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Sheffield Least Aesthetic City In Uk


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"The Yorkshire city of Sheffield is up next, scoring a meagre 2.21/10 for its aesthetics. It ranks in the bottom ten for two factors: interior designers and architects per 100,000 people. It also has one of the lowest proportions of listed buildings and monuments, ranking third to last."


Can this be true? Planners are constantly telling us what an amazing planned friendly 'outdoor  city we have and the new architecture is world leading...


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A city that was built up rapidly in the 19th century around the industrialisation of steel manufacturing and was famously described in the late 1930s as one of the ugliest places he'd seen by George Orwell, a place of slum housing and a "...landscape of monstrous chimneys pouring forth smoke which is sometimes black and sometimes of a rosy tint said to be due to sulphur",  where buildings were blackened by soot within a year of being built... a description that which only really stopped being true  about 30 years ago...  and which also famously had a large proportion of the older original city centre buildings bombed into rubble or burned down by the Luftwaffe and then replaced in the 1950s/1960s with brutalist architecture has the "one of the lowest proportion of listed buildings and monuments"? and isn't aesthetically pleasing to look at?


Well I'm shocked.

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I know everyone - especially those who live here - loves to find the 'bad' things about our city, but the criteria chosen by the 'survey' are really, really subjective and should be taken with a very large pinch of salt.


Okay, I agree that many of the recent developments look somewhat ugly, but that is unfortunately modern 'architecture', and can be found all over the country  - I've seen it in many towns and cities I have visited, and it won't improve until architects realise that square concrete boxes look ugly.

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20 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

I know everyone - especially those who live here - loves to find the 'bad' things about our city, but the criteria chosen by the 'survey' are really, really subjective and should be taken with a very large pinch of salt.


Okay, I agree that many of the recent developments look somewhat ugly, but that is unfortunately modern 'architecture', and can be found all over the country  - I've seen it in many towns and cities I have visited, and it won't improve until architects realise that square concrete boxes look ugly.

It's complete and utter clickbait horsesh*t paid for by sponsors and reliant on - as you say - rather bizarre criteria.


Great copy for lazy journalists.


If I read on article about it correctly they had Durham I think it was as least aesthetic? Durham.

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6 hours ago, 26b-6 said:



"The Yorkshire city of Sheffield is up next, scoring a meagre 2.21/10 for its aesthetics. It ranks in the bottom ten for two factors: interior designers and architects per 100,000 people. It also has one of the lowest proportions of listed buildings and monuments, ranking third to last."


Can this be true? Planners are constantly telling us what an amazing planned friendly 'outdoor  city we have and the new architecture is world leading...


That's utterly meaningless,


So what if it doesn't have many interior designers or architects per 100,000 people?

Firstly do interior designers or architects only work in their own city in which they live?

Being an interior designer or architect isn't a guarantee  that they will create something beautiful, or even functional.


Sheffield does have a lot of beautiful buildings, and it also has some beautiful outdoor spaces - no architect or interior designer could ever create something as beautiful as the Peak District.


I hate these articles. The people who create them just display their own ignorance, and sadly because someone's written it, others take what it says as gospel.


It's like when Hull was named the worst place to live by Phil and Kirsty of Location, Location, Location. I know Hull, it's a great place. Granted, it doesn't have loads of people fretting that they only have £500,000 to buy a house, and  need somewhere suitably upper middle class where they can go and have supper with other upper middle class people to moan about the locals.

Edited by Mister M
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