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Eddie Izzard - Potential Sheffield Lab Mp?

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5 hours ago, lobster said:

Mrs Lobster was at Sheff Uni with Izzard ,all the staff and students on her course  were very glad when he was kicked out .He use to disrupt evey lecture , according to her he was an attention seeking t**t

My bold. 


You say 'Kicked out',  Sheffield Uni say 'Opted out' of his degree course after year 1.  😁 



Well there's the first question for any budding journalist to ask at the next opportunity.   'Sheffield University,  Ms Izzard?   Kicked out or opted out?' 


As your wife was there at the time & therefore a primary source of the information,  I'll go with your claim.   


Based on the statement from Sheffield Uni,  I've opted out of 2 jobs in my time & opted out of several pubs & clubs in my younger days. 

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18 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Short memories.


Sheffield Central is very much considered a marginal seat. 

The current massive majority is due to Brexit  because the electorate of this seat in the last election were voting to remain. 


In 2010 Liberal Democrats (Paul Scriven) lost by 146 votes because Broomhill ward  and parts Ecclesall became part of the Constituency.

These areas had previously combined Liberal and Labour votes tactically to remove the Conservatives councillors and the Conservative MP in the Hallam Constituency.

This electorate is known to have one of the highest percentage of 'floating voters' which will attract the Greens. 


Admittedly relatively uninformed view of my old stamping ground here, but: is it marginal though?  Traditionally and consistently Labour but with a large, young student demographic which in 2010 likely responded to the massive Lib Dem push to get rid of tuition fees (subsequently chucked in the bin, of course).  Big local name and reputation recognition of the Lib Dem candidate then too.


Eddie Izzard in Sheff Central is motivated by vanity and arrogance, like most bussed-in candidates to perceived safe seats.  Izzard as a transwoman will likely play well with the student population and other younger voters, and that may counter a possibly less enthusiastic reaction from not so progressive voters elsewhere in the constituency.  ETA: Of course Izzard as a very well liked superstar comedian won't do the campaign any harm either.


ETA again:  look at this ****er anticipating the Metaverse VR dollars:



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13 hours ago, lobster said:

Mrs Lobster was at Sheff Uni with Izzard ,all the staff and students on her course  were very glad when he was kicked out .He use to disrupt evey lecture , according to her he was an attention seeking t**t

Just out of curiosity, what subjects did he study? Anything to do with politics?

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Eddie Izzard has raised over £million for charities, and has been very active in the Labour party for years. He was on the National Executive of the Labour party at one time, and also stood for Mayor of London. He's no slouch when it comes to politics. I suspect he thinks he can't do any worse than the shower that's in now, and in that I think he's probably right. He's an original thinker and heaven knows we need one of those these days. Don't let the genderfluid thing put you off, he's simply asserting his right to be who he wants to be which is very much in character. 




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