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Civil Disobedience Uk

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4 hours ago, Anna B said:

Of course you won't find much about privatisation in the Tory owned media, and it has everything to do with the current world situation. It's been 40 years in the making, but now the pigeons are finally coming home to roost. Privatisation is the result of Free Market Economics which was supposed to stimulate competition which it did at first, but as the big fish grew they ate up all the little fish, because they could afford to buy out the competition. Now we have less competition than before, with many businesses now part of huge Corporate chains, albeit cunningly disguised.

The dire economic situation we have at the moment has very little to do with privatisation or free market economics and more to do with the war in Ukraine. That war is what has pushed up energy costs and by doing so has caused an added knock on effect of fast rising inflation. We were just starting to come round after the covid panic and then this war started. 


We also have more competition now in the UK than we ever had when the utilities were under nationalised control as nationalisation by its very nature does not promote competition. Large powerful corporate chains also existed long before Thatcher as well, had to mention Thatcher as you seem to blame her for everything. ;) 


4 hours ago, Anna B said:

We now live in a divided society of winners (the few) and losers (you, me and everyone else, the many.) Forget the side shows such as the war in Ukraine; it's just an excuse, as was the pandemic. This situation was predicted long before that

They didn't tell you the truth about the banking crisis in 2008, and they won't tell you the truth about this either.  This is all part of the same problem. We sold all the family silver and put the money on the wrong horse. We now find ourselves trying to survive by flogging the betting slips to the gullible. 

They won't tell you the truth about this either....

Just of late you really seem to be straying into the conspiracy territory agenda which I find very sad. You even made a quip about what happened to Tesla (conspiracy) and when I questioned that stayed silent.


BTW we have always lived in a divided society so it's not something that has just suddenly happened over the past 40 years.

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1 minute ago, Dromedary said:

The dire economic situation we have at the moment has very little to do with privatisation or free market economics and more to do with the war in Ukraine. That war is what has pushed up energy costs and by doing so has caused an added knock on effect of fast rising inflation. We were just starting to come round after the covid panic and then this war started. 


We also have more competition now in the UK than we ever had when the utilities were under nationalised control as nationalisation by its very nature does not promote competition. Large powerful corporate chains also existed long before Thatcher as well, had to mention Thatcher as you seem to blame her for everything. ;) 


Just of late you really seem to be straying into the conspiracy territory agenda which I find very sad. You even made a quip about what happened to Tesla (conspiracy) and when I questioned that stayed silent.


BTW we have always lived in a divided society so it's not something that has just suddenly happened over the past 40 years.

My bold.

🤣Funniest thing I've seen tonight🤣

Cheers for the giggle. I needed it

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9 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

My bold.

🤣Funniest thing I've seen tonight🤣

Cheers for the giggle. I needed it

Glad you liked it at least having a giggle can stimulate the brain!


Maybe even enough to tell us what you think about the economic situation.

Edited by Dromedary
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5 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

The dire economic situation we have at the moment has very little to do with privatisation or free market economics 

It is absolutely to do with free market economics. Driven by privatisation.


Quite clearly, the market has failed. Just as it did with the banking sector. It is always the too big to fail companies who take things too far.


The market failure isn’t in doubt. The cure for the problem is very much up in the air, Personally,  I’d keep the cap within the reach of most people. Let the suppliers fail.  And then clear up the mess.


There is no point in pumping public  money into failing companies. Just ask British Leyland, British Steel, or the NCB.

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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

It wouldn't surprise me if this deliberate crisis was to nudge us in the direction of a universal income. Make as many people jobless as possible then when they are desperate enough they'll grab it with both hands.

"You will own nothing and be happy".

 Mmmm no . Where did you get that theory?

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2 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

 Mmmm no . Where did you get that theory?

Well the universal income thing is no secret and is currently being trialed in a few places (Wales being one I believe ) and the "You will own nothing and be happy" is a quote from the head of the WEF who is amongst the most powerful and influential people in the world.

So, with that in mind and with almost everything going up in price in a big way, something which is set to continue indefinitely it crossed my mind that it could be one of many possibilities. 

It's out there I know but it's not beyond the realms of possibility. 

19 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

Glad you liked it at least having a giggle can stimulate the brain!


Maybe even enough to tell us what you think about the economic situation.

It's dire.

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5 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Well the universal income thing is no secret and is currently being trialed in a few places (Wales being one I believe ) and the "You will own nothing and be happy" is a quote from the head of the WEF who is amongst the most powerful and influential people in the world.

So, with that in mind and with almost everything going up in price in a big way, something which is set to continue indefinitely it crossed my mind that it could be one of many possibilities. 

It's out there I know but it's not beyond the realms of possibility. 

It's dire.

What / who is the WEF ?

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4 hours ago, makapaka said:

Wake up for Christ’s sake.

Ok, in order for me to 'wake up', do I need to create a thread moaning about our government?


Or 2-3 posts moaning about our government? Or claim it's all a big conspiracy by the Tories to keep the masses down? Or how about I throw in some Neoliberalism claim in there? 


How about I wish that (insert favourite MP name here) was PM because they would sort this mess out? 


Am I awake if I do those things? 




How about I recognise this situation that the entire country is in, accept that this government will provide a bit of help to appease the population (eventually) and I try to keep costs down and earn more money. 


Am I awake then?


Or do I need to whine about the government in 5 separate threads beforehand? 

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