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Who Is Poor?

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2 hours ago, fools said:

Someone said something, so what, are we supposed to be impressed by a nameless someone espousing their view?


Government debt is about to go over 2.5 trillion, is that not enough lefty spending for you? Shall we bump it up some more?


Inflation well into double digits, house prices are silly, as a result of profligate spending, devaluation, stupidly low interest rates, and inept oversight (outsourced by Brown). Highest tax rates most of us can remember. All lefty policies.


Millions getting into debt doing pointless degrees, a Labour wheeze to massage the unemployment figures. Taxpayer will end up picking up the tab.


Four star hotels, block booked for migrants.


Blair left office with people unable to get a GP appointment, there's a Question time on youtube with the audience ripping him apart over it if you forget. Who was it who gave them a massive pay rise and let them have the weekends off? A decision with consequences. The Tories don't run the NHS, they fund it, with our money.


You have purposely not answered whether Boris and his government are socialists and you are still pretending, as Tories do, that only Labour runs up debts.

Like Boris, you can claim that black is white and the only truth is Tory lies but, the situation is too far gone and we already know that Truss cannot put it right as she is starting with the opposite of what is needed.

All those things you have catalogued are the result of 12 years of Tory rule with the usual wrong priorities and massive amounts of money lost or generally wasted.

What kind of idiot can blame Blair when they have had12 years to improve things and everything is worse than when they took power.

I suggest you read what you yourself have written above because your Tory friends have just done EVERY ONE  of the things you have listed and brought the country to a worst state than it's been in in 77 years.

With the crazy statements you have made above, it's not surprising that you get your political information from YouTube. 

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2 hours ago, fools said:


Controlling public spending is something a Conservative government is expected to do, they haven't, they've continued socialist policies, which is why inflation is ripping into everything you earn or own.

So you finally admit that your precious Tory friends have caused the biggest botch up of public finance ever known.

Glad we have that down in writing before the guys in white come for you.

I'm afraid that even as a Tory defender, you are not fit for purpose.

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55 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

So you finally admit that your precious Tory friends have caused the biggest botch up of public finance ever known.

Glad we have that down in writing before the guys in white come for you.

I'm afraid that even as a Tory defender, you are not fit for purpose.

I have purposely done something have I, that's a good mind reading trick. Tory Defender of my Tory mates am I? Idiot am I. Still pretending am I. Crazy too. Get my information from youtube do I?  If you are not aware, Question Time is a BBC programme, that's been on air for 40 years


I did half a dozen paragraphs slagging off the Tories, and you think I'm a Tory defender, and think it necessary to point out some imaginary hypocrisy.


It's quite amazing how none of you apparently are able to understand some basic English, minds so riddled with dogma, you wash over the meaning of anything posted that vaguely has a dig at your political principles, and instead implant your own meaning with liberally scattered insults for good measure.


As I said earlier, Socialists don't seem to have any understanding of how the world works, or nuance, perhaps you all fell off your bikes once too many times in childhood. I've never watched it, but Yes Minister might give you an insight, and an idea why you still can't get a GP appointment and it's unlikely to ever get better. Blair didn't even know it was a problem apparently - the NHS redecorated whenever he turned up.









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1 hour ago, fools said:

I have purposely done something have I, that's a good mind reading trick. Tory Defender of my Tory mates am I? Idiot am I. Still pretending am I. Crazy too. Get my information from youtube do I?  If you are not aware, Question Time is a BBC programme, that's been on air for 40 years


I did half a dozen paragraphs slagging off the Tories, and you think I'm a Tory defender, and think it necessary to point out some imaginary hypocrisy.


It's quite amazing how none of you apparently are able to understand some basic English, minds so riddled with dogma, you wash over the meaning of anything posted that vaguely has a dig at your political principles, and instead implant your own meaning with liberally scattered insults for good measure.


As I said earlier, Socialists don't seem to have any understanding of how the world works, or nuance, perhaps you all fell off your bikes once too many times in childhood. I've never watched it, but Yes Minister might give you an insight, and an idea why you still can't get a GP appointment and it's unlikely to ever get better. Blair didn't even know it was a problem apparently - the NHS redecorated whenever he turned up.


I don't know where to start really because that was like a rant from Basil Fawlty.

You were the one talking about You Tube and I NEVER, EVER, watch politics on You Tube - that's reserved for funny cats & dogs.

I certainly understand English but I'm afraid  yours doesn't make enough sense to me because you keep swapping what you are talking about for something else.

You would find it hard to have a dig at my political principles because you don't know what they are.  There is, at this time,  no party in this country which I support.

That doesn't stop me realising how absolutely useless the Tory party is and,  you keep insisting on defending them although you do keep changing tack every 30 seconds.

You also have this strange obsession with calling out Blair who went a long long time ago so I'm not sure whether you are in time travel mode.

I don't actually mind if you want to diss Blair though as he's the worst thing that ever happened to the Labour party and I would have him tried for war crimes in an illegal war.

I also have never watched Yes Minister and never needed to because  we can always laugh at the real things being stupid in Westminster.

Unfortunately, we seem to be overburdened with fools on this forum too.

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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

You also have this strange obsession with calling out Blair who went a long long time ago so I'm not sure whether you are in time travel mode.


I referred to a bbc question time appearance from many years ago, which if you wanted to watch it for context now, is still available on a well known streaming site and video repositary called youtube. That doesn't mean YT is my source for politics, but so what if it is. I watched it on the telly at time, it was big news.


There is no blair obsession, it was simply an example with evidence that the nhs was **** after 13 years under a labour government too. Nothing changes, it's not politicians who run the nhs. I'm quite surprised the left wingers don't understand this.


There's no changing tack, In response to your odd assertion that we have the most right wing government in a century, I gave a few examples of socialist policies implemented by a conservative government. ie, high tax, high spend, high debt, redistribution of wealth, punishing thrift and hard work, ineptitude, waste, paying millions and millions of people to stay at home etc. We are in a similar state to 1979 now.


You clearly don't know what mine are either, I've given you enough clues though.


Nowhere have I defended the tory party, nowhere. it's all in your head.



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I've just googled 'child poverty' 

According to this, there are 4.3 UK children living in poverty.  That's 30% or 9 kids in every class of 30.


I also saw Simon Reeve doing a documentary on California. He said there were 'hundreds of thousands' of homeless people in Los Angeles (17%) living in the sewers, in cars  and under bridges in one of the richest countries in the world. He interviewed quite a few.

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11 hours ago, fools said:



It's quite amazing how none of you apparently are able to understand some basic English, minds so riddled with dogma, you wash over the meaning of anything posted that vaguely has a dig at your political principles, and instead implant your own meaning with liberally scattered insults for good measure.










To be totally fair, you have been using a very basic form of the English language. The paragraph above is a good example.


As ever, you are barking up the wrong tree. We’ve had 12 years of Tory rule. They’ve tried every trick in the book to transfer wealth from ordinary people to the wealthy. That is the problem.  We have loads of people with insufficient income to be able to make much discretionary spending. Meanwhile we have more millionaires and billionaires than before. We really do need some redistribution of wealth, if only to help people to pay the gas bill.


I agree with you about some of the issues by the way. The property market is totally broken and needs fixing. That involves allowing prices to fall, rather than desperately announcing initiatives to prop it up.


The energy market is broken too. I don’t think that throwing £100bn of public money at households is the way to fix it. There are ways to do it that don’t involve passing the bill on to the next generation.


The rest of your waffle is a bit odd. I’m sure when you read it back, you’ll be able to see why it got the reaction that it did.


By the way, Blair has gone.

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11 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

You have purposely not answered whether Boris and his government are socialists and you are still pretending, as Tories do, that only Labour runs up debts.

Like Boris, you can claim that black is white and the only truth is Tory lies but, the situation is too far gone and we already know that Truss cannot put it right as she is starting with the opposite of what is needed.

All those things you have catalogued are the result of 12 years of Tory rule with the usual wrong priorities and massive amounts of money lost or generally wasted.

What kind of idiot can blame Blair when they have had12 years to improve things and everything is worse than when they took power.

I suggest you read what you yourself have written above because your Tory friends have just done EVERY ONE  of the things you have listed and brought the country to a worst state than it's been in in 77 years.

With the crazy statements you have made above, it's not surprising that you get your political information from YouTube. 

Labels!  :)


There's no government, whatever they choose to call themselves, that would ever get elected by advocating ending Welfare State Britain.


It's not about whether spending and borrowing will lead to ruin, only the matter of who, and what, to spend the money  on!  :)


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47 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Labels!  :)


There's no government, whatever they choose to call themselves, that would ever get elected by advocating ending Welfare State Britain.


It's not about whether spending and borrowing will lead to ruin, only the matter of who, and what, to spend the money  on!  :)


The Victorians had a classification of The Deserving and The Not Deserving.

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28 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

The Victorians had a classification of The Deserving and The Not Deserving.

A country needs to be productive and prosperous to afford the luxury of a generous safety net. And money for such niceties as environmental mitigation.


The producers, need to be encouraged, not villified.


If you treat the cow badly, no milk.


Kill the golden goose, no golden eggs.


Human nature!


And of course, basic animal and farming husbandry.





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