes place in to improve at least to the point where it's workable, and doesn't make them so despondent and burnt out that the only option is to leave.


At the moment it's too much like firefighting, with fires breaking out all over the place. 

They need to be listened to. This crisis has been at least 10 years in the making. How do you suggest they get  people to listen?  

Before you join the profession, you should know exactly how it's going to be, so stop moaning or leave. It's well paid, if that doesn't compensate you for the stress, you have the option of leaving.


It should come as no surprise that many jobs are difficult, and stressful, that's life, don't like it, leave.


You're very keen to pin every single problem on the Tories, a quick glance on the bbc news website will show you exactly the same story in 2001, under Labour. The media and vested interests will be bringing the same thing up long after we are both gone.




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5 hours ago, Ridgewalk said:

Ive always presumed the name of the game by successive Tory governments was to reduce funding to the NHS (public services) ,  let it struggle on becoming less and less effective whilst  pointing out its failings then claiming its ripe for privatisation thus greasing the palms of rich Tory supporters who’ll step in to rescue the country’s health service.


Arch Tory Brexiteer Daniel Hannan ( remember him ?), was always on’Fox News describing the NHS as a «  communist » institution, but when appearing on Question Time used to adopt a less critical tone . 

Working class people who vote Tory will wake up one day and find everything they hold dear gone and wonder what happened.

To answer your supposition that Tory governments are reducing funding: 



Now to me those bars trend upwards, not down. 

The issue with the NHS is utter mismanagment by those that cry to the media that the EVIL GOVERNMENT IS TAKING OUR MONEY

Betweent 2013-2018 the NHS, on average wasted, through mismanagement and overspending on basics items by locking purchasers to specific companies rather than open market, clost to £8 BILLION per year. 

The NHS budget for 2018-19 was £114 billion so rounding up that equates to 7% of it's budget spend. 

The  starting salary of a Band 5 nurse (newly qualified) is £25,655 per annum. That 7% would pay for just over 310,000 newly qualified nurses. To put it another way, that 7% would be enough to give every CURRENT working nurse a 52% pay rise. 

Back to the original topic, GPs were told to resume face-to-face appointments in May of last year yet in Sept of last year many GPs were still refusing to do so or putting obstacles in the path to getting an appointment. 

Even now if I called my GP surgery to ask for an appointment I'd be practically interegated by someone who is NOT MEDICALLY trained but will then make the decision as to whether I am allowed to see my GP. I have had heated conversations with these jumped up gatekeepers. If GPs want patients triaged then they should stump up the cash for medically trained triage nurses to man the appointment lines. 

Most GP surgeries are PRIVATELY owned and funded by the NHS so they won't want to. 

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Of course the spending is going up. For a start the population is growing and getting more elderly, but it's not going on improving a terrible situation. As one doctor told me 'the private companies have got us over a barrel, we have to pay what they demand, because there is no alternative.'

It's a cartel.  These private companies that patients are being outsourced to are so big that they can buy out any competition, Prices are set at whatever they like.



£12,000 per week for a place in a private specialist facility for just one person. And for that, no treatment, and very little care.

This negligence case is now in the hands of solicitors so I can't say more. I wish I could. Sadly it's far from uncommon.

A huge chunk of money is also going out in compensation for medical mistakes. 





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1 hour ago, Anna B said:


As one doctor told me 'the private companies have got us over a barrel, we have to pay what they demand, because there is no alternative.'


Oh dear that makes me laugh.:hihi:


The doctors themselves are private run enterprises, where we also have no alternative and also pay what they demand.

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This was a hospital doctor, working for the NHS, discussing the placement of a patient from an NHS hospital to a private hospital because there were no other places. The number of places had actually been cut because funding wasn't available.



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