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This Is What Racism Looks Like.

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9 minutes ago, leviathan13 said:

"It's a good job the Left have double-standards, otherwise they'd have no standards at all!"




Fo someone who's cried racism for a while, this is a bit of an own-goal, don't you think?

What a vile little racist 🤮

"I only date Black," he said. "Then it's about chemistry, personality, goals. Is there a synergy?

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If you'd both bothered to read the rest of the article you'd see he also said:


Last month, while appearing on SiriusXM's Bevelations, host Bevy Smith asked the Golden Globe winner to confirm he likes "brown and thick" women.


"Well, we've got to be honest, you know, before I wouldn't have said that at 27, 28. Now I'm like, 'No, no, you've got to speak it into existence,'" Boyega explained. "Brown and thick, melanin levels past 75 percent. Thick levels. You have to be looking good."

You didn't complain he doesn't fancy skinny women. So it's quite clear he's talking about physical attraction rather than a political decision. There's no accounting for who people find physically attractive.


You're both doing the equivalent of someone accusing you of being homophobic because you don't fancy men.

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