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Yorkshire Puddng


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My idea of  a real Yorkshire pudding. It would be cooked in an oblong tin which the meat had cooked in take the meat out crank the oven up to its highest setting. when its smoking hot pour in the batter. Thats the way my old mum used to do it and  i'm sure thats a proper Yorkshire pudding.  It would never enter her head to pour batter into a muffin tin and call it a Yorkshire pudding

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Yes... Thats how we do it. Have it as a starter, a couple of squares each for Sunday dinner with thick onion gravy made from the meat juices.

My wife  was shown by my mother who was taught by her mother in law. Mmmmmmmmmmmm delicious.

No Aunt Bessies in this house!  

Edited by Magneteer
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I too agree that a Yorkshire pud has to be made in an oblong tin - and preferably cooked in 

the fat that meat has just been roasted in - heated up until it's smoking hot. I also believe that a true Yorkshire pud simply has to served separately as a srarter - a couple of squares with gravy - to br scoffed before the rest of your Sunday dinner. Those daft little round Yorkshire puds that are served up on the same plate as the rest of your Sunday dinner are anathema to me - it's got to be served as a starter - anything else is just.....wrong!


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