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I've Been To Hell And Back.


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9 minutes ago, Padders said:

dYes I know I post a lot of Codswallop on the forum, but this is grade one Codswallop.

It's a bit soppy, so have a few tissues at the ready, and possibly a sick bucket..

Tomorrow is the anniversary of my wife's  passing (Janice) 7yrs ago.

Janice was a gorgeous, talented wonderful wife with whom I spent 53 years with, 48 of them in married bliss.

I was devastated (pass me a tissue) fortunately I was left with 2 wonderful daughter's who had inherited their mums talents and personality.

Although family and friends rallied around me, I was plunged into a valley of darkness, I couldn't cope with everyday life, switching the toaster on drained me.


I remember visiting the funeral directors to finalise the funeral arrangements, I broke down sobbing uncontrollably.

What a Bill that was.


I took up the offer of help in the shape of counselling , it helped in a small way, but as soon as I got back home and closed the door behind me, I was back to "normal" and the tears would start flowing again. (another tissue please)

Then the loneliness and depression set in.

My 2 daughters would visit me, and, as you do, I put on a brave front and told them I was fine.......I've been on holiday with them, weekends away, Sunday dinners etc.

But as soon as I got back home and closed the door behind me, I was back to square one, Being lonely is a killer, believe me.

So what happened next.

I sobbed my way through the next 12 months.

Now Janice had registered me on the SF, even though I never went near the dam thing, I hadn't a clue about computers, no interest whatsoever..

So the computer laid dormant for 12 months, I was a Techie Dinosaur (Remember him)

Then one miserable rainy day, I looked at this technological masterpiece, I sniffed it, it seemed harmless enough, I plucked up courage and touched it, then my healthy curiosity came into play, But I hadn't a clue how to switch it on.

So I rang my daughter "Jill how do I switch the computer on"

She told me,

Ruddy hell, I jumped back in amazement when it came to life.

I started fiddling with it, pressing buttons, the wrong buttons(at this stage I'd no idea they were keys) I kept switching it off by mistake.

I kept ringing Jill, the computers gone funny again, I was a ruddy nuisance , I was forever ringing her with daft questions, but it kept me occupied.

This went on for a few weeks, faffing about with this "machine"

Then one day she paid me a visit, gave me some tuition, and showed me how to access SF.  She wrote things down for me, I was (very) slowly getting some sort of hang of it.

I even bought a book titled "internet for dummies" the trouble was I hadn't even qualified to be considered a Dummy.

As I progressed, I decided to put my new found "skill" to the test, I ventured on to the Forum, I started to read various post's and got interested.

My first post......

Should I post summat I thought, this was a huge step into the unknown, but I decided to give it a go.

My first post was on the "I'm bored section" I replied to a post by "Francy Pants" little did I know that I was about to converse with someone who was, erm, how do I put it politely, "A tad unconventional"  if you get my drift.

"Francy" used to put them things on called Emoji's, I was fascinated by the "Dancing Banana" But hadn't a clue how to get them.

Daughter to the rescue...

YIPPEE, I did it,

I can't tell you how excited I was, at last I had a smile on my Boat Race, I was becoming addicted, and I was seeing a glimmer of light at the end of a dark and gloomy tunnel.

Suddenly, I was in contact with the outside world, things were looking up.


I decided to invest in the now internationally famous "Padders Bar" from humble beginnings, It's continued to grow in stature, the membership continues to increase, and now stands at 6.

Indeed it's the place to be seen.

One of the main points of this drivel, :-  I would like to thank every poster on SF  for putting up with my ramblings ..

I've made many "friends" on the Forum, some are argumentative, some are controversial, but it takes all kinds to make the forum successful.

I've got my favourites, but it wouldn't be fair to name them, they know who they are, I've even had the pleasure of meeting quite a few members in person.

I've cried, I've tittered, giggled, chuckled, and even split my sides with laughter.

Sheffield Forum has given me my life back. 

Thank you!


Sick buckets £1-50 at ASDA.


Good job your daughters took after their mam 😀

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Padders you've had me in tears. It takes strength to bare your soul to people, and you've got it in spades.


Good luck to you, and please keep posting. 


Looking forward to the Christmas party when I can shake your hand, but don't ask me to shake anything else please. :hihi:



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Hmmm... :huh:

Well while we've got the sick buckets out...
... I'd just like to say that YOU Mr Padders, are one of few posters on here that make me want to keep posting!

It's been an absolute pleasure to be able to share a giggle, often at each others expense, without worrying that some snowflake is going to take offence and want a petty squabble!

I hope our little exchanges may have also given one or two others a bit of a giggle. :)

I know it's not everyone's sense of humour, but that's their loss!

I remember a quote I came up with a few years ago on that other Sheffield Forum (Sheffield Chit Chat), and that was...
... "It's better to fail at trying to make someone laugh, than it is to succeed at making someone miserable!"

Those Chit Chat guys, some of who are still on here, encouraged me in the very early days of me creating my bits of animated nonsense - and I will always be grateful to those 'anonymous' guys for helping me get through a difficult time in my life (although they never realised just how much I needed them... until now). ;)


So, keep it going Mr Padders, you bring a lot of pleasure to lots of people even though many may not publically acknowledge it.

The forum could do with a few more characters like yourself! :thumbsup:

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9 minutes ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

Well while we've got the sick buckets out...
... I'd just like to say that YOU Mr Padders, are one of few posters on here that make me want to keep posting!

It's been an absolute pleasure to be able to share a giggle, often at each others expense, without worrying that some snowflake is going to take offence and want a petty squabble!

I hope our little exchanges may have also given one or two others a bit of a giggle. :)

I know it's not everyone's sense of humour, but that's their loss!

I remember a quote I came up with a few years ago on that other Sheffield Forum (Sheffield Chit Chat), and that was...
... "It's better to fail at trying to make someone laugh, than it is to succeed at making someone miserable!"

Those Chit Chat guys, some of who are still on here, encouraged me in the very early days of me creating my bits of animated nonsense - and I will always be grateful to those 'anonymous' guys for helping me get through a difficult time in my life (although they never realised just how much I needed them... until now). ;)


So, keep it going Mr Padders, you bring a lot of pleasure to lots of people even though many may not publically acknowledge it.

The forum could do with a few more characters like yourself! :thumbsup:

No reactions left, so thanks Mr. Bloke.

9 minutes ago, cressida said:

What a brave post,  good for you to overcome your loss with courage,  I commend you.

Thank you Cressy.

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Great post Padders - SF clearly helped you, and you in turn have helped others in your posts on multiple topics, as well as running the internationally famous Padders Bar.  Speaking of which:

  1. this was the only place I could go out to, get a drink and a chat, while the Covid Lockdowns were on.  It played a large part in letting me keep what sanity I still have!  Thanks!
  2. .....any chance of a pint?:)
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16 minutes ago, Thirsty Relic said:

Great post Padders - SF clearly helped you, and you in turn have helped others in your posts on multiple topics, as well as running the internationally famous Padders Bar.  Speaking of which:

  1. this was the only place I could go out to, get a drink and a chat, while the Covid Lockdowns were on.  It played a large part in letting me keep what sanity I still have!  Thanks!
  2. .....any chance of a pint?:)

No problem Thirsty, as a valued customer of "Padders Bar" please accept a pint on the house 🍺

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hi i rate you as a nice chap,it was great to meet you on sunday,after such a loss its baby steps to recovery and adjusting to the next chapter of your life,its not easy,you dont forget,but loved ones would never want you to forget,but they loved you and would not want you to be sad,so as you move on life changes,but its never the same.

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