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I had 10 weeks radiotherapy for head and neck cancer. Plus four chemotherapy sessions. No surgery. 

It wasn't particularly pleasant, but certainly better than the alternative, and the side effects not as bad as I expected. I've now been cancer free for over 4 years, and due to be discharged at 5 years.


The service and support offered by Weston Park Hospital and the Macmillan nurses, was exemplary. I put my trust in them completely. 

Please PM me if you want more information or if I can help.


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I had 30 radiotherapy sessions and all I had to do was lay under the machine for a few minutes with no after effects. My drawback was that where my cancer was they had to go across my throat and they burned it, due to it being a tender spot. 

  I am the same as you Anna B because I am into my fifth year of X-rays and hoping to be discharged from the fabulous care of the Weston Park hospital, soon.

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7 hours ago, Kidorry said:

I had 30 radiotherapy sessions and all I had to do was lay under the machine for a few minutes with no after effects. My drawback was that where my cancer was they had to go across my throat and they burned it, due to it being a tender spot. 

  I am the same as you Anna B because I am into my fifth year of X-rays and hoping to be discharged from the fabulous care of the Weston Park hospital, soon.

Weston Park Hospital is fantastic isn't it? 

I'll never be able to thank them enough. 

Shows what a bit of extra funding and staffing can do.

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My friend had treatment there for years, successfully.  I cannot say the same for the Northern General Hospital,  or the Royal Hallamshire Hospital.    With the state of the NHS as it is, f I had my time over again, I would have invested in private medical insurance for sure.

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16 hours ago, Kidorry said:

I had 30 radiotherapy sessions and all I had to do was lay under the machine for a few minutes with no after effects. My drawback was that where my cancer was they had to go across my throat and they burned it, due to it being a tender spot. 

  I am the same as you Anna B because I am into my fifth year of X-rays and hoping to be discharged from the fabulous care of the Weston Park hospital, soon.

Did it effect your walking at all , energy wise or distance etc .

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Radiotherapy did not effect me at all except for what I mentioned before. My walking was only affected by the cancer I had and not the radiotherapy. But with prostate cancer it could be different.

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