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Civil Disobedience Uk

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43 minutes ago, despritdan said:

I think there'll be major repercussions when these price increases come in. They're so spectacularly huge that I don't think many people can still grasp what they'll be expected to pay and see it as some kind of futuristic fantasy. I'm sure there'll be demonstrations and riots just as there were over the poll tax but worse, we'll see a huge increase in crime with the flash mob looting incidents we've seen in London and Nottingham spreading throughout the country and burglaries, muggings, shoplifting, car thefts etc going through the roof. There'll be a huge demand for food banks and there'll be more and more homeless people on the streets. I'm surprised I haven't heard any reference to the privatisations of the Thatcher government as these have played a major role in the increased prices we've already had to pay and the ones coming up, despite ministers reassuring us at the time that competition would lead to long term downward pressure on prices.



Regrettably that is the prediction of a growing number of economists and social commentators, expecting a meteoric rise in “acquisitive crime” as people will increasingly find themselves having to get by.

The paralysis/demise of the CJS (recall barristers strike) isn’t going to help matters, either.

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2 hours ago, El Cid said:

Should we blame the Government for the price of energy?

They are only responsible for 50% of our inflation, the rest is external factors.

Agreed, there are external factors at play; but isn’t it part of the government’s job to understand how these external factors will likely play out and impact the country, and plan for that impact such that it doesn't financially cripple people?


For me; I feel there’s way too much self-serving, corruption, ineptitude etc, in our government, and not enough really looking after the interests of the common man.


Seems I'm in a minority though!

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you all got took in by boris,lies after lies,he get huge majority then fails,lies,partys,women after women,even not allowed to find out how many kids ect,so if you voted for a buffon thats what you get,now moving onto a non elected man/women to run the country,kier may be boring but hes a clever man,but you all for the most got us in this mess by voting for boris,but i expect it will be well its a war or covid ect,ect ,bring in sir kier and lets get back on track at least hes honest,

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Those days are over. Different times, different people, There will massive angry emoji on the Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. After that, everyone will be  back to "Love Island" 

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I was at the Poll Tax er, Event, absolutely crazy, incredible violent but agreed different times, the 2011 'trainer' riots saw very heavy criminal charges, fast track magistrates, etc, now new protest laws, huge amount of CCTV,


lots of more crime, shoplifting, etc, to come though


also political riots are quite rare, its allso usually the young, was in the Poll Tax, some of the atttacks on town halls were insane,  they will go on the streets about Identity Politics, etc though.

5 hours ago, despritdan said:

II'm surprised I haven't heard any reference to the privatisations of the Thatcher government as these have played a major role in the increased prices we've already had to pay and the ones coming up, despite ministers reassuring us at the time that competition would lead to long term downward pressure on prices.


We need a government to pass emergency legislation and create a new nationalised industry which would be run as a public service, not for profit, with the people running them getting reasonable salaries and no shareholders. We need to be self-sufficient with new nuclear power plants being built and although I hate to say it, fracking but also as much coming fron renewables as possible. We won't get it from the Tories but it's something Labour might consider or even a coalition between the Greens and Lib Dems.

Starmer should be pointing all this out, Corbyn certainly would be

Edited by gamezone07
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