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Where Are They Now? the park yobs?

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1 hour ago, Norbert said:

Your age, outlook and perceptions 

You are wrong on all 3 counts.

The fact that people were more law abiding and respectful is a change which has taken place irrespective of our ages so don't make it sound as though it's our fault for getting old.

I can't speak for anyone else but my outlook is the same as t was in  the 40's and 50's. I expect no more or no less than then. Just that people should behave as though they were civilised.

It is not my perception but plain fact that we used to have beautiful un-vandalised parks (and streets) and now we haven't.

You may be happy to spend your time in places that look like tips and you may believe that throwing litter in public places is fine.

Those of us who were properly raised to respect public property are more discerning.

Enjoy the squalor if that is your thing.

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Guest makapaka
1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

You are wrong on all 3 counts.

The fact that people were more law abiding and respectful is a change which has taken place irrespective of our ages so don't make it sound as though it's our fault for getting old.

I can't speak for anyone else but my outlook is the same as t was in  the 40's and 50's. I expect no more or no less than then. Just that people should behave as though they were civilised.

It is not my perception but plain fact that we used to have beautiful un-vandalised parks (and streets) and now we haven't.

You may be happy to spend your time in places that look like tips and you may believe that throwing litter in public places is fine.

Those of us who were properly raised to respect public property are more discerning.

Enjoy the squalor if that is your thing.

Total rose tinted glasses nonsense.


Missing the good old days of street gangs, slum

housing, polio and world war. 



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1 hour ago, makapaka said:

Total rose tinted glasses nonsense.


Missing the good old days of street gangs, slum

housing, polio and world war. 



I repeat what I said.    ----    Enjoy the squalor if you like it that much.

Some of us have better taste.

I know which age I would sooner live in.

There were no street gangs in the 40's and 50's which shows that you don't know what you are talking about and just want to troll.

You just keep coming out with the same old cliches

As we used to say in the old days "Tha talks daft"


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Guest makapaka
58 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

I repeat what I said.    ----    Enjoy the squalor if you like it that much.

Some of us have better taste.

I know which age I would sooner live in.

There were no street gangs in the 40's and 50's which shows that you don't know what you are talking about and just want to troll.

You just keep coming out with the same old cliches

As we used to say in the old days "Tha talks daft"


Just the slum housing, polio and street wars.


it’s not trolling - it’s pointing out that people are very quick to denounce the “youth of today “ and very quick to Forget about the “youth of the past”.


also to believe that everything was perfect in their own youth. 


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56 minutes ago, makapaka said:

Just the slum housing, polio and street wars.


it’s not trolling - it’s pointing out that people are very quick to denounce the “youth of today “ and very quick to Forget about the “youth of the past”.


also to believe that everything was perfect in their own youth. 


What are you talking about?

Where were the street wars in the 40's & 50's   ????

You seem to be making it up as you go along and you would be better off discussing something that you have some knowledge of.

Yes, there was slum housing in those days AND there IS STILL slum housing today although we were not discussing housing at all.  Housing was something you brought up.

The subject of this thread is, the difference between Graves Park (and all the other parks) in those days, compared to today and the amount of vandalism which takes place.

If you are changing the subject, and making assertions when you were not there and know nothing of the subject, you are trolling.

Everything was not perfect in those days and my family, like more than 90% of other families in our area, were very poor.

Despite this, we were brought up properly and taught to behave ourselves and respect public property and also other people's property.

As for "the youth of the past", My mates and I  could be described as some of them and we were quite well behaved. You are not very clear about what you are saying regarding them..

If you left your bike in the street or the back yard in those days - nobody pinched it.  Try that now.

Not just youth, but society as a whole is far less respecting of the law than  in the days that we were recalling.

If you are a "modern youth" with a guilty conscience then, I'm sorry, but that's how it was.  I wonder why people are so quick to denounce today's youth anyway? Maybe there's a reason.



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I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on

frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond

words... When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and

respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise

[disrespectful] and impatient of restraint. (Hesiod, 8th century BC)


The world is passing through troublous times. The young people of

today think of nothing but themselves. They have no reverence for

parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint. They talk as

if they knew everything, and what passes for wisdom with us is

foolishness with them. As for the girls, they are forward, immodest

and unladylike in speech, behavior and dress. (Peter the Hermit, 1274AD)


What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders,

they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets 

inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying.

What is to become of them? (Plato ~380BC)


Rose tinted grumpy old man bs has been with us since the dawn of history, and by the looks of it will continue even as we colonise the stars.

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39 minutes ago, Norbert said:

Rose tinted grumpy old man bs has been with us since the dawn of history, and by the looks of it will continue even as we colonise the stars.

That may be so but it does NOT alter the truth that respect for law and order has diminished alarmingly and it DID NOT used to be like that.

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Graves Park doesn’t look like remotely like a squalid tip, do you even use it?


Crime rates peaked in the mid 90’s and more than halved over the next 20 years, it may be going up again but certainly not alarmingly. I’m going on 60 and thank goodness I’ve not been overtaken with unfounded fears and grumpy old man syndrome. I’ve seen more people older than me dropping litter than young ones, I left my bike unlocked in my shared open-access back yard for 17 years, the young people I meet are positive, inspiring and wonderful, I hope if you have children and grand-children you don’t denounce them as vile youth.


I confidently expect society will get even better once the Tory’s are gone, as it did in the late 90’s, people don’t like to be treated like dirt by politicians, or grumpy old men.

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1 hour ago, Norbert said:

Graves Park doesn’t look like remotely like a squalid tip, do you even use it?


Crime rates peaked in the mid 90’s and more than halved over the next 20 years, it may be going up again but certainly not alarmingly. I’m going on 60 and thank goodness I’ve not been overtaken with unfounded fears and grumpy old man syndrome. I’ve seen more people older than me dropping litter than young ones, I left my bike unlocked in my shared open-access back yard for 17 years, the young people I meet are positive, inspiring and wonderful, I hope if you have children and grand-children you don’t denounce them as vile youth.

Yes, I have been using Graves Park since the 1940's and I used to be a Park Keeper there in the 1960's and knew every inch of it and yes, I do still use it sometimes.

The difference between you and I is that I remember when it was a beautiful park with a lovely clean boating lake ( I even fell in it and so did my mate) and 100 yard queues to use it.

It was all clean and well cared for with lovely flower displays all around and there was no litter whatsoever.

the Rose garden was immaculate and I never saw one rat whilst I worked there.  You obviously never experienced the park when it was like that so your ignorance can be excused.


I don't want to know about crime figures because they are all massaged by the Government anyway and the police are not interested either and that's been officially acknowledged today.

I don't have any fears whatsoever,  unfounded or otherwise,  but I don't mind at all being called a "grumpy old man" when I complain about vandalism.

I'm glad that all appears to be rosy in Mr Norbert's life and do enjoy being surrounded by such well behaved young people.

It brings to mind another saying from way back "I think thart kiddin me lad"

Edited by Organgrinder
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