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Smoking Cannabis In Public


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Just now, hackey lad said:

Bet when you "dabbled" you didn't stink the place out 

The stuff I smoked did stink the place out. That's the reason I stopped. It was affecting my neighbour's quality of life so I packed it in. Not sure how many years ago it was but it's a good while. 

There are times when I smell it and think 'ay, I could just do with a joint about now' but I'm not seriously tempted to light up again. Too many pitfalls these days. Take driving for example.

If I have a sly joint and then get pulled a couple of days later I could lose my driving license. 

I can't afford to let that happen. Plus I have a neighbor with two young kiddies so I wouldn't want them to be affected by it.


Just now, Norbert said:

Somehow I can't imagine rock stars asking their dealer for the weak stuff, in fact they pride themselves on having the very best stuff. The rich and famous have had access to pure and very strong drugs since forever.

Yeah lol. It wouldn't exactly go with the Rock Star image would it.

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26 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Bet when you "dabbled" you didn't stink the place out 

I know this wasn't asked of me but, I'm fairly certain none of my neighbours have the faintest idea I've been high for the last few decades. The people stinking out their neighbours are most likely growing.


I'm not psychotic or unhealthy (I can cycle up long steep hills and walk 20 miles), I don't consider myself a criminal, I've never driven while high. I'd like to consistently source the stuff ethically but that's hard while it's illegal.

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1 minute ago, Norbert said:

I know this wasn't asked of me but, I'm fairly certain none of my neighbours have the faintest idea I've been high for the last few decades. The people stinking out their neighbours are most likely growing.


I'm not psychotic or unhealthy (I can cycle up long steep hills and walk 20 miles), I don't consider myself a criminal, I've never driven while high. I'd like to consistently source the stuff ethically but that's hard while it's illegal.

My bold.


I can assure you, I wasn't growing. Paper thin council walls coupled with neighbors having their windows open and the weed soon creeps in even though my windows would be closed.

When my neighbour told me she could smell it I was gutted.

I knew it was the beginning of the end of a beautiful relationship. 


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5 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

When my neighbours have to give up an afternoon on the garden because another neighbour two doors down decides to fire one up , I can tell you its not from him growing        

Open-minded dialog from both sides is recommended

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