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Just Stop Oil . Heros Or Villains?

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12 hours ago, Jim117 said:

When I was a youth my dad was pretty smug when he fitted 2 inches of rockwool in our loft. Nowadays there will be a foot thick of it or more. Council houses are well insulated and a couple of years back DIYers could actually buy discounted insulation cheaper than the building trade could. So just where are these badly insulated houses? Chances are older properties are as well insulated as they can be short of demolishing them and rebuilding to modern spec. As for protesters, we’ve had cretins disrupting essential supplies and emergency vehicles during a pandemic. Now we have more idiots showing off when people just want to tank up and get to work. With the possibility of us being pushed into WW3 the line between the right to protest and the actions of fifth columnists is wearing very thin IMO.

Council housing is not very well insulated. First page of the offer in Sheffield is Here , it's all C and D rated. Most of it was built in the 60s and 70s when there were no building regs for insulation.

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During my long gone working days I well recall making savings when I had a good year, some spent everything, cynic that I am I knew that there was a good chance of bad times to come. I will just grit my teeth and use my ‘bad times fund’ for what it was intended for.

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The lefties lost their s**t when Trump supports protesters broke into The Capital Building in the USA on the 6th January 2021


They've gone a bit quiet and are even justifying Extinction Rebellion breaking into our very own Houses of Parliament and gluing themselves to the  furniture


And they even support  when these protesters are smashing up property


But they're so hypercritical now they don't even trey to hide it anymore 🙄

Edited by Jack Grey
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38 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

The lefties lost their s**t when Trump supports protesters broke into The Capital Building in the USA on the 6th January 2021


They've gone a bit quiet and are even justifying Extinction Rebellion breaking into our very own Houses of Parliament and gluing themselves to the  furniture


And they even support  when these protesters are smashing up property


But they're so hypercritical now they don't even trey to hide it anymore 🙄

You are trying too hard “Jack”.


Relax a bit. Work your way into the thread. Then get your trolling in a bit more subtly.


You’ll get more bites that way.



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1 hour ago, hackey lad said:

Lot of truth in what he posted.

Because @sibon knows im right


Im sure if i could bothered to scroll through her posts id find some derogatory comments about the anti-lockdown protesters


Its because they think theyre virtuous and they are saving the world that the rules dont apply to them


But people have had enough.....even hardened liberals are distancing themselves from these hard left cry bullies

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I look back to my youth many years ago and remember we only had a coal fire in one room. Maybe a paraffin stove in another.

On a morning you had to take the ashes from under the fire out to the bin and then make the fire with paper, wood and coal, drawing it up with a sheet of paper over the back of the shovel. All this in the freezing cold and wearing an overcoat often.

We had sheets, blankets and an eiderdown on the bed plus overcoats on top if it was really cold.

We had an hot water bottle in bed.

We wore warmer clothes and did not expect to go about in shorts and a T shirt.

We live in the lap of luxury now although many do not realise it.


10 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Because @sibon knows im right


Im sure if i could bothered to scroll through her posts id find some derogatory comments about the anti-lockdown protesters


Its because they think theyre virtuous and they are saving the world that the rules dont apply to them


But people have had enough.....even hardened liberals are distancing themselves from these hard left cry bullies

If they want a cause why not protest about social care for the elderly or illegal immigration or illegal drug use ?

I keep asking why Labour do not emphasise these in their manifesto but no Labour supporters on the site answer..

Edited by harvey19
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4 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

The lefties lost their s**t when Trump supports protesters broke into The Capital Building in the USA on the 6th January 2021


They've gone a bit quiet and are even justifying Extinction Rebellion breaking into our very own Houses of Parliament and gluing themselves to the  furniture


And they even support  when these protesters are smashing up property


But they're so hypercritical now they don't even trey to hide it anymore 🙄

They were on a guided tour you silly sausage.

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