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Smoking Cannabis In Public


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34 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

First sentence is shocking 

I agree but those appear to be the only options. Even complaining may be fruitless. Depends very much on the neighbour' causing the issue and how open they are to compromise. 

12 minutes ago, Colin Foster said:

There's a small patch of green space in front of my house, I regularly have to shift youths sitting there smoking it. Not having that smell in my kitchen!

We sometimes get them at the end of our drive.

Small dead end road out of the way of most prying eyes. I don't mind the weed but I do object to them Leaving their McRubbish.

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The news today highlights proposals to remove passports and driving licences from recreational drug users with the first offence paying for a drug awareness course.

Its a kind of natural selection filter, so let them do what they want and the consequences of their actions will soon catch up with them.

The police and courts are all part of a money making scheme paid for by tax payers and victims. Why would they want to put people away when it pays their wages?


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The smell is the problem for me too. I’m happy to live and let live on this in every way apart from the smell.  And yes, we did end up having to move house because of smell of it getting in our house. The smokers are oblivious to the smell but as someone put it on here once they have no idea they smell like they just <  > their pants.

Edited by redruby
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Back in the day cannabis was a fringe habit and the old stuff didn’t smell too bad. Nowadays it’s been widely embraced by the mainstream youth who prefer the genetically modified “skunk “ variant which bloody stinks to high heaven. As for the police,forget it you’re on your own. To illustrate, last night my mum woke in the early hours to a commotion outside. Unusual as she lives on a nice, quiet estate. Turns out a group of scumbags had turned up with a van to steal a neighbours motorcycle. Police were called and a few households were yelling at the perps. One of the lowlifes then produced a machete from the vehicle and stood guard while his mates completed their thievery. Police never arrived. So we now live in a society where criminals can do what they please unworried by the consequences, great job SYP 👍

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It's just a smell, one of hundreds you might come across daily, if you examined your own psyche you'd probably find you're so viscerally against it because it's the the smell of illegality, the smell of people not conforming, the smell of people having a good time, the smell of demonised poor people, the smell of young folk.


Perhaps when it's legal it will smell more acceptable.



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54 minutes ago, Palomar said:

It's just a smell, one of hundreds you might come across daily, if you examined your own psyche you'd probably find you're so viscerally against it because it's the the smell of illegality, the smell of people not conforming, the smell of people having a good time, the smell of demonised poor people, the smell of young folk.


Perhaps when it's legal it will smell more acceptable.

Right, kids?



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On 18/07/2022 at 14:51, DuncanBiscuits said:


What if you want to live without the smell?  

 Hang some rotting meat on your side of fence in order to breed maggots for fishing, the smell of the weed will be forgotten.

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2 hours ago, Palomar said:

It's just a smell, one of hundreds you might come across daily, if you examined your own psyche you'd probably find you're so viscerally against it because it's the the smell of illegality, the smell of people not conforming, the smell of people having a good time, the smell of demonised poor people, the smell of young folk.


Perhaps when it's legal it will smell more acceptable.



I couldn’t give a monkey’s what people want to do  for good time and  if you don’t mind smelling like a steaming bag of dog mess tossed into a roadside skip and left there to rot for weeks in a heatwave for a good time go for it. But I don’t want my own house, my own personal space, smelling like that. But I guess it’s the same as cigarette smokers and soap dodgers not realising that they stinky stinky stink.

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