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Eddie Izzard - Potential Sheffield Lab Mp?

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25 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Just for reference, Eddie is a Woman now.   It's 'she'.


She is clever. She is high profile but I doubt she runs rings around anything. She is a ultimately a comedian, a performer. What exactly puts her in such a superior position to be running local politics and know the ins and outs of this city??  


Funny how people banging about Boris being nothing but a showman. What the hell do do they think Izzard would be.


Once again the tribal war of red vs blue is happening. Once again it's all about the glitz and glamour and sound bites and tit for tat over who one supports to be prime minister rather than focusing on what what needs actually need to be served. Focusing on what the candidate for the local constituency is supposed to be looking after.  I'll be very surprised if she actually has a clue as to what her real responsibilities are going to be. The amount of in-depth research and knowledge to deal with the vast amounts of paperwork and consultation and drafting and management and negotiation and policy and legislation that's going to be required for such a position.


Whilst we all have to start somewhere, at least even the worst of the candidates normally have some sort of hands on political, journalistic, legal, banking or executive, experience.  


But then again if reality TV stars are getting in the White House and comics can become president of Ukraine anything is possible I guess..

Though there is a difference in being an opposition back bench MP and being an actual Prime Minister.

And to be fair quite a few people from showbiz have ended up in politics. Look at the MP for Clacton....I bet no one ever throws his show biz background in his face.

Edited by Mister M
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Correct! Be careful who you vote for a couple of years at sheff uni and a fleeting appearance to save our leadmill is hardly a reason to sayI know Sheffield 

the Labour Party need a candidate who will be much more proactive than Bloomfield and who can fight our corner

i for one do not want some egotistical nightmare to be elected

we have had that with the ex member for Hallam now what did he ever do for this city? Nowt!!

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