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Are People Really This Stupid These Days?

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46 minutes ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

Just to go off on one for a moment...
... I wonder if it's a bit like footy referees and VAR?

We all have an opinion, like a footy referee makes a decision.

We then have a look on the interwebs searching for confirmation or to reinforce our opinion, like a footy referee consults VAR.

The difference here is that the interwebs has loads of different possible suggestions, so it's more than likely you'll find someone who agrees with you (right or wrong), and so it's less likely that you'll change your opinion...
... whereas VAR records only what ACTUALLY happened, and so (in theory) the referee's opinion SHOULD be able to be proved to be right or wrong.

But even when there's only one version of events, sometimes the incorrect decisions are still made! :roll:

The referee's decision matters because they've been given authority during the game, and if the referee is honest, then the VAR is a tool to help them make a good judgement.


That's quite different from latching onto an opinion and then searching for an authority, a bully, or a mob, to back you up.


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3 hours ago, HumbleNarrator said:

California teacher exposes woke agenda. https://youtu.be/gEiIbHirqZU


Right across the US parents complain at school board meetings about woke agenda's being pushed on their kids - fill your boots with this lot. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=us+parents+school+board


There is nothing remotely radical left in the curriculum content discussed in the first clip.


To recap: you attributed supposedly woeful education standards in the US (based on one YouTube video) to the 'radical left' 'taking over the education system' in what turns out to be two of 50 states , the evidence for which is the actions of a handful of individual teachers out of thousands, and a curriculum in Santa Barbara that aims to be inclusive in modern day, diverse America. You idiot. You obsessive moron. You get your 'news' from Fox and YouTube, and as long as it's saying what you already think, then you just lap it up. How many hours a day do you spend lapping up this bôllocks? You've lost your mind.

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Guest makapaka
On 10/09/2022 at 17:53, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

Just following on from a post that I made yesterday on the Coronavirus thread about how stupid some people seem to be that they'll believe anything they see on the interwebs, and a reply from Rev Sibon ;) suggesting that no-one reads books anymore...

... I've just stumbled across this video.

Prepare to watch and weep folks! :roll:



They are obviously thick - but I imagine if they showed everyone they asked theyd be in the minority.


just click bait isn’t it - internet wants turning off - will be end of us all.

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On 10/09/2022 at 18:55, The_DADDY said:


Looks like the 'education system' is working as intended. This generation has to be the Thickest in history.

This generation?


I remember 40 years ago some young 'uns at work  would use a calculator to multiply by ten.  About the same time digital watches became widespread so if you asked somebody the time they'd say (for example) "11:29" rather than "about half eleven".

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13 hours ago, El Cid said:

I have never used MSM so I don't know what it is, but it sounds like YouTube, full of opinions. I am sure some opinions are good, but how do ordinary people know who the charlatans are?

MSM stands for 'Main Stream Media' in other words TV, Radio and Newspapers etc, actually the opposite to the websites etc that you find on the internet. So we are all usually influenced by main stream media all the time, and regard it as Kosher.


But is it....? 

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4 hours ago, Anna B said:

MSM stands for 'Main Stream Media' in other words TV, Radio and Newspapers etc, actually the opposite to the websites etc that you find on the internet. So we are all usually influenced by main stream media all the time, and regard it as Kosher.


But is it....? 

Technology and usage patterns has made your definition redundant.

There are far more users of Newspaper websites than readers of actual newspapers.

The majority TV news programmes are accessed through the internet and increasingly though their web site.


The original definitions still stand. These focus on the Left (originally) and the Right in politics feeling that their views are  ignored/misinterpreted/swamped/underreported etc. and distrusting the power of establishment.  While age, ethnicity, religion, nationalism etc.,  became increasingly more difficult for the Mass Media to deal with. Mergers and State based media has led to bigger organizations which were subject to increasing legal responsibilities, in particular in the USA. There, local TV and Radio has always had a much bigger audience with far greater competition and dependence on creating and retaining a target audience. Political advertising, controversial arguments and 'shock jockeys' were ways of increasing their profitability. The internet has made broadcasting by any minority far easier.

The amount of material created daily for this audience is huge and there is a constant battle between the boring but accountable MSM outlets and the myriad of little independents.  

This financial model was so successful in the US that it was copied by one of the biggest MSM groups-Fox. Why does it not work here?





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