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4 hours ago, Hecate said:

I will celebrate them with a festival of lights when I find their hive AND BURN THE ****ERS TO THE GROUND.


(My back hurts). 


Do they have teeth and talons?  Because this thing did.


TCP is meant to have a bit of an anaesthetic effect, but much more of this and I'm switching to vodka, and I don't mean a topical application,

They do bite , so probably have something akin to teeth – not sure about the talons though.


The vodka antidote sounds good in any event.

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Selfish, ignorant people who play loud music in flats (or apartments - if you live in a posh area!).  I've done with all the talking and reasoning , which inevitably ends up in conflict and unpleasantness.  The environmental health way of recording and reporting is the long and winding road to ruining your own health!  I shall just continue to put up with it and hope that someone more affected by it than me takes more drastic action, or the perpetrator drops dead before me. 

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1 hour ago, Tipstaff said:

Selfish, ignorant people who play loud music in flats (or apartments - if you live in a posh area!).  I've done with all the talking and reasoning , which inevitably ends up in conflict and unpleasantness.  The environmental health way of recording and reporting is the long and winding road to ruining your own health!  I shall just continue to put up with it and hope that someone more affected by it than me takes more drastic action, or the perpetrator drops dead before me. 



Inconsiderate arseholes.

I often find the more you complain, the worse they become.


If someone knocked on my door and complained about the noise I was making I would be so embarrassed and make doubly sure I didn't make a sound for a while.... Today's society on the whole just do the exact opposite.

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2 hours ago, Tipstaff said:

Selfish, ignorant people who play loud music in flats (or apartments - if you live in a posh area!).  I've done with all the talking and reasoning , which inevitably ends up in conflict and unpleasantness.  The environmental health way of recording and reporting is the long and winding road to ruining your own health!  I shall just continue to put up with it and hope that someone more affected by it than me takes more drastic action, or the perpetrator drops dead before me. 

I always thought people liked to sit outdoors and enjoy the peace,  but there was a list of things people hate and loud noise,  dogs barking incessantly,  children screaming,  barbacue smells,  people shouting/having arguments were amongst their pet hates,  so you're  not alone.


Find an ideal spot in the countryside and take a picnic - and earphones (just in case)

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17 hours ago, Padders said:

This sounds like a classic case of being attacked by the British Gerroffomee Wasp.

These are really evil pesky insects.

They fly around in their "Jobsworth" high viz jackets, and then sneak up behind you, and then ZAP!


They are at the most annoying when you are eating out,  on a terrace hovering round your meal/drink,  I put an empty glass over them and remove it when I leave.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 27/05/2023 at 13:45, Hecate said:

Two minutes of summer weather and something's bitten my back!  I don't know what form of flappy flying ****er did the deed, but the bugger had teeth.  I have a bloody great welt on my shoulder blade surrounded by a circle of inflammation and it really, really hurts!  I'm now reeking of TCP, stuffed full of antihistamines and massively ****** off.  Roll on November.

For anyone eagerly awaiting an update: the bite went from red and painful to the colour of old beef and prickly, then scaled over most charmingly and flaked off over the period of a week or so.  I'm left with two hard little puncture marks, perfectly lined up about 3 or 4 mm apart and looking exactly like I've been bitten by a tiny vampire.  It's actually quite intriguing, if deeply horrifying. 

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22 minutes ago, Hecate said:

For anyone eagerly awaiting an update: the bite went from red and painful to the colour of old beef and prickly, then scaled over most charmingly and flaked off over the period of a week or so.  I'm left with two hard little puncture marks, perfectly lined up about 3 or 4 mm apart and looking exactly like I've been bitten by a tiny vampire.  It's actually quite intriguing, if deeply horrifying. 

Probably the death vaccine. Sponsored by Blackrock.

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  • 3 weeks later...

When I get up in the morning, if it's wet and miserable I need cheering up.

I've managed to find the perfect antidote for my condition.

What I do is, I tune in to that Forum Masterpiece written and composed by our own Mr. Bloke (No not that one!)

I'm referring to his "Cinema Masterpiece"

 I know it's well pass it's sell by date and needed sprucing up a bit, but it's completely disappeared from our screens?

Now I know that Mr. Bloke is currently working on the choreography for the "Baubles" next performance, and this can be very time consuming.

Can we please have the "Cinema Masterpiece" back.............

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5 hours ago, Padders said:

When I get up in the morning, if it's wet and miserable I need cheering up.

I've managed to find the perfect antidote for my condition.

What I do is, I tune in to that Forum Masterpiece written and composed by our own Mr. Bloke (No not that one!)

I'm referring to his "Cinema Masterpiece"

 I know it's well pass it's sell by date and needed sprucing up a bit, but it's completely disappeared from our screens?

Now I know that Mr. Bloke is currently working on the choreography for the "Baubles" next performance, and this can be very time consuming.

Can we please have the "Cinema Masterpiece" back.............

Hmmm... :huh:

I thought everyone who'd wanted to see it had already seen it, Mr Padders!

At a time when no-one seems to take responsibility for anything and everyone is blaming someone else...
... "We Didn't Kill The Forum!" seems to be an even more fitting tribute to the present day than when it was written 6 years ago! (Wow - how time flies!)

Anyhow, unlike some of the "has-beens" who seem happy to turn up at music festivals and churn out their old hits because they've never again managed to come up with anything close to matching their finest work...
... us "never-will-bees" are always striving (and sometimes even succeeding) to better our last epic performance!

So the offending musical masterpiece was removed from prying eyes!

But if you REALLY want to witness once again one of the finest animated spectacles ever transmitted across the forum bandwidth...
... then lock all doors, close all windows, and draw the curtains!

Be warned that I cannot accept any responsibility for the possible distress that could be caused to any innocent party as a result of prolonged exposure to this work of contemporary (albeit a few years out of date) genius!

And just to be on the safe side, I've also put it inside a spoiler to hide it away from any sensitive trolls who might be offended on someone else's behalf!

Watch at your own risk!

(After all that, I hope this is the one you're going on about, Mr Padders!) :hihi:






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4 minutes ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

I thought everyone who'd wanted to see it had already seen it, Mr Padders!

At a time when no-one seems to take responsibility for anything and everyone is blaming someone else...
... "We Didn't Kill The Forum!" seems to be an even more fitting tribute to the present day than when it was written 6 years ago! (Wow - how time flies!)

Anyhow, unlike some of the "has-beens" who seem happy to turn up at music festivals and churn out their old hits because they've never again managed to come up with anything close to matching their finest work...
... us "never-will-bees" are always striving (and sometimes even succeeding) to better our last epic performance!

So the offending musical masterpiece was removed from prying eyes!

But if you REALLY want to witness once again one of the finest animated spectacles ever transmitted across the forum bandwidth...
... then lock all doors, close all windows, and draw the curtains!

Be warned that I cannot accept any responsibility for the possible distress that could be caused to any innocent party as a result of prolonged exposure to this work of contemporary (albeit a few years out of date) genius!

And just to be on the safe side, I've also put it inside a spoiler to hide it away from any sensitive trolls who might be offended on someone else's behalf!

Watch at your own risk!

(After all that, I hope this is the one you're going on about, Mr Padders!) :hihi:



  Reveal spoiler



That's brilliant Mr. Bloke, thank you  :banana: 

I'm just about to have my Power Nap, and spotted it.

Back in 1 hour.

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