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How Are You Dealing With The Weather?

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41 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Flippin' Ek, they deal with these sorts of temperatures all the time in lots of countries. And people flock to the mediterranean at great expense to enjoy them!

They happen here and some people treat it like a full scale disaster....


If you don't like it, stay indoors where it's cooler with a cup of tea.

If you have to work outdoors in it, over a certain temperature you have good grounds (safety at work) to down tools between 11am and 2pm if measures have not been put in place. 


If we're heading for these temps on a regular basis, (it was freezing for a lot of June,) then we have to do what they do in hot countries and take a siesta at the hottest time, and work earlier or later.


It's not the end of the world. We'll cope🙄


That is a fantastic mix of selfishness and away with the fairies nonsense.  Particularly loving your idea of staying in with a cup of tea during the working week, and peak time mass walk outs.

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41 minutes ago, Hecate said:

That is a fantastic mix of selfishness and away with the fairies nonsense.  Particularly loving your idea of staying in with a cup of tea during the working week, and peak time mass walk outs.

Love to see the gaffers face on small building jobs  , when  the lads down tools for a few hours .  As you said  , nonsense  

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6 hours ago, hackey lad said:

Love to see the gaffers face on small building jobs  , when  the lads down tools for a few hours .  As you said  , nonsense  

The lads I know on building jobs will,without a doubt in my mind, have their shirts off to cop a tan and hopefully try to impress any passing ladies 😂

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8 hours ago, sedith said:

Be careful over the following week you guys, my thoughts are with you poor people and I reckon  you will all make it through!! How do they go on in Spain, Morocco etc? 30c here today, look on the plus side

Frying eggs on car bonnets??? Bull sh+_t


@sedith- you weren't there, and can assure you we did it. Sadly, back in those days, I didn't have a camera to take the pictures.

8 hours ago, Padders said:

Spot on pal,

Saw a video on U tube...

Lucy Young in Spain left a frying pan for a couple of hours in the Mid-day sun at 40c

Cracked an egg in it, left it for a while, and it didn't even sizzle.

@Padders-Who needed frying pans - this was straight in the bonnet of black E93A Ford pops.

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6 hours ago, hackey lad said:

Love to see the gaffers face on small building jobs  , when  the lads down tools for a few hours .  As you said  , nonsense  

Indeed.  The thing that really ****** me off about the 'Yay! It's beach/garden/pool weather! Sucks to be you if you don't like it' attitude is that it cheerfully ignores the fact that extreme heat can and will cause misery for some and will absolutely be dangerous for others.  Heatstroke and dehydration, particularly for the homeless, elderly, sick, pregnant, young, and those in poor working/living conditions, aren't fantasy concepts plucked out of the collective arse of the oppressive medical/government establishment. 


Yes, people seek out and enjoy this weather on overseas holidays - because they're on holiday - being all mad dogs and Englishmen in the midday sun burning themselves to a crisp, and not having to endure traffic jams due to melting tarmac, train delays and cancellations due to buckling tracks, failed electrical equipment and collapsing cables, and underground commutes where the temperature can get to 10 degrees above what it is on the surface.


And yes, other countries can usually cope better than us, because they're prepared and accustomed to doing so, just like the Scandinavian countries that someone will inevitably point to when we're crippled by the extreme winter weather conditions that we experience on occasion.  Though, of course, you only have to look at 2003 to see what happens when they're hit with a heatwave that's unusual for them in temperature and/or duration.


If you look back on 1976 with misty, rose-tinted specs and have the time to enjoy this hot weather and the ability to do so safely, then good for you, knock yourself out, but do try to have a peek beyond your happy little summer bubble to consider those who will struggle with it.





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20 minutes ago, Hecate said:

Indeed.  The thing that really ****** me off about the 'Yay! It's beach/garden/pool weather! Sucks to be you if you don't like it' attitude is that it cheerfully ignores the fact that extreme heat can and will cause misery for some and will absolutely be dangerous for others.  Heatstroke and dehydration, particularly for the homeless, elderly, sick, pregnant, young, and those in poor working/living conditions, aren't fantasy concepts plucked out of the collective arse of the oppressive medical/government establishment. 


Yes, people seek out and enjoy this weather on overseas holidays - because they're on holiday - being all mad dogs and Englishmen in the midday sun burning themselves to a crisp, and not having to endure traffic jams due to melting tarmac, train delays and cancellations due to buckling tracks, failed electrical equipment and collapsing cables, and underground commutes where the temperature can get to 10 degrees above what it is on the surface.


And yes, other countries can usually cope better than us, because they're prepared and accustomed to doing so, just like the Scandinavian countries that someone will inevitably point to when we're crippled by the extreme winter weather conditions that we experience on occasion.  Though, of course, you only have to look at 2003 to see what happens when they're hit with a heatwave that's unusual for them in temperature and/or duration.


If you look back on 1976 with misty, rose-tinted specs and have the time to enjoy this hot weather and the ability to do so safely, then good for you, knock yourself out, but do try to have a peek beyond your happy little summer bubble to consider those who will struggle with it.




I’ll cope with that. 👌


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10 minutes ago, rogets said:

I was wandering around in just my shorts yesterday and all the women were gawping in tesco 


It's a joke, why can a man not walk around with his shorts on and not have women gawping at them


Probably your dirty feet.

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