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How Do We Save Cash On Energy Bills?

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I've bought thicker curtains, more gas, thick socks, jumpers etc. Also I'm making sure all the windows are sealed properly, I'll get the draft excluders out. Maybe even move everything (tv etc) into the dining room and close off the main living room if it gets very cold.

Bought more firewood too.

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48 minutes ago, Padders said:

I've took the bulb out of the fridge.

Would that be the garlic bulb, Padders?

It was starting to permeate the place wasn't it.


For the past few weeks we've been experiencing intermittent power cuts. Tonight whilst showering  everything cut off. Pitch black and fully lathered! Then when the power returned the water's freezing. No good at my age! So I think the powers to be are getting us ready for the worst.


Stocked up on candles. Light and heat in one. Installing a wood burner and off to fell some trees.

I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay, I sleep all night and I work all day.

He's a lumberjack ......... .etc



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Warm clothes, cut down on using washing machine, tumble dryer, electric oven. Hot water bottles, warm bedding.  Shorter showers. I’m already showering at the gym several times a week.   We’ve all been promised £400 in instalments off our fuel bills, which will help a wee bit.  We haven’t had any heating on for three months, so our gas bills have been minimal so far, and we’ve already started paying a bit more on our DD so we’re starting the winter in credit.



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Get up in the loft and chuck some more insulation down.


Most people say they've got plenty down, but current building regs call for 270mm, and if you can still see your ceiling joists you're massively under estimating what you have.



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