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Scotland And The Uk

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54 minutes ago, Litotes said:

News from the BBC "Scotland and UK split over gene-edited food"


Is Scotland not part of the UK?

Or does the BBC know something we don't?



In this case yes.

The English dominated UK Parliament have voted to give the parliaments/assemblies of Scotland, Wales and NI certain decision making powers while retaining those powers for England.


Most Agriculture production and consumption decisions are devolved to Scotland. 

However Scotland cannot decide to block products available elsewhere in the UK(not NI).


This is effectively an unresolved Brexit  issue. Most exporting producers in the UK want us to be inline with EU standards. English producers are helpless whereas producers in Scotland have persuaded their politicians to change in GM standards at the same time as the EU.


This and similar problems were well known before Brexit and will lead to UK producers, service providers, manufacturers  etc.  being at the disadvantage of being subject to EU rules without a say in the content and timing of that legislation-as in Norway and Switzerland.



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8 hours ago, Litotes said:

News from the BBC "Scotland and UK split over gene-edited food"


Is Scotland not part of the UK?

Or does the BBC know something we don't?



The Tories not so ago brought in the Internal Market Bill basically forcing though that all standards be the same no matter if Scotland and Wales do not agree with it. The Tories can't understand why Scottish independence is seen as desirable. 

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43 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Scotland voted to remain part of the UK in 2014.  End of. 

English MPs in the UK Parliament have voted to give the Scottish Parliament increasing decision making powers over agriculture in Scotland. 

Scottish agricultural businesses have asked the Scottish Government to protect their export business. The Scottish Government want the UK Government to coordinate with the EU over GM products.

English agricultural businesses have asked the UK Government the same and they were ignored in the most part.

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3 hours ago, West 77 said:

Scotland voted to remain part of the UK in 2014.  End of. 

Time will tell on that one. 

52 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Not sure what your point is.  The main point surely is that both Scottish and English agricultural businesses are being treated the same by the democratically elected UK government because both Scotland and England are part of the UK.

I think the point is we need to follow the same rule book both domestic and on a international level otherwise trade becomes  too complex than it needs be.

Edited by GabrielC
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46 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Not sure what your point is.  The main point surely is that both Scottish and English agricultural businesses are being treated the same by the democratically elected UK government because both Scotland and England are part of the UK.

The point is that one set of regulations applies to England, one to Scotland, one to Wales and one to Northern Ireland.

As Gabriel C says, the Internal Market Bill was introduced after regulation was devolved. Combined with the lack of a comprehensive Brexit deal and the political need for Brexit to be visible we have a situation where the EU and UK changes to GM standards will be out of step. The Scottish Parliament is acting on behalf of its exporters seeking to ensure that they are not disadvantaged by premature UK Government legislation. Easing GM rules across the whole of Europe would be sensible.

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35 minutes ago, West 77 said:

You're not making any sense.  The benefit of the UK leaving the EU is our country can benefit faster from the advantages of gene edited food just as our country managed giving out covid vaccines faster than the EU.  More efficient food production is a better fit to everyone living in the UK.

This is not a Brexit argument.

This is an unresolved matter of how EU and the UK Governments talk  to each other.

In this case the UK and the EU are both removing some similar GM restrictions. 

As both see the benefits of doing so it should be simple to remove the restrictions in a way that enables importers and exporters of GM products a smooth  transition.

As this may not be the case the Scottish businesses have asked for help from their regulators- hence the Scottish Government taking up their case.


Should be simple.


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On 11/06/2022 at 23:26, Litotes said:

News from the BBC "Scotland and UK split over gene-edited food"


Is Scotland not part of the UK?

Or does the BBC know something we don't?



When you put something in quotes it needs to be accurate.

I’ll do it for you:

”Scotland and UK governments split over gene-edited food”.

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