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Mick Lynch Rmt

Guest makapaka

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11 hours ago, sibon said:

They are you know.


Unless you’d like to correct me.

Just as a reminder.

>60% of the electorate didn’t vote Tory in 2019.

Technically true, but then only 67.3% of the electorate bothered to vote and using "EU Remainer Maths" to include the non-voters the same way around 78% didn't vote Labour and over 92% didn't vote LibDem


>60% of the electorate didn’t vote for Brexit.

Also technically true but then only 72.21% of the electorate bothered to vote for that and using the same "maths" around 75% didn't vote to remain.


If people can't be bothered to cast a vote on such matters they have no voice when they disagree with the outcome.


>Farage has no mandate from the UK people 

Who ?

>100% of the electorate have to pay for the BBC. Excepting the OAPs, who have paid for them for long enough anyway.

Wrong & wrong

TV Licenses are paid by a member of the "Household" and if no-one in the property owns equipment capable of receiving a TV signal or does not stream/download BBC services/content they do not need a TV license so pay the BBC zero.
Likewise if a TV license is paid for by a member of the "Household" the remaining occupants registered voters or otherwise pay the BBC zero.

There are other special cases where a TV license is either heavily subsidised or not required at all.

OAP's now have to pay the full price of a TV license unless they are receiving benefits or have other exemptions. 


...but what's all this got to do with Mick Lynch ?

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Guest sibon
6 hours ago, BadgerBodge said:



...but what's all this got to do with Mick Lynch ?

I’m happy to stand corrected on the TV licence, thank you for confirming that the rest of my post was correct.


My original post was about the  obvious bias shown in QT on Thursday. I was illustrating that things that we believe to be popular because a “majority”  voted for them, are often no such thing.

The BBC, on the other hand is funded by most of us and should do a better job of reflecting a variety of views.  They really didn’t manage that on Thursday, repeatedly interrupting Mick Lynch of the RMT. 

Maybe you can see the relevance of my post now.

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On 24/06/2022 at 00:22, sibon said:

>60% of the electorate didn’t vote Tory in 2019.

0/10 for relevance.


What percentage of the electorate didn't vote Labour in 2019


BBC right wing bias? Poor lefties, always the victim.


It's like you've all been programmed to regurgitate irrelevant nonsensical platitudes at every opportunity


Edited by fools
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11 hours ago, BadgerBodge said:

>60% of the electorate didn’t vote Tory in 2019.

Technically true, but then only 67.3% of the electorate bothered to vote and using "EU Remainer Maths" to include the non-voters the same way around 78% didn't vote Labour and over 92% didn't vote LibDem


>60% of the electorate didn’t vote for Brexit.

Also technically true but then only 72.21% of the electorate bothered to vote for that and using the same "maths" around 75% didn't vote to remain.


If people can't be bothered to cast a vote on such matters they have no voice when they disagree with the outcome.

It's easy enough for those making claims to put "the majority who voted voted for ...". To put "the majority voted for ..." is to imply greater support for something than there was. If people don't want others to draw attention to that, then don't use language that exaggerates the support for something.

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