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I can go all year without touching a single thermostat, that's less faff, it's nothing to do with being lazy. It clicks on when the place is cold, and clicks off when it's not. If you don't use it that way, you may as well have a switch.


Hordes of people turn their thermostat down as an  on/off control (because they read it on the internet or heard it was cheaper on the grapevine) for when they are out at work or asleep, when they already have a 10watt gadget called a timer there ticking away doing nothing.

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What is an ideal temperature for air, or water?


It depends.


In my office, the employees used to endlessly bicker about the central heating, some brought sweeaters, while some brought fans. Same with chairs and PC  monitor heights.


Government gudelines can't posibly take into consideration, all the intricasies of air curculation in all houses and flats, old and new, insulated or not.  There's hot spots and cold spots.


Might as well call for fine tuning the weather for eskimos and arabs, and everybody in between, a hundered years from now! 


Oh, wait.........!   :)




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5 minutes ago, fools said:

Lagging doesn't stop heat escaping, it's slows it down.

I didn't say it did. :)


Lagging reduces the amount of heat loss and in some circumstance can reduce it almost to zero if enough is installed. If heat is escaping and heating the surrounding area it means you have not got enough lagging installed. Simply adding more lagging will lessen that heat loss. 

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8 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

I didn't say it did. :)


Lagging reduces the amount of heat loss and in some circumstance can reduce it almost to zero if enough is installed. If heat is escaping and heating the surrounding area it means you have not got enough lagging installed. Simply adding more lagging will lessen that heat loss. 

That's incorrect, it's a fundamental rule of thermodynamics.


You heat a vessel up, that energy will end up heating the room up, and then heating outside up.


Heat a well insulated tank of water to 60C and leave it, it won't be 60C 24 hrs later, that energy has gone somewhere, the house. If you're using a room thermostat properly, that will save on the heating bills.

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12 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I have a slow cooker and a hot air-frier, as well as a microwave.

I now never use the big oven and rarely use the gas hob.

Much cheaper.

It isn't in every circumstance.


A slow cooker has to put the same amount of energy into the food, so it's on longer .. a gas hob is far cheaper.


a microwave is cheaper than an electric oven, but not cheaper than a gas hob or kettle.


gas is cheaper than electricity.


heating a smaller vessel is cheaper than heating an oven, but the oven heat warms up the house.

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6 hours ago, trastrick said:

Grandma had a neighbor, Silam Case we called him, until we found out she meant "asylum case". He wouldn't give us our balls back. He worked on his garden all the time and everything came up well.  I remember he used to cover it with lime  when he turned it over. He knew what he was doing.


I had a workmate in Toronto, a Dutch guy who had money to burn. When he built his house he had all the clay removed and brought in loads of beautiful top soil. Weeds were never a problem. When one appeared, he could just pick it out with two fingers.  He also had his lawns and pathways with no edging, so he could cut the grass in one swoop with having to go around with a trimmer. He planted only perrenials.  


You can learn a lot from guys like that.

I could do with a neighbor like Silam Case (yeah, I howled when you explained the name. Funniest thing I've heard in ages😁

Cheers for the lime tip. I'll definitely ok into getting some as my garden needs all the help it can get. As a very new gardener I'm quickly realizing I know very little but it's great to learn new things so thanks for that.

One thing I have learned though. Pumpkin plants grow incredibly easy and they get massive. Being unsure as to what grows and what dosent I planted about 20 Pumpkin seeds thinking only a few will grow.

Oh how wrong I was. I've got LOADS!!! 🙄

I might end up giving a few away so if you're interested just let me know 🙏

On 25/06/2022 at 21:09, Padders said:

Here you are Daddy,

Get these down your neck.

My prize Kidney Beans....



My God that gave me a giggle 🤣

Looks a good size though if you don't mind me say 😁

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15 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

I could do with a neighbor like Silam Case (yeah, I howled when you explained the name. Funniest thing I've heard in ages😁

Cheers for the lime tip. I'll definitely ok into getting some as my garden needs all the help it can get. As a very new gardener I'm quickly realizing I know very little but it's great to learn new things so thanks for that.

One thing I have learned though. Pumpkin plants grow incredibly easy and they get massive. Being unsure as to what grows and what dosent I planted about 20 Pumpkin seeds thinking only a few will grow.

Oh how wrong I was. I've got LOADS!!! 🙄

I might end up giving a few away so if you're interested just let me know 🙏

My God that gave me a giggle 🤣

Looks a good size though if you don't mind me say 😁

Be warned , pumpkins give off a pheremone that attracts rats and when big enough they nest inside them 

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26 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Be warned , pumpkins give off a pheremone that attracts rats and when big enough they nest inside them 

Along with the electric fence I'm also growing plenty of Catnip, garlic and leeks. Apparently thet deters rats so I'm hopeful that the measures I've taken bare fruit as it were.

And if not and the rats get at things then I'll chalk it up to experience (no doubt with lots of profanity)and try to learn for next year. So far I've had zero rat problems so far so I'm keeping everything crossed that trend continues 👍

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