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Doncaster Sheffield Airport Could Permanently Close

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We're flying to Alicante with Tui from Doncaster. I chose Doncaster as when I'm going on holiday, I want it to begin with a pleasant experience and I'm prepared to pay extra for that.

In all honesty, I wouldn't choose any destination that involves flying from Manchester. It is an awful airport at the best of times. Reminds me of a cattle market. 

We only fly once a year if that, so the extra cost of Donny isn't  a deal breaker. 

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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

I was referring to Ecconoob's post saying 'we need a project which is actually required, viable, and which people will use.'

That's the million dollar question.

Can anybody suggest anything? Our councils seem to be out of ideas...


My argument is London Heathrow is over capacity and looking to expand.

I see no reason why it shouldn't be expanded in the centre of England serving more people, rather than back in the overcrowded south east yet again.

It is a multi-billion-dollar question and not something I can just chuck out an answer to without months and months of consultation, analysis, research and investigation. The point is, whatever project gets done it needs to be something which is viable. As people keep pointing out to you, a failing airport isn't on the agenda.


You keep bringing up this issue about Heathrow but completely ignoring the posts where it is explained to you there are already several alternatives outside London. There are already several airports which can easily take capacity of long-haul flights and have been doing them successfully for several years. What possibly makes you think that Doncaster is even close to achieving such status?  It has failed in its 17 year history to secure even one of the big budget Airlines. It has little to no legacy in running any sort of regular scheduled daily services and relies solely on cheap package tours charter flights.  


It's dismal passenger numbers speak volumes. It is not even close to achieving the sort of regular passenger flow that even its weakest of rivals is already achieving. The big flag carrier Airlines require daily passenger numbers. They require regular long haul travellers. They require regular business travellers. They require a flow to fill their massive jets. 


Then ain't going to come close to touching an  airport that can't even keep contracts with a budget Eastern European airline.

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What is ever going to be considered viable in an economy deep in debt? 

Even the 'Months of Consultation, analysis, research and investigation,' that you speak of costs £millions, which we haven't got. 

Or in an economy where £4,000 per head of population is spent on infrastructure projects in the south east, compared to less than £300 per capita 'up north?' 


So we might as well give up, and watch the North of England sink into third world status with decay, dereliction, low paid jobs (or no jobs at all,) . Nobody wants to invest in failure.... 


Edited by Anna B
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2 hours ago, Anna B said:

What is ever going to be considered viable .........

Don't give up, Anna.

Peel Holdings know exactly how to make money.

Do deals with councils, quangos and government that revolve around dubious transformation, creative accounting and acquisition of dirt cheap real estate for housing and business parks.

Laughing all the way to the bank.


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4 hours ago, Anna B said:

What is ever going to be considered viable in an economy deep in debt? 

Even the 'Months of Consultation, analysis, research and investigation,' that you speak of costs £millions, which we haven't got. 

Or in an economy where £4,000 per head of population is spent on infrastructure projects in the south east, compared to less than £300 per capita 'up north?' 


So we might as well give up, and watch the North of England sink into third world status with decay, dereliction, low paid jobs (or no jobs at all,) . Nobody wants to invest in failure.... 


Yes yes blah blah we are all doomed.


Can you get back onto the topic of airports which is what this thread is about.  You always seem to have a habit of diverting the subject whenever you are challenged on something you have said.


Now, why is it that you feel so strongly that Doncaster must be saved and invested in to becoming the new Heathrow when there are several alternative locations nearby which are already running established regular scheduled long-haul flights, have far better facilities with consistent high levels of passenger numbers and don't have the poor track record like DSA of repeatedly failing to secure big names, dismal passenger flows and failure to have a  commercially viable operation.


Is it really so unreasonable to suggest the DSA never fulfilled its purpose, never achieved it's required numbers and should be scrapped before even more wasted funds are thrown at it (particularly if they are potentially going to be taxpayer funds).

4 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

Just a correction on the above - Easyjet lasted 9 months at the airport.


Nine dismal months.

Thank you. Did not realise that. Proves my point even more,  when they do manage to bag a budget airline they can't keep it.



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1 hour ago, cgksheff said:

Don't give up, Anna.

Peel Holdings know exactly how to make money.

Do deals with councils, quangos and government that revolve around dubious transformation, creative accounting and acquisition of dirt cheap real estate for housing and business parks.

Laughing all the way to the bank.


Wow.   Property investment group knows how to run their business and make profit. Shock horror.

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27 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Yes yes blah blah we are all doomed.


Can you get back onto the topic of airports which is what this thread is about.  You always seem to have a habit of diverting the subject whenever you are challenged on something you have said.


Now, why is it that you feel so strongly that Doncaster must be saved and invested in to becoming the new Heathrow when there are several alternative locations nearby which are already running established regular scheduled long-haul flights, have far better facilities with consistent high levels of passenger numbers and don't have the poor track record like DSA of repeatedly failing to secure big names, dismal passenger flows and failure to have a  commercially viable operation.


Is it really so unreasonable to suggest the DSA never fulfilled its purpose, never achieved it's required numbers and should be scrapped before even more wasted funds are thrown at it (particularly if they are potentially going to be taxpayer funds).

Thank you. Did not realise that. Proves my point even more,  when they do manage to bag a budget airline they can't keep it.



I have been on topic, in what way do you think I have diverted from the subject?


I've come up with an idea which you disagree with, which is your privilege, but I've noriced it is what you generally do on most threads. You seem to delight in saying what won't work, but rarely come up with any alternative ideas of your own. Maybe you should give that more thought, 

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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

I have been on topic, in what way do you think I have diverted from the subject?


I've come up with an idea which you disagree with, which is your privilege, but I've noriced it is what you generally do on most threads. You seem to delight in saying what won't work, but rarely come up with any alternative ideas of your own. Maybe you should give that more thought, 

I don't need to give it more thought.   The topic is airports.  I am not going to have some meandering conversation banging on about levelling up or jobs or the economy or the disgusting capitalist corporations or evil Tories or the neoliberals or working poverty or how everyone outside the M25 is doomed to failure...


I am not coming up with an alternative because I'm not in a position to. I have stated earlier that it will need to be an informed judgement involving multiple people and months, if not years, of consultation and research and planning to sensibly come up with such an idea.   As an anonymous person on the internet I could propose a unicorn breeding park or UFOs spaceport or giant escalator to nowhere or Willy Wonka's chocolate factory but it doesn't mean it's a viable and sensible proposal.


Now, again, trying to desperately drag this kicking and screaming back to the subject of  airports.....You keep bringing up how there is some supposed desperate need that us Northerners must have our own Heathrow and portray DSA as being just a perfect location for it which means it must be saved.  I have set out in detail why I disagree, why there is clear evidence it is failing and lagging behind even it's nearest rivals and how there is already, in existence, several alternatives far more established and adequately dealing with both much bigger passenger volumes and regular long haul flights.


So I ask again. Faced with all those hurdles, pitiful passenger numbers, and hemorrhaging money -  why do you feel that DSA has ability to turn itself around to commercially sound longevity and miraculously attract big-name flag carrier Airlines?

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2 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

I don't need to give it more thought.   The topic is airports.  I am not going to have some meandering conversation banging on about levelling up or jobs or the economy or the disgusting capitalist corporations or evil Tories or the neoliberals or working poverty or how everyone outside the M25 is doomed to failure...

If you really can't see the connection between connectivity, transport links and airports, and much needed investment in infrastructure to level up the North, then you really must be incapable of seeing the whole picture.

These things don't happen in isolation, they create ripples that change everything. 


How do you think London has become such a major hub of consummerism and wealth?

Annual Investment that is 13 times that which has been put into the North, that's how.

£Billions have been poured into the south east's infrastructure. the North has had a few crumbs that were left on the table. That's all. 


Give the North £Billions, and it would be a very different place. Spend it on state of the art modern logistical transport links, -air, rail and road, and throw in a major Port at Hull, and we'd be in a position to compete with  the World.

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