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Julian Assange To Be Extradited

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1 hour ago, hackey lad said:

Not true . In your original post, you said we can’t get to see what he wrote in his resignation letter 

At that time, I had heard reports regarding the letter but had not seen it with my own eyes.

Because I have no trust in Boris Johnson, His Ministers and even his MP's, the majority of whom, are willing to back a Prime Minister who has consistently lied, even from the time BEFORE he took office.

I would not be satisfied with an explanation without seeing the letter myself.

Lord Geidt himself says that apart from the past behaviour of Boris, which he tried to  put to one side,  he is still not giving full answers to questions he is asked and,

He is also trying to claim communication problems so that the blame looks to  be down to Lord Geidts office.

Johnson is  a liar and a cheat and you should know that another of Johnson's tactics is not to lie in writing but to leave out the bits which would incriminate him.

As far as I am concerned,  if you give Johnson and his government your full backing,  then you are as guilty and as loose with the truth as he is.

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1 hour ago, SVerhamme said:

Thank you Hecate your a star 🌟

As I thought  !!

Downing Street is run by a mischief of ratty outlaw characters and they need the pied piper to flush them out  🦝🦝🦝👊

I fully agree with this.

It's such a shame that they are the ones who also make and apply the rules in such a way that they can skirt round them.

Unfortunately,  due to the corrupt self rewarding system we have, They will all finish up with knighthoods or be made Lords instead of going to prison.

That is why I back people like Assange

Edited by Organgrinder
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1 hour ago, SVerhamme said:

Thank you Hecate your a star 🌟

As I thought  !!

Downing Street is run by a mischief of ratty outlaw characters and they need the pied piper to flush them out  🦝🦝🦝👊

The party with the largest majority vote gets to run the government, never confuse running the government with running the country, these clowns would be hard pressed to run a tap.😜

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36 minutes ago, SVerhamme said:

For protection from those who wanting his head on a plate 😱regarded as public enemy No 1 when exposing war crimes becomes a crime 

you can say he deserves what’s coming but he was brave enough to be one of the first to expose  the Iraq debacle such as it was ! Tony Blair and his cronies Americans are the criminals here !

saying that everyone to their own opinion respect !!🫡

That is so true.

Anyone exposing war crimes at great risk to themselves, should be honoured.

I find it unpalatable that Blair has been given a double knighthood after lying and committing war crimes.

I honestly don't know how the Royal family bring themselves to entertain and honour such an odious man.

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9 hours ago, Anna B said:

Something amiss when proven liars get to be Prime Minister,

and those that tell the  truth end up in jail.


'sSuch are the times we live in....

Technically assange wasnt telling the truth, he was merely collating a load of hacked documents, They might be the truth, they might not be.

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1 hour ago, melthebell said:

Technically assange wasnt telling the truth, he was merely collating a load of hacked documents, They might be the truth, they might not be.

What a stupid statement and flailing around for an argument.

You know full well what the poster means and it's plain for all to see that Assange was NOT telling lies.

If the documents  referred to were not truthful, then you cannot blame Assange for this and claim he wasn't telling the truth.

He was trying to make the public aware of covered up war crimes and he succeeded in that.

Your trying to make him sound less than truthful makes one wonder about your motives. 

Edited by Organgrinder
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9 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Yes it's free speech, but like I said, like it or not, they are just documents. No truth or lies involved, they are what they are.

Events have bourne out the truth of what Assange said.

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