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Guest sibon

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Indeed we’ll said! Let’s hope that the positive elements are taken on board by all, the clubs, fans ,police and the councils safety advisory group

treat folk like sh## and that’s what comes back. Let’s get rid of the coke heads, dipsticks etal Ban the lot of em!

sadly can’t see it happening but hope I’m wrong

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I think  one of the main reasons that the atmosphere and general friendliness was more prevalent was that there were more women and children involved.

Any man worth the name will conduct himself with some decency in the presence of women and children. Obviously, that's a general rule and I accept that some women can get out of order as well but generally speaking it holds true.

One of my daughters went down to Devonshire Green yesterday evening, she's not interested in football but had been interested by the radio reports on her way home from work so decided to investigate.

She sent me a video last night and it looked good, talking to her today she thoroughly enjoyed it.

Not sure whether or not we can get that many women interested and prepared to allow their young children to risk league football attendance with all the dipsticks involved.



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It's been a good couple of weeks for Sheffield city centre.

First, the 3 group games brought record crowds and a lot of vibrancy and colour at a time when the city is quiet due to the lack of students.

Then we've just had Tramlines weekend, which is always a highlight.

Finished yesterday with a carnival atmosphere on dev green and a sell out crowd at the lane watched on the Beeb by 9 million viewers


Sheffield's done good for a change




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14 hours ago, m williamson said:

I think  one of the main reasons that the atmosphere and general friendliness was more prevalent was that there were more women and children involved.

Any man worth the name will conduct himself with some decency in the presence of women and children. Obviously, that's a general rule and I accept that some women can get out of order as well but generally speaking it holds true.

One of my daughters went down to Devonshire Green yesterday evening, she's not interested in football but had been interested by the radio reports on her way home from work so decided to investigate.

She sent me a video last night and it looked good, talking to her today she thoroughly enjoyed it.

Not sure whether or not we can get that many women interested and prepared to allow their young children to risk league football attendance with all the dipsticks involved.



Agree 100% ..... i went to the France v Italy game at Rotherham and thoroughly enjoyed it ...lots of smiling faces ..supporters wearing various club & international shirts all mixing without bother....lots of women and children around   ...unfortunately i don't think  this sort of atmosphere will transfer to the football league...as you rightly say, too many dipsticks around looking for confrontations ... 

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I no longer follow football live , I stopped because of the disgraceful behaviour of so called supporters who sat around  me, The bad language in front of kids and the odd lady was constant , The  gesturing and abuse at rival fans bordered on hate  with some sections of the crowd more interested in that aspect than actually watching the match .

The womans game I am watching on TV is a refreshing change from all the rolling over in agony , the conning of referee's  and constant stoppages in a match .

Will this last or will the lasses start emulating the over paid up them selves mens game , who knows but we can always watch cricket , If we go to Leeds that is .

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It's been a success no doubt about it, even before it started I'd of backed us to put on a good show whichever ground the games were played at. I've not been to any games but I've only heard good things about the atmosphere etc from people that went. 

Women's football has only just started getting more popular though, plenty of time for the wrong uns to infiltrate games and ruin it but hopefully that won't happen.

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Guest sibon
1 hour ago, Kelvin Phlats said:

Not my cup of tea to be honest but you can't deny the pleasure it brought to some so fair play to all concerned.

Why would it not be your cup of tea?

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