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Defending Yourself.

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As the law is so stupid and rarely on the side of the innocent, and you have to defend your family in a perilous situation, YOU MAKE YOUR OWN LAWS AS YOU GO ALONG.

My interpretation.

It's clear from the answers in this thread that everyone thinks alike and, that the law is indeed, still an ass.

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2 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Putting 'day dreaming' and Hollywood make believe aside and being real.

1- don't tell people as it someone listening might think it's a worthwhile punt.

2- don't tell people before or after as you leave yourself open to more serious charges.

3- plan ahead and decide what is best for your situation.

4- defence is always more successful than offence.

5- think why is your property worth the risk to the attacker.

6- think entry points, early warning, distraction, help, first defence line, second defence line, safe zones.

7- weapon in the hands of old men are the most dangerous option and it proves you had no plan and no defence and they are all too often used against them.






Lots to think about there before you confront that thug wandering around your bedrooms. :)


Consider where you are, and the political climate, because if you are white and shoot a visible minority, you might have to face an angry mob, then face hate crime charges. It's not enough to take him at his word that if you resist he'll kill you. He's actually got to start to kill you!


In law, even a serial criminal has rights, not to be shot while he's doing nasty things to your wife and kids.


It will be YOUR name in the papers for years, while nobody remembers the perp.  :)


Edited by trastrick
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It seems footballers are now rich pickings for these violent gangs


Some have been tied up and robbed with even a threat of raping their wife used as a threat.....how terrifying


I bet home invaders think twice in America because you have the right to own a gun and protect your family

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18 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Lots to think about there before you confront that thug wandering around your bedrooms. :)


Consider where you are, and the political climate, because if you are white and shoot a visible minority, you might have to face an angry mob, then face hate crime charges. It's not enough to take him at his word that if you resist he'll kill you. He's actually got to start to kill you!


In law, even a serial criminal has rights, not to be shot while he's doing nasty things to your wife and kids.


It will be YOUR name in the papers for years, while nobody remembers the perp.  :)


I have absolutely no idea what any of this political nonsense has to do with an attack by intruders*.


In situations like this, the brain does not 'think', it acts.

If you have not or are not prepared, then it is very likely the brain will make a bad judgement. 

Again defence is a much more likely to have the desired outcome than offence.

* Always assume there are several intruders and forget the 'what ifs' as you brain will be fogged by adrenaline. Do what you planned.

It is the same kind of thinking process in your plan in the case of a fire at your home.


Several posters on here exhibit a desire for an outcome that typifies old men who have spent far too much time watching fiction, where revenge for the hurt caused to their pride is the most important reaction rather than ensuring the safety of others.

Offence can only be conducted against one target at a time, whereas defence can be aimed at several intruders.


There is nothing predators would like more than the defender of its prey to attack thus leaving the prey to be attacked by others.

An elephant will not attack a lion, it will summon help at the same time as moving its young to the best defensive position available. Only when help arrives will the elephant attack at which point the lion will move onto an easier target


Neither the Jury or the Judge want to find you guilty of anything that happened to the intruders, so don't act the hero, be the petrified, blame the shock, the adrenaline, your fear and your instinct and your memory loss for the the injuries they sustained.  The plan will protect your family, the lack of one will protect you from jail.


DON'T leave your car keys in the bedroom or upstairs.


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37 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

have absolutely no idea what any of this political nonsense has to do with an attack by intruders*.

I have absolutely no idea why this jungle zoology nonsense has anything to do with an attack by intruders in your home.  :)


But that's a long list of do's and don'ts, for a family about to go to bed!


When a political solution, like severe penalties, and served in full,  would have a major impact on the crime wave. Capital punishment for murder. Life for rape, sexual abuse of minors.


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45 minutes ago, Waldo said:

I think if we had US style right to own a firearm and use it to defend yourself; we’d also get US style gun crime, murder rates, and mass shootings.


Would it be worth it?

America has a different culture to ours. It was founded at the end of a gun barrel and firearms have been ingrained ever since. I doubt any president would be brave enough to try and take them away 

Here in the UK most were happy to surrender their guns when told to.

As I say, different cultures


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3 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

America has a different culture to ours. It was founded at the end of a gun barrel and firearms have been ingrained ever since. I doubt any president would be brave enough to try and take them away 

Here in the UK most were happy to surrender their guns when told to.

As I say, different cultures


It started with the folks who tamed the west and built their own cabins. Their home was their castle.


A bit different if you live in a council flat!  :)


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33 minutes ago, trastrick said:

It started with the folks who tamed the west and built their own cabins. Their home was their castle.


A bit different if you live in a council flat!  :)


Merging the stories of Old West and the Homestead Act have indeed created a very powerful  myth, but I suppose all countries have a need to create their equivalent of the Round Table.

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As I understand it the law says that the best form of defence is to step away or run if necessary.

There's often more than one intruder and what's the point of being a dead hero. If you do use force it has to be proportionate to the situation.


We had an incident last year in the next village to ours where a gang of 3 criminals broke into a house in the middle of the night and threatened the husband who was at the top of the stairs to hand over the keys to his new expensive high-powered car. He did the sensible thing, told them where the keys were, rang the police and got his family out of an upstairs window onto a flat roof.

The thieves made off with the car but were apprehended before they could disappear into the ether.

I'm pleased that my 11 year old jalopy on the drive is probably at the bottom of the criminals' list of desirable motors.


As for adopting a gun culture like they have in the States, no way. There would be no more 'Avon calling' ladies left to ring my bell and supply my wife's cosmetics!



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