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Road Closures 'Due To Fuel Protests' On The 4th July.

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49 minutes ago, carosio said:

I bet you can travel miles around the minor/estate/country roads around Sheffield without encountering ANPR cameras. Also, they only capture the time and possibly direction.

I can think of some places where they wouldn’t last ten minutes, how much are they worth by the way? 🤣

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On 01/07/2022 at 13:58, Chekhov said:

What do these protesters expect to happen ?


Putin to suddenly think "Oh British motorists are being delayed by fuel protesters (mainly, but not exclusively) because of my invasion of the Ukraine, so I'll withdraw straightaway" ?


They could be complaining about the tax on fuel, but the Government is in MASSIVE debt, mainly (but not exclusively) because it spent Billions and Billions trying to suppress Covid by suppressing society and the economy. If it reduces the tax on fuel it'll just have to put it up elsewhere, and, let's remind ourselves, the roads are all still packed anyway, even with record breaking fuel prices.....


Wrong target methinks.

They are doing it as a practice for their real protest, which is against adults being prevented from taking photos of children in swimming costumes 

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2 hours ago, Chekhov said:

I think you are getting confused between a few different issues......


 It's quite simple, no parent should be stopped from taking pics of their kids undertaking a school performance, none, zero, sod all.


I wanted to watch my son, who is an exceptional swimmer, taking his school swimming lessons, from the viewing balcony BTW. There is no reason at all why I should not be allowed to do that, none, zero, zilch, FA.


I would also like to be able to video my 9 year old lad swimming freestyle as he is better than 99% of adults, so again, there is no reason why I should not be able to do that, none, zero, sweet FA.

It is disgusting that I have to go on holiday abroad where it is warm enough to swim in the pool to be able to film my lad swimming, not everyone can afford to do that and, in any case, we have not been able to do that for the last two years..... And even now it is potentially less pleasurable than it was : possible "anti Covid measures", plus potential travel chaos.


As to if adults should be stopped from taking pics of random kids in a swimming pool, that is more of a question, though, TBH, I cannot actually see why anyone, even a paedo, would want to do that for nefarious reasons. Maybe you know ? Why would they want to do that ? What would they get out of it ?

I fancy (some) adult women, but I really would not want to waste my time watching videos of women in a swimming pool, why would I ? Maybe you (or someone else on here) would know ?

Fuel protests ????  By the way, if your son is an exceptional swimmer, why is he having swimming lessons? 

Edited by hackey lad
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You best bet is to check local/regional media sites.


Nationally, there’s https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-62034278


Not a lot that protests can hope to achieve, with the bulk of the cost issue attributable to the plunging £-$ exchange rate, and Sunak’s serial tone deafness about the cost of living crisis (what with pushing policies aimed at curbing goods/services demand, when demand is already plunging *because* of that cost of living crisis)


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