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Trans Women Are Women. To Disagree Is Hate.

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8 minutes ago, Magilla said:

As before, how is your wife's daily retort relevant? :hihi:

That's my usual response to childish name calling on a comment blog.


I usually avoid drunks at bars, trolls and assorted small minded haters, but I can tolerate your consistent nastiness here.


I understand that you cannot get no satifaction from Trump himself, but I'm happy to stand in as your Trump voodoo doll.


Getting all that hate out of your system is hopefully cathartic for you, so I'm happy (for the moment) to try and help!


Whatever gets you through your miserable day.


But I do have my limits!  :)






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2 hours ago, Waldo said:

Though, it could be argued, if attractive people are generally treated better by other people, they're more likely to be relaxed and friendly; and so treated better by others. Kind of a positive feedback loop.


Conversely, people who aren't treated well, and don't get breaks; maybe more inclined to be bitter and resentful.

It could, but I just think it's probably more to do with the individual and the circumstances if I'm honest.

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42 minutes ago, trastrick said:

That's my usual response to childish name calling on a comment blog.

I didn't call you a name, just highlighted the danger of "assumptions" and that your linked study says you're wrong. :roll:



I usually avoid drunks at bars, trolls and assorted small minded haters, but I can tolerate your consistent nastiness here.

From the poster who somehow manages to link every issue, via some half baked right wing nut job website... to Biden, even the ones that started on Trumps watch... without an ounce of thought, common sense or care for the facts... across multiple threads, regardless of any relevance...


...spotting hypocrisy is not your strong suit :thumbsup:



I understand that you cannot get no satifaction from Trump himself, but I'm happy to stand in as your Trump voodoo doll.

I could care less about Trump, I hardly mention him at all other than in reply to your pathetic miss-information attempts or clear misunderstanding of how stuff works.



Getting all that hate out of your system is hopefully cathartic for you, so I'm happy (for the moment) to try and help!

Your posts, bending over backward to prove my point, aren't my fault! :hihi:



Whatever gets you through your miserable day.


But I do have my limits!  :)

You can't defend the content of your posts in the face of the facts, or even common sense... understandable. :roll:

Edited by Magilla
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20 hours ago, Magilla said:

I didn't call you a name, just highlighted the danger of "assumptions" and that your linked study says you're wrong. :roll:


From the poster who somehow manages to link every issue, via some half baked right wing nut job website... to Biden, even the ones that started on Trumps watch... without an ounce of thought, common sense or care for the facts... across multiple threads, regardless of any relevance...


...spotting hypocrisy is not your strong suit :thumbsup:


I could care less about Trump, I hardly mention him at all other than in reply to your pathetic miss-information attempts or clear misunderstanding of how stuff works.


Your posts, bending over backward to prove my point, aren't my fault! :hihi:


You can't defend the content of your posts in the face of the facts, or even common sense... understandable. :roll:



I"m alway happy to defend my posts.


Where did you want to start?  :)


But I won't defend your generalised, non specific, insults, and name calling across the SF multiple threads.


No need to.


Your opinions, are your opinions, and I'm happy to leave you with them! :)





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It strikes me that, on a intuitive level, our genetics, environment, endocrine system, brain chemistry &c. contrive to shape our sex, secondary sexual characterstics, gender, and romantic and sexual desire into a gaussian distribution across five [and more!] axes. A great big weird Hilbert-ish Space of possibilities.  Women with beards, men with soft full lips and large breasts. People who appear to be men but feel like women, who love women; who appear to be women, but feel like men who don't experience sexual desire. Quentin Crisp (The Naked Civil Servant) considered himself a 'queer man' and only very late in life conceded that he was probably a trans woman, but that option simply wasn't available to him at the time. 

A majority of people (me included) fall into a fuzzy five+ dimensional blob in the middle - what a 52 year old man might call "mostly straight men and women" - but all of human history is peppered with people who experience the world quite differently, from the famous music hall cross-dressers of the 19th century in London, to classical era androgyny, Grayson Perry & European Song Contest winners.

We used to put people into one of two boxes - Boys and Girls. Expectations, upbringing, toys and stories were strongly gendered, girls who got dirty and fought with the boy were tomboys, and the boys who played dress-up with the girls were sissies, but they stayed in their boxes because there was nowhere else to go, apart from the Royal Navy or the theatre.

We have historically always tried to repress people outside the norm (and this goes for "mental health" too) through ridicule, verbal assault, stigmatisation, violence, punitive law and endorsement of discrimination. For generations our social 'norms' have made people desperately miserable by the simple dint of denying them the validity of their own personal existence. (see also neurodiversity).

Over the last 50 years it has, for example, gradually become more acceptable to be openly gay as a man or a woman, thanks to tireless fighting and campaigning for recognition and rights.

We've opened up a few more boxes.

But as the abbreviation LGTBTQ+ might suggest there's a lot of variety among the remaining minority sex/gender/desire combos.

If they express their true selves in public as many of us do without even thinking about it, they risk ridicule, verbal abuse and even physical assault. Of course gay couples still experience this all the time, so let's not pretend that problem has been solved in any way.

Yet we're not talking about the perpetrators here -  those visiting abuse and direct violence, or those creating the atmosphere of stigmatisation and ridicule that enables them. 


And we need to get rid of all these boxes.

Just my €0.02c


Edited by Phanerothyme
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10 hours ago, Phanerothyme said:


It strikes me that, on a intuitive level, our genetics, environment, endocrine system, brain chemistry &c. contrive to shape our sex, secondary sexual characterstics, gender, and romantic and sexual desire into a gaussian distribution across five [and more!] axes. A great big weird Hilbert-ish Space of possibilities.  Women with beards, men with soft full lips and large breasts. People who appear to be men but feel like women, who love women; who appear to be women, but feel like men who don't experience sexual desire. Quentin Crisp (The Naked Civil Servant) considered himself a 'queer man' and only very late in life conceded that he was probably a trans woman, but that option simply wasn't available to him at the time. 

A majority of people (me included) fall into a fuzzy five+ dimensional blob in the middle - what a 52 year old man might call "mostly straight men and women" - but all of human history is peppered with people who experience the world quite differently, from the famous music hall cross-dressers of the 19th century in London, to classical era androgyny, Grayson Perry & European Song Contest winners.

We used to put people into one of two boxes - Boys and Girls. Expectations, upbringing, toys and stories were strongly gendered, girls who got dirty and fought with the boy were tomboys, and the boys who played dress-up with the girls were sissies, but they stayed in their boxes because there was nowhere else to go, apart from the Royal Navy or the theatre.

We have historically always tried to repress people outside the norm (and this goes for "mental health" too) through ridicule, verbal assault, stigmatisation, violence, punitive law and endorsement of discrimination. For generations our social 'norms' have made people desperately miserable by the simple dint of denying them the validity of their own personal existence. (see also neurodiversity).

Over the last 50 years it has, for example, gradually become more acceptable to be openly gay as a man or a woman, thanks to tireless fighting and campaigning for recognition and rights.

We've opened up a few more boxes.

But as the abbreviation LGTBTQ+ might suggest there's a lot of variety among the remaining minority sex/gender/desire combos.

If they express their true selves in public as many of us do without even thinking about it, they risk ridicule, verbal abuse and even physical assault. Of course gay couples still experience this all the time, so let's not pretend that problem has been solved in any way.

Yet we're not talking about the perpetrators here -  those visiting abuse and direct violence, or those creating the atmosphere of stigmatisation and ridicule that enables them. 


And we need to get rid of all these boxes.

Just my €0.02c


Well said!


All minorities have faced hate and discrimination at some point in the past, and it continues to this day.


It can usually be fought with education, common sense, enlightenment, respect and tolerance.


But it's when the government itself gets into the act, Jews in Germany, Homosexuals in Britain, Christians and other "infidels" in Muslim countries, Republicans in the U.S. it takes on a new dimension.


(Even here on SF, a rare minority conservative viewpoint can send some folks on their local version of a jihad!  Lol)

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11 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Well said!


All minorities have faced hate and discrimination at some point in the past, and it continues to this day.


It can usually be fought with education, common sense, enlightenment, respect and tolerance.


But it's when the government itself gets into the act, Jews in Germany, Homosexuals in Britain, Christians and other "infidels" in Muslim countries, Republicans in the U.S. it takes on a new dimension.


(Even here on SF, a rare minority conservative viewpoint can send some folks on their local version of a jihad!  Lol)

Yes, as a ‘none believer in politics and religion’ I attempt to avoid ‘labelling’. As someone who spent many years working for a Jewish owned national retailer I suffered some problems from directors which was returned with interest by yours truly, we generally had a laugh about it later as it was never personal.

In respect of gays and lesbians I find myself guilty of attempting to be overly fair, however they tend to notice this and put me at my ease with comments that I couldn’t even consider making, maybe I need to loosen up.

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2 hours ago, crookesey said:

Yes, as a ‘none believer in politics and religion’ I attempt to avoid ‘labelling’. As someone who spent many years working for a Jewish owned national retailer I suffered some problems from directors which was returned with interest by yours truly, we generally had a laugh about it later as it was never personal.

In respect of gays and lesbians I find myself guilty of attempting to be overly fair, however they tend to notice this and put me at my ease with comments that I couldn’t even consider making, maybe I need to loosen up.

Absolutely, prejudice is just ignorance exhibited by folks who are isolated from the groups they villify. Ironically, these are the often the same closeted PC woke crowd, who see racism everywhere they look. (Is it a mental projection of their own innermost feelings? We'll leave that to the psychologists :))


Down here (DR) we all muck in and can speak freely and laugh about our differences.


The conversation can can "outrageous" by Western PC standards, but there's no animosity involved. What little there is usually comes from tourists who haven't traveled much, and treat the locals as stereotypes.  Once out of their All Inclusive Hotels, they can't seem to understand or care to understand that their Western rules don't apply to most of the World. They can sit at a restaurant table fuming for an hour, then make a big deal about not having a spoon, or sugar for their tea, while we and the locals would just pop over to the counter and get one.  :)


Our gays are not locked in "closets", that they have to make a big deal of "coming out of", and a lot here, especially the women are bi.


If we could send racists to live with Africans, or even here for a year, most of it would go away.


Education and travel is the only way to deal with it.


It begins in school when all should be treated equally, not patronized as voting blocks by politicians and government,  or by those who see ethnicity, or skin color as a reason to be "especially sensitive" (the prejudice and bigotry of low expectations).


We've a long way to go, Crooksie!

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42 minutes ago, rudds1 said:

Actor and comedian duggie brown has died aged 82

I always thought that you had to be p****d to laugh at his jokes, probably because I usually was.

Edited by crookesey
God only knows, thought that I was on the correct thread
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