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Is It True You Need A Smart Phone To Go To The City Hall ?


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1 hour ago, LovePotion said:

Do you want to live in a tyranical country, where they can stop our access to money, track our every purchase and dictate what we do and when? Their motto is "you will own nothing and be happy".

You honestly believe you are making a stand against something by using cash? Fighting against some sort of tyranny? 


Plenty of businesses are card only, presumably because its more convenient for them. No cashing up at the end of each day, no taking that cash to the bank, no need for a float each day.

Edited by Bargepole23
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3 hours ago, LovePotion said:

If you can't be bothered to cash up then a business/career in retail is not for you. 


The New World Order is what I fight against.

Take of the tin foil hat and come back into the real world. I use a mix of card/cash.  Cash machines are not always working and people often put those blockers on which are not always easy to spot. I don't know anybody who wants to go completely cashless. Cash has it's place and it's not going away anytime soon.

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6 minutes ago, LovePotion said:

I live in the real world, I can see what is happening. There are so many brainwashed sheep sleepwalking in to tryanny, it's disgraceful. People who buy train "tickets" with a mobile telephone (which slows down the ticket check as they conveniently forget to active it, whilst those of us with proper tickets are left waiting to show it, so that we can put it away safely). People wearing muzzles on their faces. People who pay for everything with their card. People who give in to companies' pressure to make everyone "download their app". People who can't be bothered to come in to work, so "work" from home. 


We have to fight for our freedoms. No, I will not accept a doctor appointment over the telephone, he can see me face to face. No, I will not pay you with a bank transfer, I will pay you with cash. No, I will not wear a muzzle over my face. No, I will not take your dangerous "vaccination". No, I will not stay at home, I was born with legs for a reason, to move around.

There's a load of brain-dead sheep who have wait until they get to the front of bus queue, then start rooting around for their cash/card/ticket while the rest of us get wet (if it's raining) . Activating a mobile train ticket takes seconds, and in any case I've not (on my numerous train  journeys) seen this happen more than a couple of times.

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57 minutes ago, LovePotion said:

I live in the real world, I can see what is happening. There are so many brainwashed sheep sleepwalking in to tryanny, it's disgraceful. People who buy train "tickets" with a mobile telephone (which slows down the ticket check as they conveniently forget to active it, whilst those of us with proper tickets are left waiting to show it, so that we can put it away safely). People wearing muzzles on their faces. People who pay for everything with their card. People who give in to companies' pressure to make everyone "download their app". People who can't be bothered to come in to work, so "work" from home. 


We have to fight for our freedoms. No, I will not accept a doctor appointment over the telephone, he can see me face to face. No, I will not pay you with a bank transfer, I will pay you with cash. No, I will not wear a muzzle over my face. No, I will not take your dangerous "vaccination". No, I will not stay at home, I was born with legs for a reason, to move around.

Seems to me like the only person causing additional inconvenience and restricting your freedoms is yourself.


What a self entitled tool you are.


Oh I do hope the modern world keeps progressing at pace and you get even more  barriers and petty inconveniences to have to deal with. Perhaps then the message might finally sink in and you will embrace change.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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1 hour ago, LovePotion said:

I live in the real world, I can see what is happening. There are so many brainwashed sheep sleepwalking in to tryanny, it's disgraceful. People who buy train "tickets" with a mobile telephone (which slows down the ticket check as they conveniently forget to active it, whilst those of us with proper tickets are left waiting to show it, so that we can put it away safely). People wearing muzzles on their faces. People who pay for everything with their card. People who give in to companies' pressure to make everyone "download their app". People who can't be bothered to come in to work, so "work" from home. 


We have to fight for our freedoms. No, I will not accept a doctor appointment over the telephone, he can see me face to face. No, I will not pay you with a bank transfer, I will pay you with cash. No, I will not wear a muzzle over my face. No, I will not take your dangerous "vaccination". No, I will not stay at home, I was born with legs for a reason, to move around.

So you have a builder/trades person around your house.  They give you a quote and ask for bank transfer or cheque because they want to do things by the book.  Lots of small businesses take card as it's quick and convenient and the fees are not that expensive.  When I went to the fun fair recently some of the showman were taking card.  When I get on the bus I tap my card on the reader and that it. You don't have you worry about having the correct amount for the fair. The driver doesn't have to spend time sorting out the correct change if someone pays with a note. They also don't have to carry a load of cash around when they get of the bus.


Some people can work from home just as effectively as in the office. If you don't have much interaction with others during you working day does it matter whether your in the office or at home.


If you didn't read these 'theories' would you have the same view?

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11 minutes ago, LovePotion said:

A builder can take cash and he can still operate legally. 


I find that buses are increasingly delayed by people's cards/mobile phones being rejected by the card reader.


People cannot work effectively  at home, as they cannot liaise with other departments of the business easily and quickly.


I was pro-cash for a long time before I became aware of the NWO.

When people are in an office and they need to speak to someone in a different department you think they always do it face to face. Email, telephone, Teams/Zoom do you not use any of these. During lockdown many people had to work from home and it didn't effect their productivity.  Why do you think some businesses are offering flexible working. Some days at home and some in the office. Anyway were going round in circles her so.

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