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What Exactly Does 'Woke' Mean?

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Regardless of what they might like to claim, "Wokists" give the impression most of them are extremely immature ( to the point of being very childish), emotionally unstable & only too happy to be extremely manipulative by deliberately engaging in emotional warfare, ETC.

But then when corrupt politicians deliberately set up the conventional education system in order to have us "dumbed down", as the last thing they want is to be continually challenged by an intelligent population! What else do you expect?

 For those who have yet to work it out, this is a main weapon of our present version of the MATRIX ( from Pt. 1 of the sci fi film series of that name ) - The other weapon they use is when THE child psychologist ALICE MILLER wrote to all heads of state in the world, explaining the reason as to why the human condition is so TOXIC i.e.  (because kids are born to be DEMOCRATIC, but over controlling parents would rather abuse them! - Which is why 90% of us are dysfunctional ! ) They all ( e g Tony Blair , George Bush & including the Pope  ) chose to ignore her. Clearly the reason for that is because they all benefited from maintaining the status quo @ our expense !




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Woke is a nothing but state of mind which allows for social virtue signalling, in order to feel good about one's self and the personal choices one makes, along with others of like mind.


It allows one to villify Big Oil, while filling their petrol tanks, villifying Big Pharma, while being dependent on their life saving pills, villifying International Corporations while shopping at ARDA and Tesco.


Complaining about human rights and equal pay, while filling your home and closets with everything "Made in China.  and wearing a mask, until some politician (looking at his election chances) decides it's not really necessary.


It's all about feeling good and being "safe" and unchallenged,  in the company of the like minded.

Edited by trastrick
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7 hours ago, Jomie said:

Anti Social BBC Radio 4. The origin and meaning of the word is described early on in the programme. It originated in the USA.

Thanks, that's helpful. It does seem to have morphed into a lazy label for anything a conservative/racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic person doesn't like, from its original meaning.

5 hours ago, ads36 said:

aware of social injustice.


(aware, awake, woke)

That does seem to be the origin of it. Being aware of social injustice is... good though, right? Unless I missed a memo. Maybe someone who is 'anti-woke' can explain why it's a bad thing.

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19 minutes ago, Delbow said:

Thanks, that's helpful. It does seem to have morphed into a lazy label for anything a conservative/racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic person doesn't like, from its original meaning.

That does seem to be the origin of it. Being aware of social injustice is... good though, right? Unless I missed a memo. Maybe someone who is 'anti-woke' can explain why it's a bad thing.

And things like 'gammon'/racist/-phobic are lazy labels thrown about by the Left towards anyone critical of certain agendas being pushed.


The modern Leftist, whom people would mainly class as the wokey types, only have two settings: you're either Left or you're 'literally Hitler' with very little, if any, room for enything in between.


You should be able to agree with an agenda and be critical of how it's being pushed and supported without being called slurs... but that's not allowed in the mind of the average SJW.

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7 minutes ago, leviathan13 said:

And things like 'gammon'/racist/-phobic are lazy labels thrown about by the Left towards anyone critical of certain agendas being pushed.


The modern Leftist, whom people would mainly class as the wokey types, only have two settings: you're either Left or you're 'literally Hitler' with very little, if any, room for enything in between.


You should be able to agree with an agenda and be critical of how it's being pushed and supported without being called slurs... but that's not allowed in the mind of the average SJW.

This is satirical, isn’t it?

Edited by sibon
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12 minutes ago, leviathan13 said:



The modern Leftist, whom people would mainly class as the wokey types, only have two settings: you're either Left or you're 'literally Hitler' with very little, if any, room for enything in between.


You should be able to agree with an agenda and be critical of how it's being pushed and supported without being called slurs... but that's not allowed in the mind of the average SJW.

I'm gonna say that's a massive over-generalisation 

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1 hour ago, Delbow said:

Thanks, that's helpful. It does seem to have morphed into a lazy label for anything a conservative/racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic person doesn't like, from its original meaning.


That does seem to be the origin of it. Being aware of social injustice is... good though, right? Unless I missed a memo. Maybe someone who is 'anti-woke' can explain why it's a bad thing.

I wouldn’t assume people who don’t like the woke brigade are conservative, sexist, homophobic etc.


My perception of woke people, well, a large part of it, is they have a particular political agenda, and they’re quite happy and willing to distort and misrepresent and ignore facts and truth; whatever it takes to push their agenda forward, they feel is justified.


Not liking that kind of thing, doesn’t make you conservative, sexist, racist, or whatever.


Nothing wrong with being aware of social injustice, so long as it’s something you’ve deeply and fairly considered all the ins and outs of; rather than something you’ve approached in a partial cherry-picking kind of way.


It’s the agenda at all costs and intellectual dishonesty, that’s the issue.

Edited by Waldo
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