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Nice Italian Restaurants


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I have tried two Italians in London Road,Rossis which was very sad,overpriced and the food wasnt up to much,given the bill which was wrong twice and heard alot of grumbles from other people at the bar,the deco and some student on the door acting as a door man was amusing:hihi:...spose thats what you are paying for and La Romantica which was worse and an embarsement to Italian food,the restaurant seems to be stuck in a time warp probally 1979heres an example of the service....my other half had the vege spaghetti which was red hot (strange for italian food) which literally burnt our mouth and when she complained politely to the waitress she turned around and said that we will not be charged for the uneatable dish and we wouldnt be able to come back to the restaurant i enquired if she was the manager she said no so i asked to see him and he was to busy cooking.....how these places get away with crap is beyond me......best Italian i have been to was Ferdinandos opposite the Norton.....

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best Italian i have been to was Ferdinandos opposite the Norton.....


It's cosy, friendly, authentic and the food is good.


Ferdinando is indeed a great chef/restauranteur and is one of life's colourful characters.


Ferd - if you're reading, I hope you're well.




Pietro la vache x

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God knows how they won that, probably because they are expensive and pretentious, was the paper the Observer by any chance ?


Agree 100% with the above, very very pretentious place.


I went with a few business collegues and we left a hefty tip as the bill was nearly £300, however as we we about to leave they decided that we hadn't been charged for a coffee. So they wanted us to pay for a coffee (about £3) I told them to take it out of the tip we had left, oh and whilst you are at it give us the tip back.


Suprise suprise they dissappeard into the kitchen not to be seen again.


Now for the price of a coffee they have lost a lot of business, as I will never ever recommend nor go back there again, Oh and if you are silly enough to go there, wear a spangly top, and too much make up they will be all over you like a rash. seem to like the dore n totley crowd in there.

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