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What Exactly Does 'Woke' Mean?

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26 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I wanted to make sure I wasn't dissing anyone by excluding them if I ever use the LGBTQ+ acronym, even though it's long enough to be a bit of a mouthful already, so I checked up.

And I have been inexcusably excluding people.

It's now LGBTQI+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transvestite, Queer, Interstate, and I think the "+" means anyone else not covered by the foregoing letters).

Right, I'm pleased to have clarified that.


Then Google popped up "LGBTQIA+", Apparently the "A" stands for "asexual". And we wouldn't want to leave them out, after all I am sure they have a very important niche in our rainbow world.


Can we run a sweepstake ?

How long will the LGBTQIA+ acronym be in 5 years time ?

And what letter(s) will they add to it ?

Any takers (I mean bids on, nothing more....) for "S" for swingers ?


It'll certainly more than a mouthful (except to the "A"s).

I hear some universities in America have started adding an 'M' for 'Maps' 🤮

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9 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

>>Chekhov said :

Then Google popped up "LGBTQIA+", Apparently the "A" stands for "asexual". And we wouldn't want to leave them out, after all I am sure they have a very important niche in our rainbow world.<<


I hear some universities in America have started adding an 'M' for 'Maps' 🤮

Personally I think it would have been much nicer to add an "R" instead of an "A" : R for I'd Rather have a cup of tea.


The whole thing is ludicrous really. I was motivated to research this when LGBTQI+ was used by the Beeb and I thought what the hell does "I" stand for ? And why have they added it when, I thought, the "+" was in there for "anything else" in the atypical sexual proclivities area.

But the Beeb, and our crazy modern world generally, must have concluded we must include everyone, or someone might get upset. The modern disease, "nobody must get upset", no matter how much it costs, how many regulations are added or stuff banned, or how awkward it makes language, because LGBTQI+ is seven syllables. LGBTQIA+ is eight syllables, EIGHT !

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I believe it's a term used for folk who like to take the higher ground, it makes them feel better about themselves, obviously for some inner guilt they have for doing or saying something really bad in their past.


If it makes them feel better then I can't see the harm at all.



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Nothing sums up the idiocy of some people who are so swivel eyed, they see woke in the most unsuspecting of places:


The most famous music cover art has drawn fire from conservatives who mistook Pink Floyd's Dark side of the Moon 50th anniversary logo for a 'woke' LGBT supporting rainbow:


Pink Floyd fans hit back at criticisism of "woke" 'Dark Side Of The Moon'  rainbow logo





Pink Floyd fans mock criticism of 'woke' Dark Side Of The Moon logo |  JOE.co.uk



One stated: "No librul [sic] agenda for me today. Thanks, Pink. Fan for 63 years and never listening again. I miss when the songs were about cats and gnomes! Bring back syd, hed never stand for this left wing nonsense."

"Lose the rainbow, you’re making yourself look stupid!" writes another




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