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Nowt Left In The Coffers Say Scc

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On 20/09/2022 at 18:48, bassett one said:

we all or most have to live by our income,we can borrow but that makes the income less,so we need to take stock,sell any useless assetts,like building land,cut cost and get back on a even keel ,do we need housing offices all over sheffield? we must have land to sell,but that does not mean wasting any income,possibly a change is needed say the lib/dems for a few years,theres loads of areas to save cash,they spend lots on events,why not work with the park groups ,let them bid for cash and save money there? thats just one of many ideas to look at.

I'm sure the tenants of Lowedges wouldn't mind if their housing office was in Darnall would they 😎

Edited by Longcol
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On 19/09/2022 at 08:49, Man in Crete said:

So after month 4 of the financial year scc have overspent by £21m against an overspend of £19m in month 1

they have robbed capital reserves which are now essentially empty and all they do is blame the govt

fact remains that there is a budget so keep within it ?

So basically, turning people away who need Social Care? That is what cuts in social care mean. People in the community who need help to wash themselves, get dressed, eat properly, take their medications. That is what Social care is. 


Hospitals are already struggling to discharge patients due to a lack of capacity in Social Care services. Parents are already struggling to care for their children with disabilities. People who have long term health conditions are already experiencing cuts in the level of care which is funded. 

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12 hours ago, Longcol said:

I'm sure the tenants of Lowedges wouldn't mind if their housing office was in Darnall would they 😎

the office and many others are never open to the public anyway and have not been for several years,plus many council staff still work from home,just make one central office in town and disabled ect if need be can be visited,the amount of staff scc housing have is huge,they set on patch officers to visit every council tennent once a year,to only find this was not lawfull, sothen they said these people would visit if invited and settle disputes ,that doesnt work so i have been told as how do you sort neighbours being friends as its often very complicated going back years,why dont they finish this idea and save cash,or spend it on all the empty houses,flats where they are just used for a signing on address ect or a bolt hole if they fall out with the man or women they are living with,the wastage in housing alone must be huge,then theres the levy collection that costs fortunes and what about the three quator of a million unused levy thats been collected and increasing weekly thats supposed to be spent on council estates not in the bank? ,i am not saying its easy but theres lots of waste.

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Guest busdriver1
17 hours ago, bassett one said:

the containers are awfull,block off fargate,look a mess ,total waste of money 

Look, just because these containers make the area look like an extension to Booths scrapyard do we have to say, without concrete evidence that they make the area look worse? I personally think they are in keeping with the city centre.

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2 hours ago, bassett one said:

the office and many others are never open to the public anyway and have not been for several years,plus many council staff still work from home,just make one central office in town and disabled ect if need be can be visited,the amount of staff scc housing have is huge,they set on patch officers to visit every council tennent once a year,to only find this was not lawfull, sothen they said these people would visit if invited and settle disputes ,that doesnt work so i have been told as how do you sort neighbours being friends as its often very complicated going back years,why dont they finish this idea and save cash,or spend it on all the empty houses,flats where they are just used for a signing on address ect or a bolt hole if they fall out with the man or women they are living with,the wastage in housing alone must be huge,then theres the levy collection that costs fortunes and what about the three quator of a million unused levy thats been collected and increasing weekly thats supposed to be spent on council estates not in the bank? ,i am not saying its easy but theres lots of waste.

Maybe they'd have more money if people paid their rent...


And most in-person points were closed during the pandemic, but are now open and have been for months, although I'll concede that the opening times may have changed for whatever reasons.


Do you know how difficult it is to take back possession of a property?  And, even if the council try to take people to court, thei're seen as the evil ones who are mean to their tenants. Granted, there are things they could do better, but it's not all their fault and some of the responsibility is with current/ex/prospective tenants.

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Having worked in social housing my experience is that a minority of tenants take up the majority of housing officers’ time. Evicting anti social tenants requires a lot of evidence from a variety of sources to present to a court which can take  months/years during which affected neighbours give up recording incidents as they perceive nothing is being done. If cases do reach court appointed lawyers will plead mitigating circumstances such as substance misuse etc and request another chance for the tenant. 

I now live in social housing, pay my rent on time, get on with my neighbours and, hopefully don’t cause them any aggravation. On the odd occasion I’ve needed to contact   Housing Services I might have had a bit of a wait on the phone but their response has been good. In comparison to some friends in private rented accommodation I’ve received a far better service 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 02/08/2022 at 12:45, bassett one said:

i have heard SCC have nowt left to spend,so nothing political what happens now ? up the rates or reduce services,i had one idea all parks work with SCC and raise there funds towards the cost of events,that would save money,but thats only a few grand ,what else?

Nothing left you say? Maybe they shouldn't have lobbed so much money painting rainbows allover the roads at hundreds of pounds a throw.  

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