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The Younger Generation

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6 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Can we also have a thread about the "older generation" and how grumpy and self entitled many of them are, or are sweeping generalisations only allowed for the young 'uns?

That's a good point. 

I think a lot of the complaints about young people nowadays tend to be unfair. The young people I meet are a real credit, and are certainly no worse than the young people I grew up with in the 1980s. 



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On 03/07/2022 at 09:03, El Cid said:

I am not getting along with my daughter at the moment, she and her boyfriend are living at my house. I was talking to a friend and my sister, they both felt that the young ones they know, show no respect.

I was surprised, I thought it was just me, because I am divorced 

I don't think that because you're divorced you're any less worthy of respect from your daughter or her boyfriend.

You've shown kindness and respect to them by allowing them to stay at your house. The work colleagues and people I've known over the years who were in the same situation as you have laid down the 'house rules' to their children and told them if they don't like it, they can find somewhere else to live. That's not unreasonable. 

It's difficult because if you're an easy going person, sometimes people can take advantage of your good nature, and when you get fed up of being taken advantage of, and try and put some boundaries in place you end up feeling like you're the one who's being unreasonable. But if you're feeling rubbish about how your daughter is treating you, maybe be honest with her and tell her exactly how it's leaving you feeling; and what you expect from her and her boyfriend from now on. 



Edited by Mister M
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Out of interest, can I ask if kids, assuming they are working, still pay their parents 'board,' as was very much the case in my day. 


Way back then, my Mother used to say it was to teach us the value of money, that a wage wasn't all spending money, and to get us used to paying our way in the world.



Does it still happen or has it gone out of fashion?

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52 minutes ago, West 77 said:

The Christian thing for El Cid to do would be to offer the room the ungrateful daughter is occupying with her boyfriend to an Ukranian women and her children. I've no doubt the Ukrainians would be more grateful to El Cid's hospitality than his daughter.

A single divorced man, we get a bad press just for offering.

21 hours ago, Zinger549 said:

Perhaps they're trying to save for a deposit on a house/flat.

We don't communicate, but I don't believe so. They were paying £120 month, but they are now skint and haven't paid this year.

They did have an help to buy account, I would give them a grand if it meant I had some peace.

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8 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

Can we also have a thread about the "older generation" and how grumpy and self entitled many of them are, or are sweeping generalisations only allowed for the young 'uns?

Each generation is different.

Having wealthier parents often results in spoilt children, which is how more children are these days.

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1 hour ago, El Cid said:


We don't communicate,


Now that's better and at least a starting point to discuss. Now you need to ask yourself why that is happening when you are all in the same house living together.

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3 hours ago, West 77 said:

The Christian thing for El Cid to do would be to offer the room the ungrateful daughter is occupying with her boyfriend to an Ukranian women and her children. I've no doubt the Ukrainians would be more grateful to El Cid's hospitality than his daughter.



If like me you have vision then you can spot a positive from what appears to be a pointless thread. The positive is that one of the Mister Men has used the thread to display his agony aunt skills.  It wouldn't surprise me if the Mister Men were given a Dear Mister Men column by the Sheffield Forum management because if both Marjorie Proops and Claire Rayner were alive today I've no doubt the Mister Men could give them a run for their money.

I'll take that as a compliment. 

34 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Nonsense. You're only going to look bad if you ask such questions as the vital statistics of the Ukrainian women refugees needing a home. You just need to be creative to ensure you get the right Ukrainian women to live in your home.  Mention your house has steep stairs and Sheffield is a very hilly city which should attract a fairly fit applicant.  Also mention you're not very good at cooking and other domestic chores. With a bit of luck you could end up swapping your daughter for a free housekeeper. 

You should do stand up.

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