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I've Been To Hell And Back.


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3 minutes ago, francypants said:

Hi Pads,     I never knew I was your first contact.   Thank you for choosing me to reply to,   I'm so glad you did because you're a top man.    :banana:


I hadn't a clue what I was doing, I saw the "Last person to post thread" I thought I can win this :hihi:.

You made me smile on my own for the first time in 12 months.

I honestly thought this "Francy" is a bit mental (I was right)

I will be forever grateful to  you.

Who'd have thought I'd become a forum expert, all down to you.

Thanks Fran. xxx

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Hi all, 
I am Padders daughter, the younger, better looking one.
I have been a member of SF for years but rarely come on, only when Padders points me to read a post he is particularly proud of - such as this one!
I never post but wanted to make an exception today.
Its true what Padders has written, mum was amazing and is missed every day by all of us.  Our lives changed forever 7 years ago today, well, 3 years prior to that actually.  We did wonder how dad would cope without her and the first year was truly awful but somehow dad managed to keep going.
Then came the fateful day he said he was going to join SF.  Oh dear I thought.  1. he will make a right fool of himself, and 2, he will be ringing me every 5 minutes - I was right on one of them!  The nights I have spent yelling down the phone PRESS ENTER (he doesn't hear too well on the phone) and the times I have driven over to show him how to do something he really wanted to do - like the dancing banana! :banana:
But, you lot became his lifeline.  Something to get up for, something to keep him entertained, a new audience for his many, many stories and look at him now, running his own bar!
Thank you to all of you that welcomed him and have kept him going and dad, I am so proud of you, how well you have done without mum but I do have to say you have really disappointed me with this particular thread.  You can get buckets for £1 in B & Q!!  Please tell me you haven't bought one for £1.50 in ASDA!  Think of my inheritance!!
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1 hour ago, MissJP said:
Hi all, 
I am Padders daughter, the younger, better looking one.
I have been a member of SF for years but rarely come on, only when Padders points me to read a post he is particularly proud of - such as this one!
I never post but wanted to make an exception today.
Its true what Padders has written, mum was amazing and is missed every day by all of us.  Our lives changed forever 7 years ago today, well, 3 years prior to that actually.  We did wonder how dad would cope without her and the first year was truly awful but somehow dad managed to keep going.
Then came the fateful day he said he was going to join SF.  Oh dear I thought.  1. he will make a right fool of himself, and 2, he will be ringing me every 5 minutes - I was right on one of them!  The nights I have spent yelling down the phone PRESS ENTER (he doesn't hear too well on the phone) and the times I have driven over to show him how to do something he really wanted to do - like the dancing banana! :banana:
But, you lot became his lifeline.  Something to get up for, something to keep him entertained, a new audience for his many, many stories and look at him now, running his own bar!
Thank you to all of you that welcomed him and have kept him going and dad, I am so proud of you, how well you have done without mum but I do have to say you have really disappointed me with this particular thread.  You can get buckets for £1 in B & Q!!  Please tell me you haven't bought one for £1.50 in ASDA!  Think of my inheritance!!

Crikey, I've got 866 views,

So I shouldn't have been surprised, when I found out that ASDA had sold out of sick buckets.


Edited by Padders
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You're one of the few posters I actually enjoy reading Padders.

Your wit, especially having gone through such an awful event in your family's life is testament to your strength. 

We Duffems applaud you for keeping going and also encouraging others to follow your example.

As teetotallers we will not be visiting your bar but, we're sure you can "down a few" all by yourself!

Keep on with your humour and continue posting, you don't realise how many people you help.




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1 hour ago, DUFFEMS said:

You're one of the few posters I actually enjoy reading Padders.

Your wit, especially having gone through such an awful event in your family's life is testament to your strength. 

We Duffems applaud you for keeping going and also encouraging others to follow your example.

As teetotallers we will not be visiting your bar but, we're sure you can "down a few" all by yourself!

Keep on with your humour and continue posting, you don't realise how many people you help.




There's something I think you are missing here - Padders virtual bar also serves soft drinks, and serves a very eclectic clientelle.  There is always a laugh or 2 in there as well -

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Thank you for drawing our attention to this Thirsty Relic, your name suggests you're one of the quaffers, nowt wrong with that, we used to be members.

On this piece of inforamtion then count us in Padders, crack open the lemonade!



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1 hour ago, DUFFEMS said:

Thank you for drawing our attention to this Thirsty Relic, your name suggests you're one of the quaffers, nowt wrong with that, we used to be members.

On this piece of inforamtion then count us in Padders, crack open the lemonade!



We do have a member Mr. Rudds who pops in on a regular basis to inform us of the latest celebrity whose died.(you might not get that one)

Mr. Rudds is a teetotaller who only drinks Sprite Lemonade.

As I'm running low on Lemonade, I'll order an extra crate from my Greek Drayman Mr. Dropusabottleofpopof.


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