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Smoking Cannabis In Public


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On 18/07/2022 at 15:56, The_DADDY said:

Unfortunately you can either complain or move home. That's pretty much all you can do if your neighbor is the ignorant sort.

It was actually my neighbour who was the reason I stopped. I loved a good smoke but she could smell it in her house too and no matter how I tried to control the smell it still crept in so I stopped. As much as I liked my weed I wasn't prepared to knowingly effect somone else's quality of life. 

Simple as that, just  «  move home ». 

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On 18/07/2022 at 14:39, dan2802 said:

One of our neighbours smokes it and it stinks.

We can't even open the windows.

Latest time was 7am this morning !

Wait while the wind is in their direction and have a bonfire don't forget to put some plastic or rubber on.

2 hours ago, pattricia said:

What does it smell like ?

There's a reason it's called s..t

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2 hours ago, Ridgewalk said:

Simple as that, just  «  move home ». 

That’s exactly what we did. It’s not ‘as simple as that’ though when it involves selling your house and finding a new property. Don’t assume everyone can just flit around from one rented place to another even if you can. Think about someone with young kids - should they have smell of weed in their bedrooms and have to move house and potentially school at short notice if they don’t like it? Think about other people. Most people couldn’t care less about people smoking weed if that’s what they want but a lot of people find the smell rank and while they will put it up with outdoors or passing by they shouldn’t have to smell a stink like rancid dog mess in their own home and they have every right to complain about it.

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On 19/07/2022 at 17:52, Palomar said:

It's just a smell, one of hundreds you might come across daily, if you examined your own psyche you'd probably find you're so viscerally against it because it's the the smell of illegality, the smell of people not conforming, the smell of people having a good time, the smell of demonised poor people, the smell of young folk.


Perhaps when it's legal it will smell more acceptable.



Its not JUST a smell though is it?  What about the visiting 'dealer' in the black VW Golf with smoked glass (and number plates) who's two passengers give sneers and threatening looks as you observe them visiting your law abiding neighbour for the umpteenth time in a week?   


What about your neighbour's 3 year old child who's bedroom (and lungs) get full of the stench of this filth?  


It's the smell of criminality, it's the smell of the unhealthy, it's the smell of the psychotic!


The simply deluded addled brains of those who think smoking skunk / weed will be legalised,  just confirms how harmful substance abuse is.

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8 minutes ago, Tipstaff said:

Its not JUST a smell though is it?  What about the visiting 'dealer' in the black VW Golf with smoked glass (and number plates) who's two passengers give sneers and threatening looks as you observe them visiting your law abiding neighbour for the umpteenth time in a week?   


What about your neighbour's 3 year old child who's bedroom (and lungs) get full of the stench of this filth?  


It's the smell of criminality, it's the smell of the unhealthy, it's the smell of the psychotic!


The simply deluded addled brains of those who think smoking skunk / weed will be legalised,  just confirms how harmful substance abuse is.

Absolutely bang on !!!...


Skunk is very dangerous because it is grown under powerful lights constantly night and day making it very potent indeed..


It also brings on psychological problems which is a uphill battle to get your well being back !!!!...


Well said  “Tipstaff”...


I couldn’t have said it better myself and well done for voicing your true opinion !!!!.....

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18 minutes ago, Tipstaff said:

Its not JUST a smell though is it?  What about the visiting 'dealer' in the black VW Golf with smoked glass (and number plates) who's two passengers give sneers and threatening looks as you observe them visiting your law abiding neighbour for the umpteenth time in a week?   


What about your neighbour's 3 year old child who's bedroom (and lungs) get full of the stench of this filth?  


It's the smell of criminality, it's the smell of the unhealthy, it's the smell of the psychotic!


The simply deluded addled brains of those who think smoking skunk / weed will be legalised,  just confirms how harmful substance abuse is.

Then legalise it. 

All the above could just as easily apply to alcohol in the days of prohibition. When it was legalised half the problems disappeared. 

Legalising and regulating cannabis as well as collecting tax from it would have similar effects, and it would most probably no longer be a 'gateway' to stronger drugs either.

Ask any policeman. He would rather deal with canabis smokers than drunks any day of the week.

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4 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Then legalise it. 

All the above could just as easily apply to alcohol in the days of prohibition. When it was legalised half the problems disappeared. 

Legalising and regulating cannabis as well as collecting tax from it would have similar effects, and it would most probably no longer be a 'gateway' to stronger drugs either.

Ask any policeman. He would rather deal with canabis smokers than drunks any day of the week.

I'm sure there are still some in Parliament who would legalise it.  It was 'downgraded' to a cat. C until they realised their mistake (Mr BLUNKETT, I think?) and then back to cat. B where it belongs! 

I don't remember us having alcohol prohibition in the UK?

Where is the evidence that law abiding smokers of cannabis (if it were ever legalised) would voluntarily pay tax on it rather than just buy it illegally from an underground farm?

I don't need to ask a police officer (male or female) anything, your assumptions on policing seem quite outdated and irrelevant. 

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I don’t intend to take the micky, but if it was legalised where would it be sold, in the Co-op perhaps, or your local pharmacy, the latter would likely make the already huge queues even worse, so where would it be sold?

As for the police, I can’t recall the last time that I saw one on foot, other than getting in and out of police vehicles, so they would have to have super smell nostrils. The users would likely go for the cheaper tax free option, would this also be applied to to tobacco and alcohol vendors, I don’t think so?


I have never tried or wanted to try it, the fags and booze were sufficient for the likes of me, something that I am thankful for.

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