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Cleaning Up A Slow Laptop


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On 09/09/2022 at 13:00, Ghozer said:

Your CPU and RAM shouldn't be an issue, the likely issue is the fact you cloned the drive...
You can try some of the other things suggested on this thread (Disk cleanup, Startup cleanup, cleaning out unused files/apps etc)
But I would honestly recommend backing up anything you need to keep and reinstalling Windows fresh...
But before reinstalling, I would also check in your Laptops BIOS (if you're comfortable doing so) to make sure that it's set to AHCI and not Legacy/IDE etc... for your drive controller... (the naming may vary slightly from different BIOS's, but "AHCI" will be an option, IF your laptop/BIOS supports offers it)

Reinstalling Windows will make almost any laptop loads faster, it is more likely it will be the reinstall which is making the big difference rather than the SSD.

Unfortunately reinstalling Windows means reinstalling all the software......

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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

Reinstalling Windows will make almost any laptop loads faster, it is more likely it will be the reinstall which is making the big difference rather than the SSD.

Unfortunately reinstalling Windows means reinstalling all the software......

Yes, this is my whole point... - hence why I asked if he had reinstalled fresh, or cloned his old drive...  

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 30/08/2022 at 14:04, trastrick said:

I was always a AVG fan and never had problems, but today Windows Defender that comes with your system works at least as well, but integrates with your Windows OS much better, to the point where you don't know it's even running.


The main thing is to only have one antivirus program on your system. They tend to conflict, and can shut you out of some of some websites. You can always run a third party malware program from the web, like Malaware if you've stumbled across an iffy web site.


Another thing to check is if your defrag/optimzer is running on auto when you are using the PC. This can slow you down too. Change it from auto to manual, and remember to start it occasionally.


Our networked computers use a lot of links and programs, so 3 to 5 years is the max we can expext from them, but a home laptop used just for email and browsing can last a lot longer, with regular maintenance.


And here's something that  Obama's. IRS, FBI, and State Department didn't seem to know, or understand, or learn.


Back up every important file you have, to an external source, a DVD, or today, the Cloud.


There's absolutely no reason to lose stuff because a device crashes, or is wiped.


We are an insurance company, and are legally required to have off site backups available by our main underwriters. 


We, and I personally, have a backup copy of every piece of correspondence we have sent, or received, since the mid 80s.


The excuse that hard drive crashes occur with no backups (Lois Lerner IRS) is a crock, and IT folks know it!  :)


You are potentially breaching GDPR there pal, keeping data that long!

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