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Global Depression In The Near Future?

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Sri Lanka going bust with hyper inflation , United States heading towards recession, global price rises, war in the Ukraine , economic sanctions against Russia , some African countries economies not looking too good. Tension in Asia mostly caused by China.  Covid pandemic economic shut downs across the world .


Then here in the UK we have the cost of living crisis together with high inflation. I'm no economic expert by any means but to me the picture looks somewhat grime on the economic front perhaps this  might cause an global depression not seen since the 1930s it will be a hell of a job to sort the global economy out that's if we can. 





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29 minutes ago, GabrielC said:

Sri Lanka going bust with hyper inflation , United States heading towards recession, global price rises, war in the Ukraine , economic sanctions against Russia , some African countries economies not looking too good. Tension in Asia mostly caused by China.  Covid pandemic economic shut downs across the world .


Then here in the UK we have the cost of living crisis together with high inflation. I'm no economic expert by any means but to me the picture looks somewhat grime on the economic front perhaps this  might cause an global depression not seen since the 1930s it will be a hell of a job to sort the global economy out that's if we can. 





If history is anything to go by, it's time for strong Leadership to arise in the West.  I believe it will.


Right now the problem is where will it come from?


Russia is taking what it wants, China is making noises over Taiwan, and now this, just in:


With Russian forces set to enter Central America, how will the US respond?

A new agreement between Russia and Nicaragua to provide Russian troops for and in Nicaragua represents what Thomas Jefferson called a “fire bell in the night.” But while he was referring to the struggle over slavery, this agreement marks the first step in a series of converging and unprecedented threats to Latin American and U.S. security.



Right now the US is solely occupied by their 6 year effort to keep Trump out of the White House, so don't look for any definitive response from them.



Edited by trastrick
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Guest sibon
4 hours ago, trastrick said:



Right now the US is solely occupied by their 6 year effort to keep Trump out of the White House, so don't look for any definitive response from them.



I think you’ll find that it was the US public who kicked Trump out of the White House for at least four years.


Come to think of it, they never really voted him in.


He can go for third time lucky soon enough, if he isn’t locked up.

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8 hours ago, sibon said:

I think you’ll find that it was the US public who kicked Trump out of the White House for at least four years.


Come to think of it, they never really voted him in.


He can go for third time lucky soon enough, if he isn’t locked up.

Ah, youv'e been watching "Trump- The Movie"


The latest Pelosi/Schiff rigged production complete with Hollywood writers.


Bet they didn't show this public announcement made the day after the riots.



Trump announced an orderly transfer of power, and actually carried it out!


That "lock up" stuff is nonsense. and the "Jan 6 Committee is admitting as much.  :)




Democrat hysteria undermines Jan 6 hearing

The party is framing the inquiry like a blockbuster film


Ivanka Trump is questioned during the Jan 6 hearing. Credit: Getty


"Despite bombshell claims in the Left-leaning media that Trump ‘was at the center’ and to be blamed for the Jan 6 ‘carnage’, last night’s ‘first hearing’ of the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack proved disappointingly flat. 

"Ultimately, the events last night amounted to a damp squib. The chain of claims that supposedly link Donald Trump to the actions of moronic hooligans is tendentious. The case is based on assertions that Trump told “lies” about matters of opinion, and that he did not listen to the advice of some of his aides. Trump called for a rally which turned into a riot; therefore, Trump caused a riot. Some of the mob imagined that they could prevent the transfer of power; therefore, the whole thing was an attempted coup. 

"This kind of dramatisation has become all too typical of the Democrats, but it is clear that voters have grown tired of it. Until they can give up the Trump ghost and focus on issues that actually matter to voters — cost of living, inflation, and crime — the party will face electoral annihilation in 2022 and beyond."





Good luck with that "lock up" bit!



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7 hours ago, trastrick said:

Ah, youv'e been watching "Trump- The Movie"


The latest Pelosi/Schiff rigged production complete with Hollywood writers.


Bet they didn't show this public announcement made the day after the riots.



Trump announced an orderly transfer of power, and actually carried it out!


That "lock up" stuff is nonsense. and the "Jan 6 Committee is admitting as much.  :)




Democrat hysteria undermines Jan 6 hearing

The party is framing the inquiry like a blockbuster film


Ivanka Trump is questioned during the Jan 6 hearing. Credit: Getty


"Despite bombshell claims in the Left-leaning media that Trump ‘was at the center’ and to be blamed for the Jan 6 ‘carnage’, last night’s ‘first hearing’ of the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack proved disappointingly flat. 

"Ultimately, the events last night amounted to a damp squib. The chain of claims that supposedly link Donald Trump to the actions of moronic hooligans is tendentious. The case is based on assertions that Trump told “lies” about matters of opinion, and that he did not listen to the advice of some of his aides. Trump called for a rally which turned into a riot; therefore, Trump caused a riot. Some of the mob imagined that they could prevent the transfer of power; therefore, the whole thing was an attempted coup. 

"This kind of dramatisation has become all too typical of the Democrats, but it is clear that voters have grown tired of it. Until they can give up the Trump ghost and focus on issues that actually matter to voters — cost of living, inflation, and crime — the party will face electoral annihilation in 2022 and beyond."





Good luck with that "lock up" bit!



I saw a lot of the riot on TV on the early hours of the morning as it happened, and I saw no rioting. In fact it was well ordered  and kept deliberately peaceful with careful organisation and plentiful stewards.

The people who were interviewwd were normal, peaceable, articulate and able to express their views on why they were there and why they thought it necessary. Emphasis was placed on not doing any damage to any property.


By teatime the coverage had changed to wall to wall images of rioters galloping about the place, shouting profanities and doing damage. The peaceful element were not in evidence, their views not sought. In fact they had no voice at all. Media bias or genuine reporting?  We'll never know, but the contrast was very unsettling.   

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8 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I saw a lot of the riot on TV on the early hours of the morning as it happened, and I saw no rioting. In fact it was well ordered  and kept deliberately peaceful with careful organisation and plentiful stewards.

The people who were interviewwd were normal, peaceable, articulate and able to express their views on why they were there and why they thought it necessary. Emphasis was placed on not doing any damage to any property.


By teatime the coverage had changed to wall to wall images of rioters galloping about the place, shouting profanities and doing damage. The peaceful element were not in evidence, their views not sought. In fact they had no voice at all. Media bias or genuine reporting?  We'll never know, but the contrast was very unsettling.   

I'm sure many were peaceful protesters but sadly some decided to storm the capitol building. You can't expect the media to just ignore that.

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14 hours ago, Anna B said:

Probably true. 


Just out of interest, can anyone tell me what Ivanka Trump is exactly an advisor of,  to make her of  use to the American government?

"Don't foget to eat your sprouts, Daddy?"


The First Family always come along for the ride.


Joe has his "Doctor" Jill, and of course, son Hunter, who, Joe says, "Is the smartest man I know"


But you'll never see a stadium sized giant screen of Hunter looming over a Pelosi Congressional Hearing.




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